1、Faculty Recommendation (2)最详细也最权威第三步:读申请者的大学作文,看学生的写作水平,语法词汇,看学生的个性,还看能不能从学生的作文中读出以下的素质:# The completed and submitted online application form.# The statement of pure.# Three letters of recommendation.# An official university/college transcript from each university/college attended that bears the seal of the institution and signature of the registrar or appropriate official.# C.V. or Resume.# Official GRE score report for the general test. The GRE test is recommended, but not required, for applicants to the AB/SM program. While only the general GRE test is required for full time students, we also recommend submitting the GRE subject test as well (especially for international students).# Official TOEFL scores. TOEFL scores are required for applicants whose native language is other than English and who do not hold a Bachelor degree or its equivalent from an institution at which English is the language of instruction.# The application fee of $105.00# Statement of financial resources (for 's applicants only).。