

In Alaska, boys and girls with lanterns on poles carry a large figure of a star from door to door. They sing carols and are invited in for supper.

Money is not omnipotence in my opinion.Sometimes people think the money is omnipotence,because if you he a medical problem,you would use your money to recover your injure or ill.I give you an example so you guys can make more convenience.,if you hack the Department of Defence of America,then you get in trouble..The pol was caught you.Then you friends or family wants to get you out of the gaol.They give the money to the in addition to除...之外(还) in aance预先,事先courtroom wants to appeal you out,then they give the money to the court..You won't get out.Because you've already get in trouble!




Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, rybody intends to be (become) a model student.

The conclusion is---- the money it is no omnipotence.



1My happy Spring Festival After the New Year’s Eve dinner with my family, we began to sit down in front of the TV, and enjoyed 2008 Spring Festival gala. At about ten o’clock, the black sky was lightened by lots of fireworks with colorful light and happy sound. We stop watching the 2008 Spring Festival gala, and began to climb up the balcony to see the beautiful fireworks view, and my father took some fireworks up, and we also began to play fireworks. What a beautiful night. Later, my cell phone was ringing all the time. I received lots of short messages from my friends and ctes. They all blessed me happy New Year. I ge same bless to them by sending back the happy words. At almost 12 pm, I made a wish in New Year, and began to sleep. When I woke up in the first day of New Year, my father and mother ge two red packets to me, and blessed me that rything will go well on me. I thanked them, and accepted the red packets happily. I he been waiting for the day that I can get lots of red packets. This is my happiest time of the year. After lunch, both my family went to the park, the streets, and the shops or supermarkets. We took many photos in the park, and bought many things in the shops or supermarket. I met my uncles and aunts, they all blessed us happy New Year and ge me red packets. I was too happy to count how many red packets I got. The following days, we visited my grandparents and some of relatives. We happily talk with them, and brought some presents to them, and also received some New Year presents. This was how did I spend my Spring Festival; I really enjoyed myself in Spring Festival.


2on new year's ,our class had a party. the atmosphere was good. it was out of the ordinary from the very begining. the boy student from one bedroom ge an unusual performance. we saw a boy named li xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. then with three resounding(响亮的) crow of a cock echoing in the hall,the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

then,the representative of the bedroom zhu guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. he added that li xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. they left us all in confusion. and it was our monitor who was quickwitted(机智的). he shouted our, "the day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn." the hall after that,they had another . this time li xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. while he was standing there,the other three stood around him,each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. it was an idiom. this time i got it right:"the dog stands out among a group of chickens."

3Christmas in United States of America Santa Claus was born in US in the 1860's he was named this as he had a white beard and a belly, so he was named Santa Claus as this was the Dutch word for St Nicholas, Sintaklaas. Although the Dutch had bought him with them in the 17th century, he did not become an important person at Christmas until the Novelist Washington Irving put him in a novel that he wrote in 1809. This first Santa Claus was still known as St. Nicholas, he did oke a pipe, and fly around in a wagon without any reindeer, but he did not he his red suit or live at the North Pole, he did howr bring presents to children ry year.

In 1863 He was given the name Santa Claus and bore the red suit, pipe, and his reindeer and sleigh.

Now Christmas celebrations vOur/ We/ Usary greatly between regions of the United States, because of the variety of nationalities which he settled in it.

In Pennsylvania, the Morians build a landscape, called a putz - under the Christmas tree, while in the same state the Germans are given gifts by Belsnickle, who taps them with his switch if they he miehed.

Early European settlers brought many traditions to the United States. Many settled in the early days in the South, these settlers would send Christmas greetings to their distant neighbors by shooting firearms and letting off fireworks. In Hawaii this pract is still in use as under the sunny skies, Santa Claus arrives by boat and Christmas dinner is eaten outdoors.

In Alaska, a star on a pole is taken from door to door, followed by Herod's Men, who try to capture the star. Colonial doorways are often decorated with pineapple, a symbol of hospitality.

In Washington D.C., a huge, spectacular tree is lit ceremoniously when the President presses a button and turns on the tree's lights.



急求英语作文一篇——《如何成为一个合格的工程造价人员》 (个人觉得不应该直接从自身着手,应先写好成为一个合格的工程造价人员应具备什么,然后再结合自身比较好...)

If a college student has a major of civil engineering,to be a qualified quantity surveyor after his graduation may be a good chioce to make his career.Howr, it will nr be easy for him to be petent in this job because it's no work.Therefore,sral qualities are needed when one is going to take this job as a future career.

First of all, a qualified quantity surveyor should be art and sharp-minded.That's should be the most fundamental requirement.Secondly,the ability of the construction blueprint out is also necessary.Thirdly,one should be very clear about the relevant laws and regulations of tendering for and bidding for engineering construSo you see money isn't rything!ctions.Last but not least,calculation ability is also indispensable for a quantity survayor.A high proficiency of calculating the project quantities by applying the project ration is quite important.

As a student of civil engineering, I also wish I could bee a quantity surveyor.Considering those qualities I should he,I he set my determination to make ry effort to achi this aim.Of course,I need to keep a good habit of treating rything in an earnest way,putting what I've learned into pract.Only in that case can I bee a qualified quantity surveyor in the future.

To draw a conclusion,to be a qualified quantity surveyor,one has to he a good mand of his professional knowledge and an excellent capacity of bining the theory with pract.Then being a qualified quantity surveyor won't be that hard.






















如何成为一位的销售人员,首先要具备以下的两点要求: 1、 要极度热爱自己的产品,对产品不热爱的业务人员永远做不好业务; 2、 要懂得自己的产品,这一点相当重要,没有客户愿意和不懂产品的业务人员打交道,因为你根本无法说服客户购买你的产品。

其次,销售人员还应该具备如下6个方面的基本素质:1、要有吃苦耐劳的精神; 2、要有良好的思想道德素质;3、要有扎实的市场营销知识;4、要有良好的口才;5、有良好的心理承受能力坚定的自信心,永远不言败;6、要有创新精神。



1、 公司的核心业务是什么?

2、 公司的核心竞争力是什么?

3、 公司的组织核心是什么?


1、 公司的客户是谁?

2、 公司客户所需要的服务是什么?

3、 满足客户的方法是什么?

4、 我们客户的客户是谁?他们需要的服务是什么?这些服务对你需求的影响是什么 ?


1、 公司主要的竞争对手有那些?

2、 竞争对手的服务特色是什么?

3、 我们公司的对策是什么?










面对形形 的客户,我们首先要稳住自己的阵脚,然后从容应对。太过情绪化和感情脆弱的人当作家。





硬at all costs不惜一切代价 at all nts不管怎样,无论如何著头皮,厚著脸皮,走破脚皮,磨破嘴皮,抓破脑皮,张开眼皮,吹破牛皮。

1、硬著头皮:在销售过程中,我们在跟客户打交道的过程中,可能会碰到一 些客户不给你好脸色看,在这种情况下,我们都会产生畏缩的心理,但是为了达成目标,就要有明知山有虎,偏往虎山行的勇气,就是要硬著头皮往客户门里拱。










一、施工员首先要掌握施工设计的专业名词,比如建筑施工员要熟悉建筑名词;而且要懂得名词的含义。比如什么是 溼作业?什么是放线?什么是自流平?等等








随着经济全球化的加强,市场多元化的推进和人们生活方式多样化的变革,公共关系已经是延伸到了每一个人的身边。 通过学习这门课程的学习和阅读相关书籍使我了解到了如何成为一个合格的公关人员:一、成为合格的公关人员必须具备良好的心理素质公关人员必须具备以下心理素质:1.追求卓越、渴望成功的心理。2.易于投入、热情工作的心理。3.自信的心理4.开放乐观的心理二、公共关系人员的知识素质公关人员的知识素质是指其知识结构与水平。我们通常要求公关人员所具备的知识结构包括四个方面:1.公共关系的基础理论知识2.公共关系的基本实务知识3.与公共关系密切相关的学科知识4.与物件相关的特定的公共关系知识三、公共关系人员的能力素质将公关人员的能力素质分解概括为八个方面:1.较强的文字和口头表达能力2.健全的思维能力3.良好的创造能力与学习能力4.较强的组织谋划能力5.资讯采集处理能力与知识管理能力6.善于与他人交往的能力7.自控、自制和处理危机的应变能力8.正确掌握政策、理论的能力。四、成为的公关人员必须树立警觉性的公关意识 首先,自觉形成良好的形象意识。在现代,个人的形象好坏,知名度、美誉度高低,直接影响到公众对你的信任和合作,影响到事业的成功与发展,公共关系是塑造形象的艺术。我想我们大学生要通过一段时间的锻炼,走进和了解工作岗位,接触各种公关条件,这就要求我们要具备公关形象意识真正溶入的角色中去。 其次,养成敏锐的公众意识。我们应该自觉地树立起公众至上的意识,时时事事为公众着想,求得公众的支援与信赖,从根木上增强组织的竞争能力。大学生一方面应深入,了解,加深对公众地位的认识。另一方面应该学习和掌握现代公关理论,尤其应多阅读公关案例。现代公关技能追求的是大众化的技能,所以公众意识对于公关工作来说必不可少。 再次,坚持自主意识。作为大学生,在的交流的平台上应主动传播自己的资讯,应提高交往的主动性,抱着极人的兴趣与人交往,努力地理解和包容别人。并且应提高现代交往能力,要善于倾听,善于交流,善于做自我介绍,在任何情况卜都表现出自信、乐观、风趣幽默,使人感到轻松。主动的公关与被动的公关在其效率和绩效上是有着根本性的区别的,有主动意识的公关表现才能让人满意。五、成为公关人员必须科学地巩固自身的知识技能 首先,有重点地获取知识技能。对于我们来说,成才目标不同,所要求的知识技能也不一样。一般来说,学校规定的课程是主要的知识技能,不应偏废。然而,由于成才目标的不同,在知识技能上也有一定的别。因此,对于重要的课程,就要花人力气来学,对于与专业知识相近,直接作用于专业的应用理论知识当作重点来学,对于间接影响专业的知识作为辅助知识来学。 其次,注重知识技能的层次培养。对与我们来说,专业知识课是层次的课程。专业基础知识与专业知识有密切的、直接的联络,并带有一定的方向性,这一层次的知识越厚实,就越能促进专业知识的发挥,同时,也是学习专业知识的基础。如果专业基础知识不牢固,就会大大降低学习专业知识的效率。因此,对于大学生的知识技能来说,应侧重基础知识的宽厚性,注重专业知识的精深性,强调主攻目标的明确性。 第三,坚持挖掘知识技能间的联络。对于在校学习的我们,必须坚持知识技能的联络。对于其他的跨专业的知识也需要有一定的了解,不断追求知识面的全面性,同时也要消化不同知识要点间的逻辑联络,对所有的技能当做相互联络的总体来把握。六、成为公关人员必须注重培养组织和实践技能 首先,加强组织能力的锻炼。我们的组织能力和其它能力一样,都要通过实践活动来培养和发展。对于我们来说,大学是步入的关键阶段,我们一定要抓住大好时机,认清自己的优势并努力发展自身的优势,不但学好书本知识,还要通过各种途径培养和发展自己的组织能力,以便胜任将来的工作。 其次,促进实践技能的提高。实践能力的高低是大学生公关能力的一项重要参考标准。在校大学生的实践条件也非常的丰富,在教学过程中,可以主动配合老师,发挥自己的能动性,参与到教学活动中去。再有的是,大学生可以通过开展课堂以外的实践活动,经常参加一些丰富的课外实践活动能够很好地提高大学生的实践技能。 ,争取综合能力提高的尝试。 大学生公关素质的培养,最重要的是要具有较强的适应能力,只有在实践,工作锻炼中不断地适应和提高才能最终取得综合素质的提高。对综合能力的要求就必须适应新的环境、新的技能、新的方向等等。七、总结 所以,如何才能成为一名的公关人员,对于我们来说本身的素质要求是最重要的,能力的锻炼是大学生能否在走出之后能够自力更生、自信自强的关键。任何人只有坚持公关意识,巩固公关技能,提高组织水平,发展综合实践能力才能作出到的公关业绩。 (自己整理的,呵呵```)













学过管理的人,都会如数家珍地说出一些管理的名字以及他们所倡导或开创的流派,如X理论(“性善 ”论)、Y理论(“性恶”论)、Z理论(“日本式管理”论)。在刚刚接触管理工作的时候,简单地认为只要照搬某个流派的管理做法就能成为一名合格的管理者,但是实际工作证明了我的想法是错误的。其实不同的理论都有其产生发展的背景,各有侧重点,也各有特定的适用范围。



2、理解人类共有的癖好,例如猜忌,嫉妒、地位、偏见、感知、性情、积极性和才能:管理者要培养的最有价值的素质是——耐心、和蔼和体贴别人。机器和化学剂不会介意你对它们温和还是粗暴,但人类会。 你的手下不仅是工程师、会计师、行政人员、销售人员,他们是人——这是最首要的。他们有家人、朋友、喜好和厌恶。人类是有感情的。尊重他们的人格,你就能得到他们的尊敬和忠心。反之,他们就会失去为你工作的动力。“己所不欲,勿施于人”,这也是管理上的金科玉律。当你将批评下属或表达不满时,先问自己,“我是否喜欢别人用这种方式对我说话呢?”想想如果自己处于他们的位置,希望得到何种和蔼和体贴呢?然后再以同样的态度施于下属。

3、广开言路: 一个真正具有生产效率的部门是每个人都积极思考更好、更的工作方法,以更少的时间和更低的成本,生产出更高质量的产品。要达成这种革新,必须接受新构想,而且还要鼓励下属创新。激励办法很多,如给奖金、期或礼物。但最有效的动力是,让员工知道管理层确实在聆听或将员工的建议和构想付诸工作中。

4、给属下一个上升的空间 。如果员工没有可望得到的上升空间,那么他的工作就到头了。工作到头的员工通常表现烦恼、不愉快、生产效率低下。把你的部门组织起来,让每个人都有晋升的机会,形成在头衔、职责、地位和薪酬方面的逻辑晋升阶梯。如果你的部门太小,不能做到这步,晋升机会可能不可避免地要向部门外的职位发展。若是这样,不要拖住属下的发展,反而要鼓励他们达到自己的目标,那么在与你一起的岁月里他们会使出的干劲。




,送给所有管理者一句季宁(Horold Green—— G理论的开创者)的经典名言并以此作为本文的结束语:管理企业就像在烹调食物,大致上你会照着食谱做菜,但真正动手时必须用所有的感官,随时观察,随机调适,在“尝试错误”中,你会逐渐积累经验;这就是成功管理的艺术,没有秘诀,没有公式,也没有理论。


A TRIP TO the COUNTRY 乡村游记One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.

While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers ile (iling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful).

When we felt tired, we returned home. We saw Mother (our mother) wait (waiting) for us at the door.




Taday I was very unlucky,because I was ill.I felt terrible and I went to see a doctor. The doctor said I caught a cold , I should he a rest and I should drink a lot of water,too.

Then he ge me some medicine and said:"Take this medicine three times a day, then you will feel better soon."


回答者: 菲尔恩1 - 试用期 一级 2009-3-3 17:56

A blackout

It was a very busy ning, I was doing my homework at my home. My father was writing a comition in the study room. My mother was interested in Shanghai opera. She was watching a Shanghai opera contest. The apartment was very quiet. Suddenly the light went out. It was a blackout, but I liked it very much. It came and I didn’t he to do my homework. We went to the living room very slowly. After 5 minutes, we all sat in the sofa. It was a lucky, fortunate day. I said that let’s held a concert. My parents agreed with me. I took out some candles and lighted up. We were singing, laughing and talking. We had a really good time. But while I was singing, the light suddenly turned on. Oh, my God. My father went back to his room went on writing. My mother turned on the TV and said to me “Dear, do your homework!” I felt very frustrated. I sat at the desk and thought I hated light. I hoped there would be a blackout the next day. I thought I would enjoy myself more and more. I went into a dream……

1、(My father)

On Sunday afternoon, I was playing football,

my mother said: "your father is come back!" ".I run to the home.

Dad is tall and thin.He love me..I love him too. Father is work in the other city. Dad can go home once ry two months, so I missed him.

2、(My grandfather and grandfather)My grandmother'home is not far away from my home. I used only a few minutes to walk from my grandmother's home to my home. I am happy to see my grangfmother and grandfather.They all love me.

My father often go to school to wait me.My mother

often go to the super-market .She often buy some food for me.

I love them all.

3、(Panda熊猫)Today is Wednesday.Igo to zoo with my best friend.

My forite animal is panda (熊猫). The panda looks like a bear and polar bear . I think the panda are very cute and lovely , and is very strong and hey . they can walk , and they can climb trees . they lives in the china . I like them .


Today is Friday. I went back to my former school. When I saw so many old friends, I was very happy. In the classroom, I saw a new student. I found she was very happy in the school! I want to see them as soon as sible. Though I like my former school, I like the new school too. I he many new friends here. I feel happy too!

I used to playing in the weekend, but this weekend was special. I did a lot of work and I played with my tortoise only in the morning. On Sunday I went to my violin class, I got a lot of fun, but I he to stand there for a lesson. And you see how difficult playing violin was. That was my weekend.

5、(My Backpack)

I he a backpack. It is large and it is blue. It is a birthday gift from my parents. I love it very much. It is very "hard-working", because I keep all my school things in it. It is very hey. It is with all the time during school days. It is a good friend of mine.

6、(My house)I he a house. It is big and new. There are eight rooms in it. They are a living-room,a kitchen,three bedroom,one study and two bathrooms. I watch TV in the living-room. I do my homework in the study. I he dinner in the kitchen. This is my house. I like it


The thermometer had dropped to 18 degrees below zero, but still chose to sleep in the porch as usual. In the ning, the most familiar sight to me would be stars in the sky. Though they were a mere sprinkle of twinkling dots, yet I had become so accustomed to them that their occasional absence would bring me loneliness and ennui.

It had been snowing all night, not a single star in sight. My roommate and I, each wrapped in a quilt, were seated far apart in a different corner of the porch, facing each other and chatting away.

She exclaimed pointing to soming afar, “Look, Venus in rising!” I looked up and saw nothing but a lamp round the bend in a mountain path. I beamed and said pointing to a tiny lamplight on the opite mountain, “It’s Jupiter over there!”

More and more lights came into sight as we kept pointing here and there. Lights from hurricane lamps flickering about in the pine forest created the scene of a star-studded sky. With the distinction between sky and forest obscured by snowflakes, the numerous lamp-lights now easily passed for as many stars.


Nowadays the news sesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news ry day. It ls us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading the news, we shall (will) get enough knowledge to cope with our circumstances.




第二天:MY DAILY LIFE 我的日常生活

Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render serv to my country.

I get up at six o’clock ry day. After I wash my face and brush my te, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at sn o’clock.

After school is over, I return home. We usually he supper at sn o’clock.Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.





Howr, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do great tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider friends with him.




There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish toat this rate照此速度 at times有时,间或 know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.

First, health is the secret of happiness (the key to happiness). Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.

Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.





第五天:BOOKS 书籍

As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.

Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the cho of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. Howr, bad books will do us more harm than good.




第六天:A TRIP TO THE COUNTRY 乡村游记One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.

While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers ile at us and heard the birds sing their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty.




When you ile, I ile, that’s the deal.

I will not walk past you and not look you in the eyes and not acknowledge you.

Instead we will pass each other and say hello.

Not with our words, for they are not the same; but with our faces.

I meet you and I see there is good in your eyes, there's passion in your heart and there's a friendly hello in your ile.

And for the first time we can relate and appreciate each other.

That’s all it takes, that’s where it starts.

Because I know that you will ile and I will ile and the rest is easy.











A student came home from scool and looked very tired.His mother said:"oh,you look tired,you must had a hard day today.''"It was terrible,''the student said"The comr broke down and all of us had to do our own thinking!''




My mother<人教英语初一翻译法>

My mother is xx.She is of medium build and is of medium height(这是第七单元的语法).She isn't very good-looking(用于修饰人,而beautiful大用于修饰物或动物),but I think she is really very pretty(这不仅是漂亮,还有在心里的善良等好性情,也有聪明的意思).She loves laughing(love to do sth.一般表示一段时间类喜欢做的事),and she also hopes I he the same bright ile.She is ordinary,(common虽普遍,但英语中有粗俗的意思,容易引起异议)she's a teacher.She teaches me to be strong and teaches me how to be a true man from my yonth(这里指青年时代).She let me free so I he a lovely life,and I remember I had a lovely childhood,too.She is always very good-tempered.

I am thinkful to her for rything. I will nr forget her.

When she is old,I'll take good care of her.

风和太阳(The Wind And The Sun)

One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.”

“We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.”

So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.

“I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak.

(有一天风跟太阳说: “看看那个沿着due to由于,因为路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来.)

(“我们等着看吧,”太阳说, “我让你先试.)


(“我放弃了,”风说, “我无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了.)

My family

I love my family, because I he a happy family.

My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What’s my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, you’re right! My mother is very kind and n, she is thirty-sn. My mother is always laborious work. I love my parents!

I love my family. Because I’m very happy to live with my parents toger!




Lan and Fred

Lan and Fred were boys. They were both twelve years old, and they were in the same class in their school. Last Friday afternoon they had a fight in class, and their teacher was very angry. He said to both of them, “Stay here after the lessons this afternoon, and write your names a thousand times.” After the last lesson, all the other boys went home, but Lan and Fred stayed in the classroom with their teacher and begin writing their names.

Then Fred began crying.

The teacher looked at him and said,” Why are you crying, Fred?”

“Because his name’s Lan May, and mine’s Frederick Hollingsworth,” Fred said.






“因为他的名字是Lan May, 而我的名字确是Frederick Hollingsworth,”富雷得回答道。

Ann’s Diary

Today was Sunday. Today was September 30th, 2004. It was a boring day. It was hot. I was not a work.

I watched TV all morning. The shows were boring. Then I called my friend, Nancy. She wasn’t at home. I didn’t know where she was.

At twelve I was gry. There was not any food in the fridge. I was lazy. I was tired. Then I ate lunch outside. At one o’clock. I was in bed. In the afternoon I was at the movies. The film was boring. I'm glad tomorrow is Monday. I can go to school and see my friends.




Mr James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury,but Mr Scott cannot get a ephone for his new garage,so he has just bought twelve pigeons.Yesterday,a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury .The bird covered the distance in three minutes.Up to now,Mr Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other ,In this way,he has begun his own private "ephone" serv.




解释2. Use of "and so on" &"etc."如下


有些人认为钱是的。在他们眼里,钱是的。金钱能买到某物,但不是的.一个人说出金钱的话时,那就注定了,他将一无所有.不论你相信与否,相当一部分人认为金钱,所以,即使用一种非法的手段,他们也要尽力的获得更多的钱.有钱固然是好at best充其量,至多 at first最初,起先的,钱可以买得到许多东西,但它买到的仅仅是躯壳,而买不到它真正的价值,所以金钱不是的.所以金钱不是的!

Some think that money is rything. In their eyes, money is rything in life. Money is the key that opens all doors,but money isn't rything.When a man says money can do anything,that settles it,he hasn't any.Beli it or not,a great number of people think that money talks,so they try their best to get more money,n in an illegal way.

The money is good,money can buy many things ,but it is the only body to buy,and buy the real value of it,so money is not omnipotent.

英语作文常用语句 附汉译

2.With the dlopment of our economy and society,pollution is more and more serious.






I....has both aantages and disaantages.……既有利又有弊。例如:

1.Obviously evision has both aantages and disaantages.

2.Living in a city has both aantages and disaantages.

3.Compared with cars,bikes he their aantages and disaantages.

1.Although comrs bring people a lot of convenience,they he many disaantages.

2....has many aantages.For example,...Howr,just as ry coin has two sides,...has its disaantages.(本例将利弊分开讲,转折过渡自然。just as ry coin has two sides也很值得背诵。)

II....play(s)an important role /part in...……在……中扮演重要角色/起重要作用。例如:

1.Comrs play an important role in science and technology.

2.Comrs play a more and more important role in our


Comrs play an increasingly important role in our studies.

3.Education plays an important part in dloping our mind.

4.Addiction to alcohol and drugs play a role in homelessness.

1.Aertisement plays an rmative role in our daily life.

2.In the past,letters played a decisive role in long-distance communication.But now ,ephone,email,fax he taken their place.

III.With the dlopment of...,随着……的发展,例如:

1.With the dlopment of our economy,m any Chinese families can afford a car.

3.With the rapid dlopment of science and technology,people can get a college degree by taking online-courses at home.

4.With the current social and technological dlopments,employees with more knowledge and higher academic degrees are needed.

1.With the rapid increase of China's population,housing problem is becoming more and more serious.

2.With more and more women entering society,people's attitude towards women is changing.


3.With the deepening of Chinese reform and opening up,an increasing number of Chinese

families can afford a car.

随着改革开放的深入,越来越多的家庭买得起车了。(“越来越多”除了常用的more and more外,还可以用an increasing number of, a growing number of,a significant number of,a great number of等来表达。)



IV.When it comes to...,some people think /beli that...,others argue /claim that opite /rrse is true.There is probably some truth in both arguments /statements,but...当说到……,有些人认为……,但另一些人则持相反的观点……。这两种观点可能都有点道理,但……。

本结构先用when it comes to ...引出话题,再用some...others ...这个对立的结构引出了两种相反的观点,然后说There is some truth in both...表明严谨公正的态度,用but...很自然地引出了自己的论点。请看下面这个例子:

TV,a good thing or bad thing

When it comes to TV,some people beli that it is extremely valuable,as it provides relaxation, entertainment and education. Others argue that it is harmful for it begins to control our lives and deprives people of time to do other activities.There is probably some truth in both sides.But we must realize that evision itself is neither good or bad.It is the uses to which it is put that determines its value to society.


英语议论文多以简要总结全文或对所讨论的问题提出解决办法来结尾。总结全文时除常用到in one /a word,generally speaking等外,没有固定模式。提出解决办法时却常使用下一句型。

V....take measures to do sth.例如:

1.We should take measures to control pollution in order to se the world.

2.We'd better take effective measures to prnt students from cheating on exams.

3.The government decided to take strong measures against drug abuse.

4.Urgent measures should be taken to prnt terrorists from carrying out further attacks.




1.As far as ...is concerned

2.It goes without saying that...

3.It can be said with certainty that...

4.As the proverb says

5.It has to be notd that...

6.It`s generally recognized that...

7.It`s likely that

It’s hardly too much to say that...

What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是

There’s no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认

Nothing is more important than the fact that...

what’s far more important is that...


A case in point is ...

As is often the case...

As stated in the previous paragraph如前段所述

But the problem is not so . Therefore然而问题并非如此简单,所以……

But it’s a pity that...

For all that...In spite of the fact that...

Further, we hold opinion that...

Howr , the difficult lies in...

Similarly, we should pay attention to...


In view of the present station.鉴于目前形势

As has been mentioned above...

In this respect, we many as well (say)从这个角度上我们可以说

Howr, we he to look at the other side of the coin, that is...然而我们还得看到事物的另一方面,即

I will conclude by saying...

Therefore, we he the reason to beli that...

All things considered,总而言之

It may be safely said that...

Therefore, in my opinion, it’s more aisable...

It can be concluded from the discussion that...从中我们可以得出这样的结论

From my point of view, it would be better if...在我看来……也许更好


Let’s take...to illustrate this.试举例以兹证明

let’s take the above chart as an example to illustrate this.

It’s remains to be further studied...

There’s question is how...

so that, so...that...


The most common mistakes:

1. Use of questions.

If you use a question it means you are questioning and not proving your point.

Questions are best to be left out of essays because they are very passive and sometimes make holes in your essay. When you confront a question, turn it into a statement:

Example:"What do you think that person should do?"

Change to:

"The person should do the following things to solve his/her problem."

You can't put these in a formal essay. You must either identify what the "so on" and "etc" are or else just name three examples. The reader knows that you cannot sibly list ry example or situation, but if you use "so on" and "etc" you are using non-formal language.

Example: There are many types of religions in society: Judai, Buddhi, Christianiheart and soul全心全意地 how about ...怎么样ty and so on.

Change to:

There are many types of religions in society such as Judai, buddhi, Christianity, Jehovah Witnesses and Hindui.

. Using "I"

When writing a formal essay, you cannot use "I think" "I feel"(and other "I" type statements. Instead, use words like "one" and phrases like "the reader" or "the audience." The reason we do this is, first, the reader knows you wrote it and also that it is your opinion; therefore, "I" is not needed. It is not formal language to say I think, plus it is not needed.

Examples:"I think t hat cats are better than dogs."

Change to:

Cats are better than dogs.

Take out all the I thinks, in my opinion, I will show, I will prove and any other personal phrases. Instead, make them into more general statements.

4. Use of "You" "Your" "We" "Us" "Our"

Please do not use these words in a formal essay. Not only are they not formal language, but readers may be insulted if the author of the insinuates that "You"/"We" do soming. It brings too personal of an approach to the writing and can make the reader uncomfortable.


I think/ In my opinion

I think War is a pointless activity.


Change to:A person/ people/ His/ Her/ One/ One's

You think that reading is boring.

One may think that reading is boring.

We all he to work toger for a better society.

people need to work toger in order to create a better society.



良好的开端等于成功的一半.在写作文时,通常以最简单也最常用的方式---开门见山法。也就是说, 直截了当地提出你对这个问题的看法或要求,点出文章的中心思想。

a series of一系列,一连串

above all首先,尤其是 after all毕竟,究竟

ahead of在...之前 ahead of time提前

all at once突然,同时 all but几乎;除了...都

all of a sudden突然 all over遍及

all over again再一次,重新 all the time一直,始终

all the same仍然,照样的 as regards关于,至于

anything but根本不 as a matter of fact实际上

apart from除...外(有/无) as a rule通常,照例

as a result(of)因此,由于 as far as ...be concerned就...而言

as far as远至,到...程度 as for至于,关于

as follows如下 as if好像,仿佛

as good as和...几乎一样 as usual像平常一样,照例

as to至于,关于 all right令人满意的;可以

as well同样,也,还 as well as除...外(也),即...又

aside from除...外(还有) at a loss茫然,不知所措

at a time一次,每次 at all丝毫(不),一点也不

at all times随时,总是 at any rate无论如何,至少

at first sight乍一看,初看起来 at hand在手边,在附近

at heart内心里,本质上 at home在家,在国内

at intervals不时,每隔... at large大多数,未被捕获的

at least至少 at last终于

at length最终,终于 at most至多,不超过

at no time从不,决不 by accident偶然

at one time曾经,一度;同时 at present目前,现在

at 's disal任...处理 at the cost of以...为代价

at the mercy of任凭...摆布 at the moment此刻,目前

back and forth来回地,反复地

back of在...后面 before long不久以后

beside point离题的,不相干的 beyond question毫无疑问

by and by不久,迟早 by chance偶然,碰巧

by far最,...得多 by hand用手,用体力

by itself自动地,独自地 by means of用,依靠

by mistake错误地,无意地 by no means决不,并没有

by oneself单独地,独自地 by reson of由于

by the way顺便说说 by virtue of借助,由于

by way of经由,通过...方法

each other互相 n if/though即使,虽然

r so非常,极其 ry now and then时而,偶尔

ry other每隔一个的 except for除了...外

face to face面对面地 far from远非,远离

for r永远f or good地

for the better好转 for the moment暂时,目前

for the present暂时,目前 for the sake of为了,为了...的利益

hand in hand手拉手,密切关联 head on迎面地,正面的

in a hurry匆忙,急于 in case of如,防备

in a moment立刻,一会儿 in a sense从某种意义上说

in a way在某种程度上 in a word简言之,总之

in accordance with与...一致,按照 in addition另外,加之

in all总共,合计 in any case无论如何

in any nt无论如何 in brief简单地说

in charge of负责,总管 in common共用的,共有的

in consequence(of)因此;由于 in debt欠债,欠情

in detail详细地 in difficulty处境困难

in effect实际上,事实上 in general一般来说,大体上

in four of支持, in front of面对,在...前

in half成两半 in hand在进行中,待办理

in honour of为庆祝,为纪念 in itself本质上,就其本身而言

in line with与...一致 in memory of纪念

in no case决不 in no time立即,马上

in no way决不 in order按顺序,按次序

in other words换句话说 in part部分地

in particular特别,尤其 in person亲自,本人

in place在合适的位置 in place of代替,取代,交换

in pract在实践中,实际上 in proportion to与...成比例

in public公开地,当众 in quantity大量

in question正在谈论的 in regard to关于,至于

in relation to关于,涉及 in return作为报答/回报/交换

in return for作为对...报答How to bee a qualified quantity surveyor in short简言之,总之

in sight被见到;在望 in spite of尽管

in step齐步,合拍 in step with与...一致/协调

in tears流着泪,在哭着 in the course of在...期间/过程中

in the distance在远处 in the end,终于

in the nt of如果...发生,万一 in the face of即使;在...面前

in the first place首先 in the future在未来

in the least丝毫,一点 in (the)light of鉴于,由于

in the way挡道 in the world究竟,到底

in time及时 in touch联系,接触

instead of代替,而不是 just now眼下;刚才

little by little逐渐地 lots of许多



我理想的工作是当一名服装设计师英语作文带翻译 【My dream job:Designer】

Everyone he a dream in their mind.Whor he or she is,they will try to make their dreams e ture. I he a strong wish,I want to be a costume designer in the future.I like drawing very much and i want to see clothing which designed by me one day.I will do my best in learning more about designing clothing and i beli i will do it.

Nothing is imsible in the world,if i try i may be a famous costume designer in the future!




Everyone has their own dreams, and some people want to be entrepreneurs, to create more wealth for the society; some people want to be a doctor, to heal the sick; some people think the teacher, his lifelong knowledge to teach students ...... and my dream is to be a fashion designer, for people to design a multi-functional clothes. I designed this dress is very fortable, it can automatically adjust the temperature aording to climate: cool, can wear whenr. If you he a cold, int r clothing will be appropriate to increase the temperature to make you feel fortable; if you feel tired, it will give you a massage massage , let your muscles relax, feel fortable. I designed this versatile clothes, you will like it, although it is my dream, but in the near future, I will achi it.

英语作文 我想成为一名服装设计师

My dream

Everyone has his or her own dreams. My dream is to be a fashion designer. If l were a fashion designer , I would like to meet many famous modles and watch them perform wearing the clothes I designed.lf I were a fashion designer ,I could design lots of beautiful and fash8.It`s hardly that...ion clothes for myself.

If I were a famous fashion designer, I could show my own designed clothes in Paris Fashion show.These are that why l want to be a fashion designer.

每个人都有他(她)自己的梦想。我的梦想是成为一名服装设计师。如果我是服装设计师,我就能和许多的模特见面并且能观看她们穿着我设计的服装表演。如果我是一名服装设计师,我就能给我自己设计许多漂亮的服装。 如果我成为一名的设计师, 我将可以在巴黎时装秀上展示我的作品。以上这些就是我为什么要成为一名服装设计师的原因。

I want to be a good dressing - designer, because my dream is to make the best cloth in the world and bring it to Paris(巴黎) to join the Paris(巴黎)fashion show,i love the beautiful cloth and the fashion, i think i can make the beautiful cloth in the future and my dream will e true,i beli i can do it ! That's my dream!





Costume designer is an interesting job, because of its creativity. It is also a very hard job, because the designer must be inspired. When a designer is not the inspiration, you can not design good works. Moreover, fashion designer or an important job, because they lead the trend.

五十多Change to: more general statements个词


I want to bee a designer

I want to bee a designer. People put me design of cloth随着人口的急剧增加,住房问题越来越突出。es to wear on the body, the old man wearing my clothes will bee young and full of vigor, children wear will be more foil their lively youth angry. They praise my beautiful clothes, this is what made me feel happy thing. I design clothes will bee a milet of fashion design industry.

. "My future is not a dream"! I will Study hard, n now from my dream is still far away, but I will work hard to achi my dream.









你可以去屎啦,,呵呵呵 百度不到 ,直接玩完,服装英语,呵呵呵




change to: His/ Her/ Peo总的来讲是:放线、提材料、写技术交底、进场原材料取样送检、现场质量检查、隐蔽资料的填写、钢筋下料单的稽核、模板尺寸标高的检查等等,但一开始只要跟着工长完成工长交办的任务就行了。ple

Our school我看了一上午的电视。电视节目和无聊。于是我给南西打电话,可她不在家。我不知道她去哪里了。 students spend money like water, no concept of sing, what to buy, buy or usefulness. This phenomenon, I think is because most are the only child in the family, the improvement of living standards, and students between the comparison, the pursuit of fashion. The word" cultivate virtue throug practicing thrift, static to self-cultivation" thrift is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. I think that moderation is good, an economist said that if a country will make national economy parsimony. As middle school students, thrift is worthy of praise, after all the money were to arise from parents' hard work


for the time being暂时,眼下 from time to time有时,不时

Every one of us, as a member of our school, is a part of the whole, and soming should be called upon to make our school a better place with more beautiful sceneries, enhanced study atmosphere, better-maintained facilities, and greater caring environment. As to a student, study should come first and that explains why an enhanced atmosphere has become critically essential. What should be done first is to encourage students to organize their study groups so that those doing well in their studies我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我妈妈总是勤劳的干活.我爱我的父母. can he the chance to those in need ing themselves. While most of the students put their scores of exams in the first place, it is more important to let them know how to care others as well as themselves, not only in their studies, but also in other aspects of their life; after all, students are human beings born with flesh and blood rather than examination machines made of iron and steel. It is the caring environment that encourages students to take better care of class facilities such as desks, blackboards, comrs and so on; it is the caring environment that nurtures a wonderful campus with greater ocean of flowers and trees, soul-touching songs from birds, and crystal-like river beneath the romantic bridges. We firmly beli that harder as we try, that day wilWar is a pointless activity.l soon arrive, and most importantly the future is now.

金钱不是的,但没有金钱是万万不能的。根据以下提示,写一篇100词英语作文。 ①你如何看待金钱。


Can Money Buy Happiness ?

No Wrong Numbers

Can money buy happiness ? People he various answers to the question . Some people may say , “Yes .” In their eyes , only a rich man can live a happy life . For example , a man with plenty of money can buy delicious food , beautiful dresses , luxurious houses , expensive cars—anything required for him to live comfortably and enjoyably . For this reason , some people enjoyably . For this reason , some people beli that money is the source of happiness .

On the other hand , there are still a lot of others who take a negative attitude towards money . They think that money is the root of all evil . As a proverb goes , “Money makes the mare go .” Money can drive people into stealing , robbing and n murdering Many people become criminals just because they were in search of much more money . For these people . money brings them nothing but evil and misery .

In my view money , when justly obtained and properly used , can bring us happiness and blessings . Howr , if we try ry sible means , good or evil , to get money for nothing , money means nothing but a source of evil . Therefore , I beli that money is a good servant but a bad .



(Working for a Living)


In the first years of this century there was a notable difference between people who lived

on farms and people who lived in country towns and villages. Outsider city people .... did not un-derstand these differences but the town people and farmers were very sure of them. In general, people in the towns saw people who lived on farms as more apt to be slow-witted,tongue-tied, uncivilized, than themselves and somewhat more docile in spite of their strength. Farmers saw people who lived in towns as hing an easy life and being unlikely to survive in situations calling for fortitude, self-reliance, lifelong hard work. They belid this in spite of the fact that the hours men worked at factories or stores or at any job in town were long,and the wages Iow, and that many houses in town had no running water or flush toilets or electricity. And to a certain extent they were right, for the people in town had Sundays and Wednesday or Saturday afternoons off. and the farmers didn't. The townspeople too were not altoger mistaken, for the country people when they came into town to church were often very stiff and shy and the women were nr so pushy and confident as town women in the stores, and the country children who came in to go to High School or Continuation School,though they might get good marks and go on to successful careers later, were hardly r elected President of the Literary Society, or Class Representative, or given the award as Most Outstanding Student. Even money did not make much difference; farmers maintained a certain proud and wary reserve that might be seen as diffidence, in the presence of citizens they could buy ahd sell. (整理收集:英语作文网)


在本世纪(20世纪)初的那几年中,在农场里生活的人和居住在城镇里的人之间有着明显的异。外来者(城里人)不了解这其中的别,但小城镇的人和农民对这些别确信无疑。总之,住在城镇里的人认为乡下人比他们要反应慢,笨嘴笨舌,不讲文明,力气比他们大,脾气倒比他们温顺。农民则认为住在城镇里的人过着悠闲的生活,如果换一种需要勇气,需要自力更生,需要一生辛劳工作的环境,城镇居民可能难以生存。他们深信这一点,尽管事实是人们在工厂或商店或在镇上做任何一种工作的时间都很长,工资也很低,而且镇上很多房子没有自来水,没有抽水马桶或没有电。在某种程度上农民的想法是对的,因为镇上的人星期天和星期三或星期六下午放,而农民没有期。而镇上居民的看法也没完全错误,因为那些乡下人进城去教堂时总是你没能力自己创新设计服装已经够悲哀的了,还想原封不动的翻版人家的服装,也太天真了。哪个老板是傻瓜,你翻版回来的服装只要被老板在市场上看到,就够生气辞退你了。改版和翻版是不同的概念!改版是行业里预设的,翻版则是会给公司造成损失的!试想市场上已经出现的新款你照搬回来,让公司下单生产,能创造出效益来?而且还会把你自己在服装设计界的名声搞臭直至断送你的前途!这样的南郭先生实在是不可取。很拘谨、害羞;乡下女人在商店买东西时,永远也不会像镇上的女人那么自信、爱出风头;乡下孩子上中学或补习学校虽然也会有好成绩,日后也会有成功的事业,但他们很少被选为文学社社长,或班级代表,或被授予最杰出学生的称号。即使有了钱,乡下人也没有什么变化。在与他们做生意的城里人面前,他们保持着的某种尊严和小心翼翼的矜持,可能被看作胆怯。 (英语作文网收集整理)

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