急需大量的赚钱方式英语 急需挣钱有什么方法


4 学习英语要善于利用零碎时work hard 努力工作间。


try(one's) best to earn money 努力挣钱

1:make money

急需大量的赚钱方式英语 急需挣钱有什么方法急需大量的赚钱方式英语 急需挣钱有什么方法

急需大量的赚钱方式英语 急需挣钱有什么方法

急需大量的赚钱方式英语 急需挣钱有什么方法

2:invent a new product

3:What's the pr of the car?

How much is the car?

4:Provide us some food

Supply us with some food

5:on business

6:There is an anouncement on the wall

7:I not him enteringthe classroom/leing school

8:I not the boy iling

9:hold a meeting

10:for example

12:He paid 50000 for that house

13:He had to pay for that house

15:succeed in

17:The girl spent one dollar on that four biscuits

The four biscuits cost the girl one dollar

The girl paid one dollar for that four biscuits

18:serving time

19:during breakfast/lunch time

20:a bill of two dollars

21:pass the final exam

22:I'm afraid I cann't afford that house ,it's too expensive

24;What is the pr of the book?

25:rent a house

26:a primary school

an elementary school

27 :two magnizes

28:junior /senior school

29 :quiet a fat/thin boy

30:in order to sell more pies

house of mine

32:the owner of the house

33:the aertisement of the new product

34:My pie is in a shape of heart

1. make money

2. invent a new product

3.how much is this car?/ how much does your car cost? - 20 million yuan.

4 give us some food /give some food to us

5.be on a business trip

6.there is a not on the wall

7.I notd he entered the classroom/left the school

8.I notd the boy illing.

9.held a meeting

10.give an example

11.set athere is a not on the wall good example

13.he he to pay for the house

15. Success in sth /doing sth

16. a successful businesan

17, the girl spend a dollar on that four biscuits./That four biscuits cost the girl a dollar./The girl pay a dollar for that four biscuits.

18.busniess time

19.on breakfast/ at lunch

20.a bill of $20

21.through the final exams

22.I'm afraid I can't afford that house .It is too expensive.

24. what's the pr of the book?/how much does this book cost?

26. a primary school /a school of primary

27. two magazines

28. Junior /senior high school

29. a really fat/thin boy

30. in order to sell more cookies

31. my own house /a house of mine

32. the owner of the house

33. a new aertising of product

34. my cookies looks like heart


2、invent a new product

3、how much is this car?/whart's the pr of the car/___200thousangd

4、pease offer us some food

5、on businuss

6、there is an annoucement on the wall

make money

Invent a new product

What is the pr of the car? how much it takes this car?

twenty thousand

Give us some food give some food to us

earn money creat a new produce

how much is this car ___two dred thousands

求一篇英语作文 主题是大学生如何正确的花钱和挣钱 在线等大神

Most people spend above their limit by using credit cards.Learn and know how to eliminate these debt pits by budgeting wisely and sticking to it.Pay on time.Pay your balance on or before they are due to oid late fees.It will also prnt the raise of your interest rates.Try pay cash instead of breaking your budget with the swipe of plastic object.

Do you hate it when yoeally need money,but your wallet is empty?Well,thanks to spending wisely and sing,this can be stopped.Here are a few tips:

23. How do you deal with the money ?/What do you do with the money?



31:my own看你是什么词性,翻译用有道词典吧,最简单word里也有翻译功能 house

v. earn good money等同于Make a lot of money

vi. profiteer

misc. make a fortune ; make a million


----- make too muc hmoney


1.all profit, large sale volume 2.spqr all profits, quick returns 3.volume large, profit all 4.all profits but quick returns; all profits and good sales 6.all profits but quick turnover 7.quick returns and all margins 8.all profits and quick returns 9.Small profits and quick turnover 其实英语翻译直译不好做的时候可以换个说法,只要是表达出意思即可,薄利多销可以说:we sell the products with low profits for big quantity.或者说 meets the end of the profits margin




produc"大突击","荒野马车","场劫案" - 在Grand Theft Auto V(GTA 5)中,无数的任务和活动向玩家们展示了一个充满挑战和机遇的开放世界。然而,对于许多玩家来说,的问题可能是如何在游戏中快速积累财富。以下是一些获取大量金钱的方法和技巧。ts

w16:a successful businesanith










11:set a good example


Part-time jobs are becoming more and more popular with college students. There are all sorts of part-time jobs ailable on and off campus, such as tutoring, sales, and food serv.

Working a part-time job can he a number of benefits. First, it can students earn extra money to pay for tuition, books, and living expenses. Second, it provides valuable work experience and skills that can students in future careers. Finally, it can also be a great way to meet new people and make friends.

Howr, working a part-time job also requires time and energy. It can be difficult to balance work and school, and students may find themselves spending less time studying or relaxing. Additionally, some part-time jobs can be stressful or demanding, which can add to a student's already busy schedule.





1、make monryearn money

one's可以替换成形容词性屋主代词 例如 my, yoI he recently had an interview about obtain-employment opinoins with some professors. Most of the students want to find a well-paid job,while part of them are looking on,waiting for good opportunities.Only a few want to start an undertaking on their own. Howr,the professors think that students shouldn't wait.Instead,they should find a job as soon as sible so that they can accumulate experience and earn money.Also,the working situation may be more serious next yearur, our 等

work hard, and make more money.

Work hard for money!

work hard and make money hard




I want to be a worker学习要主动,不用别人督促。, because it is easy and profitable.

英语学5 要着意“卖弄”。习的方法。

1 学习英语的首要理念:要努力去了解“是什么”,而尽量少去了解“为什么”。

因为英语是语言,很多语汇和句型的用法没有道理可讲,没有“为什么”可言,人们就是这样用的,就是这样说的,记住就好。当然了,仔细分析起来或许可以找到语法上的解释。婴儿时期,我们学说话的时候,从来没有问过“为什么会这么说” 吧,但是为什么后来会说的这么好?因为我们听的多,说的多,自然就记在脑子里了。

2 学习英语的方法:背诵课文。



3 学习英语需要多种形式的神经。






Every one of us, as a member of our school, is a part of the whole, and soming should be called upon to make our school a better place with more beautiful sceneries, enhanced study atmosphere, better-maintained facilities, and greater caring environment. As to a student, study should come first and that explains why an enhanced atmosphere has become critically essential. What should be done first is to encourage students to organize their study groups so that those doing well in their studies can he the chance to those in need ing themselves. While most of the students put their scores of exams in the first place, it is more important to let them know how to care others as well as themselves, not only in their studies, but also in other aspects of their life; after all, students are human beings born with flesh and blood rather than examination machines made of iron and steel. It is the caring environment that encourages students to take better care of class facilities such as desks, blackboards, comrs and so on; it is the caring environment that nurtures a wonderful campus with greater ocean of flowers and trees, soul-touching songs from birds, and crystal-like river beneath the romantic bridges. We firmly beli that harder as we try, 25. rented a roomthat day will soon arrive, and most importantly the future is now.


Overall, while there are both benefits and drawbacks to working a part-time job while in college, many students find that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

1. 自媒体:通过创作和分享内容实现变现,如博客、微信公众号、知乎、等。2. 电商平台:通过在淘宝、京东、拼多多等电商平台上开店或做,实现产品销售和推广,获取收益。3. 网上问卷调查:参与在线问卷调查,提供体验或意见,赚取一定的报酬。4. 在线教育:将自己的专业知识分享给需要的人,成为线上教师,如在线辅导、课程销售等。5. 众筹:通过向公众募集资金实现项目启动和运营,获得支持者的资金或商品支持。6. 网络游戏:通过在网上游戏中获得虚拟物品、虚拟货等转化为真实货。7. 在线平台:成为某些在线平台的,平台上的产品或服务,获得佣金或分红。8. 在线投资:通过投资有信誉度的在线平台的理财产品、债券等,获得一定的收益。

provid some food be on a business trip
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