

Either e in or go out.




really? 或 are your sure?



其次,翻译英语的收费水平相对较高。由于翻译英语需要具备较高的英语语言水平和专业知识,因此相较于一般翻译工作,翻译英语的收费标准相对较高。根据翻译行业协会的数据,按字计算,翻译英我们村没有一亩荒废的土地。Nota singlemuofland is left uncultivated in ourvillage.《新英汉大辞典》语平均收费标准为每英镑0.06-0.15英镑,而按小时计算,则平均为25-70英镑。





Get your cellpone charged




如果是问对方在不在线,可以说,are you on line?

如果是问对方在不在家,可以说,are you in?



Are you clear?


Am i right是正解。因为right是形容词,形容词前面需要用be动词。

而后面的句子am i read it right?中含有两个动词,一个是be动词am,另一个是动词read,这个是违背语法的。因为一个简单的句子中只能有一个动词(动词be也算一个动词)。如果一定要在一个句子中有两个动词,那么其中一个动词需要用to do或者doing的形式,后者在句子中增加that,where,when等。


要么 要么用英语怎么说

要么: [ yào me ]

1. (conj) either X or Y (used when given a cho between two things)


1. 要么进来,要么出去。

2. 迪克要么刻苦学习,要么根本不学,从不走中间路线。

Dick either studies very hard or not at all, nr anythi弧g in between.

3. 你要么自己来,要么就托人办理这件事。

Either you e in person, or you entrust someone with the matter.


Is this the one?

~~~~回答简明扼要,欢迎追问。(^__^) ~~~~


Do you understand?你懂了吗?Do you know?你知道吗?



1. Understood?对于不同的人都有着不同的意思! (或者Is it understood?) 必须是understood.

3. Do I make myself clear?



1,Do you understand?

2.Can yoeak my mind?

3.Do you know?

4.Do you got it?


You know , they weren ' t trying to hustle anybody.




什么是成功?;What is the definition of success?

问题二:130亩用英语怎么表达? 可以说为130mu

I supe different people might define it in various ways


and success is to get rybody known you for an actor!

但是,对于我来说这些都It is still profitable (he profiit which is just a little bit less than salary paid off )不是最重要的

Howr, all of these are not important to me


and what stresses me is the efforts behind being successful.



One can only he a sense of success when he/she has such feeling!

就像我们学习Studying for example


Studying for example, you put all your efforts for the pure of getting a better results and you will feel the sense of success once progress is made and the hardship will no longer be there.



success does not merely means the point of time you are successful. More importantly, it is more about if you he tried failure and had a feeling of it!


What is succeeds? Has the different meaning regarding the different people! Regarding a boss, the success is can make money; Regarding an actor, the success is can let each people know him! But, regarding my these is not most important, more importantly you he paid how many behind the success! You paid he been more, when you succeeded that moment, you were more excited! Right, often pays in you in the process, you will also feel the defeat, the setback will also he the feeling which wants to give up! But is because had these to feel that you could feel the successful feeling! Looks like us to study: Yoy day study ditly, when you attain the result the time, you will feel the success, you thought that anything laborious also will be again worth! The summary: Not only succeeds that moment, do you he more importantly attempt and undergo a defeat!

What is success?To different people it has different meaning.To a boss,success is that he(she) can make money,and to a actor,success is to make he(she) known by ryone!Howr,all of these are not the most important to me,the important thing is that how much you he paid for success!The more you paid,the happier you will feel at the moment you succeed!Right!You will meet with the feeling of failure and n want to give up in the progress of your pays.But because of these feelings you can attain the feeling of success!Just like our study ,you study hard ry day,you will enjoy the feeling of success when you attain the goal,you will feel that anying laborious worth what you he done to some degree.In a word, success is not just the moment you succeed,the more important is wher you hve attempt and experience a deafeat.

What is success? Success means different things to different people. To a business owner, success means being able to make money. To an actor, success is for ryone to know him. To me, howr, these are not the most important. What's important to me is the amount of effort you put in. The more effort you put in, the more excited you will feel when the moment of success comes. During the process, you may feel frustrated or defeated, or you may n feel like quitting. But it is only because of these feelings that the taste of success becomes sweeter. Take studying for example, if you study hard ryday, you will feel what success is like when you get a good grade, and you will feel that all the hardships are worth it. In summary, success is not just that one moment, but wher or not you've actually tried and tasted the bitterness of failure!

What is success? The results may be vary to different people! To a business owner, it means net profits; but to an actor, it means being famous. Howr, I myself beli that success itself is not important at all, the most important part is how much you he been paid to achi it. The more you paid, the more exciting when you finally get it.

It is very normal that you will suffer from failure, frustration n almost give up at one moment. Just because those, you will realize and enjoy the feeling of success.

To sum up, the most important thing is not success itself, but did yo give it a try or attempt the very first failure.

------ Hope can Help -------

他很会赚钱 怎么翻译

What is succeeds? Has the different meaning regarding the different people! Regarding a boss, the success is can make money; Regarding an actor, the success is can let each people know him! But, regarding my these is not most important, more importantly you he paid how many behind the success! You paid he been more, when you succeeded that moment, you were more excited! Right, often pays in you in the process, you will also feel the defeat, the setback will also he the feeling which wants to give up! But is because had these to feel that you could feel the successful feeling! Looks like us to study: Yoy day study ditly, when you attain the result the time, you will feel the success, you thought that anythin问题九:你/他到家了么??英语怎么说?谢谢. 1. Are you ho储e yet? / Is he home yet?g laborious also will be again worth! The summary: Not only succeeds that moment, do you he more importantly attempt and undergo a defeat!这就是我的

Charge your cell phone. 有充电和充值的两个意思~~~

What if someone says soming negative about me?

1 He can really make money


问题七:你是否顺利到家了,旅途愉快吗?用英语怎么说 He you arrived at home oothly? Did you he a wonderful journey ?


问题八:做安利能挣钱吗? 5分 如果你想做安利,我劝你打消这个念头。我从五年前就接触安利,我的好多朋友也做安利,但是没有一个赚大钱的。每一个都是一开始信心百倍,但过一段时间就。。。。他们之中有的人最长的有做过一年多,但后来还是放弃。。。

Money is not r对于一个老板来说,成功就是能赚到钱;ything,but without money you can do nothing!

Money is not all-powerful,but without money you can do nothing!

money isn't rything but without it, you can't do anything

Money is not rything, but if you do not he money, you can do nothing.


Are y嘿. 一二楼两位看来用的是同一问题三:"还有没有其他人"用英语怎么说 比较正常的是Anybody else?或Anyone else?当然用Is 龚here anybody(anyone)there?也可以,但太书面。个翻译软件...ou at home?

英语翻译:还在盈利 (还在赚钱,但是赚的钱没发的工资多,少那么一点点)

He is good at money.

It is still profitable, but the money earned is a little bit less than my wages.

Are you close home?

Still make a profit ( still in the money, but the money did not pay much, a little less )

it still makes a profit. still earning.But income is not as much as salary.it is a little less than salary.


问题七:一亩 英语怎么说 amu

问题一:有人吗?用英语怎么说。 你好!


Is anyone here?

问题二:请问这有人吗?英语怎么说 你是想问座位的事吧?应该说:

Is this seat taken?

问题四:“有人吗”英语翻译 Is anybody here?

问题五:英语“这里有人吗?”怎么翻译 是种说法,is somebody here? 因为此时你想得到贰定的回答,在英语的用语中就用somebody来代替anyone。还有的英语很平常,就是h在吗用英语怎么说ello,thank you ,you are all right,how long I he not seen you .you look all right,etc,很多很多啦,就是经常用的都可以呀

问题六:有些人 用英语怎么说 someone

问题七:有人吗 用英文怎么说 Is there anyone here?



问题九:“有人吗”英文怎么说 完整的,Is there anybody?


Anybody there?



问题十:“有人说”用英语怎么说 有人说:



2.如果有人说“工厂”这个词,大多数人想到一个模糊的场所 而我会想到每个我看到的工厂的细节,比如风车式的约翰迪工厂。If someone says the word factory, most people think of a vague place. I think indetail of ry factory I r saw, like the John Deere plant in Moline.


问题八:"有人在家么"用英语怎么说? Is there anyone in?

问题一:亩用什么英文 英亩是 acre


“亩”的话直接就是 mu


他们平整土地5000亩。Theyllled5000mu ofland.《新英汉大辞典》

这位老农去年种了四亩麦子。The old farmer raised fourmu ofwheatlast year.《21世纪大英汉词典》

或者 用hectare表示

1亩=0.0667 hectares

acres英亩 不知道能不能算


问题三:十亩 用英文怎么说? 这有两种说法,一种是把亩换算成大约的英亩,比如10亩弧等于1.65英亩,就是 1.65 acres 。另一种是 10 Chinese acres ,有人这么用过。

问题四:一亩地”“两亩地”的那个“亩”用英文怎么表达 这是个才有的单位,写成英语就是拼音。mu

问题五:“亩”用英文怎么表达啊? 这是个才有的单位Success is defined as earning profits for a big boss,写成英语就是拼音。mu

问题六:土地面积单位“亩”,翻译成英文怎样表达 两种翻译方法,比如100亩。可以翻译成100mu。就用这种拼音就可以。




你说如果赚钱 他们会放弃吗?

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