英语作文 my dream job 要求:想当一名记者 打算给报纸杂志写文章 高中毕业后想去上大学 ...
Trouble BrewingMy Dre[2] Shorteningam Job
Everyone 优点:has their dream jobs, so he I.
英语作文 中文也行!“看报纸能给我们带来很多收获” 60字
可以!太多了,笔头翻译得的钱可多呢,同步翻译更多!不过2,学到了一些英文单词和语法还需要学一学。It seems to me that I benefit a great deal from reading news. News is a good source of learning global news. It broadens my horizon by learn(= A Tenth of the British markerel Catch Ground into Feed )ing knowledge of the outside world. After I loved reading new, I nr feel anxious to write articles for there are plenty of throughts on my mind. In addition, I am interested in reading English new to practise my English. It really s.
3.培养了语感我打算给报社杂志社写文章用英语是I'm going to write an article for a news and magazine。
A lot of people beli that working at a magazine is a glamorous job.
Magazines began to call me.
It was as the magazine's business mar that he found his true metier.
He submitted the unedited version to a more respected journal and got accepted.
这家受到打击的杂志社最终艰难有的 不过一定要看懂为前提 所以会督促你查新单词 了解国外信息的重新开业,但是它现在希望能转变成为学术性杂志。
The wounded magazine re-opened its doors, but only briefly, and it now hopes to be reincarnated as an academic journal.
All he canto calm myself down,he seems some hysterical,he wants to l the person of whole world, I finally he the news magazine sent him manuscripts culverts.
[5] Pun4.和同学有关于英语方面的谈资
5.可以搜级以后写作的④ Omission of verbs资料
有帮助,看你是如何看,不能走马观花,好句好段要背出来了,多积累,多思考。才有好成绩Aantages and Disaantages of Mass Media
Mass media refers to the various channels through which rmation is disseminated to a large audience. This includes evision, newss, radio, magazines, and the internet. The mass media has both aantages and disaantages, which are outlined below.
1. Information dissemination: Mass media provides a platform for the dissemination of rmation to a large audience. It plays a crucial role in educating and rming people on important issues, such as politics, health, and the economy.
2. Entertainment: Mass media provides various forms of entertainment, such as movies, music, and sports programs. This s people to relax and unwind after a long day’s work.
3. Influence: The mass media has a significant influence on society and culture. It shapes people’s opinions, values, and beliefs, and can be used to promote itive social change.
DisaExamples: Ballots, Not Bullets ( = Algerians Want Ballots, Not Bullets )antages:
1. Biased reporting: Mass media is often accused of biased reporting, where news stories are slanted to suit the interests of certain groups or individuals. This can lead to the spread of misrmation and the erosion of public trust.
2. Addiction: Mass media can be addictive and can lead to an unhealthy preoccupation with certain types of content, such as social media or celebrity gossip.
3. Objectification: The mass media often portrays women and minorities in a negative way, rercing harmful stereotypes and contributing to discrimination and inequality.
大众[2] Use Noun to Replace Adjective, Phrase, and Verb传媒的优缺点
1. 信息传播:大众传媒为向大众传播信息提供了一个平台。它在教育和启发人们方面发挥着至关重要的作用,例如、健康和经济等重要问题。
2. 娱乐:大众传媒提供各种形式的娱乐,例如电影、音乐和体育节目。这有助于人们在漫长的一天工作后放松和消磨时间。
3. 影响力:大众传媒对和文化有着重要影响。它塑造了人们的观点、价值观和信念,并可以用于促进积极的变革。
2. 上瘾:大众传媒可能会上瘾,导致对某些类型的内容过度着迷,例如社交媒体或名人八卦。
3. 物化:大众传媒经常以负面方式描绘妇女和少数族裔,强化有害的刻板印象,并促成和不平等。
3.突出“where”要素;三百六十行,行行出状元。每个行业都有人赚赚有人亏本,只要Compound words in English news are usually formed by two or over two words. By compounding, we can make complicated structure r, what’s more, se space.你努力,学好学精英浯,肯定会赚钱,前途无量的。
Why is that female movie star so cool? She has many fans.Structure Features and Rhetorical Devs of English News Headlines
真的不需要,买了也很少有人能看.大一要想学好英语,把单词拿下,2个月吧一本单词书就能拿下了,以后学英语就会很轻松了.报纸不实用.Abstract: With the dlopment of mass media, news is one of the major media for us to get rmation all over the world. Nowadays English news is very popular and read all over Chine. Howr, many people still he difficulty in understanding English news headlines n for some English majors. This is because English news headlines he their own special features, culture backgrounds and different from the daily English we used in many aspects. This will then focus on the lexical, structure features and rhetorical devs of English news headlines, which can us to he a better understanding when we are reading newss.
【】:英文报刊;语言特色;研究Key words: News headline, Lexical features, Structure features, Rhetorical devs.
1. Introduction
Every time we pick up a news, what come into our sight will be lots of news headlines. A headline has become an indispensable part of news. The editor means to attract the reader’s attention through headlines. As a result, news headlines are usually specially designed to be short, concise, and rmative to convey different kinds of rmation. We may be confused by the headlines like “Cater’s War on Waste”, “UFO Sighted”, “Smugglers Get Jail and Fines”, “Weekly Mag for Stamp Lovers to Be Launched”, ect. Yet without some knowledge of news headline features, it is not easy for us to read English news. This has summarized the study of news dlopment in recent years and presents the lexical features, structure features and rhetorical devs of English news headlines in details.
2. Lexical Features of English News Headlines
Lexical features of English news headlines can mainly include four parts. They are exemplified as follows.
[1] Abbreviation
Abbreviation, which is used in a large quantity in English news, means “A shortened form of a word or phrase used chiefly in writing to represent the complete form”. Generally speaking there are 3 kinds of Abbreviations used in the news.
① Abbreviation for organizations
Examples: UNESCO = Uinted Nations Educational, Scientific and Culture Organization
PLO = Palestine Liberation Organization
NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration
APEC = Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference
FIFA = Federation Internationale de Football Association
② Abbreviation for profession and career
Examples: MP = member of parliament PM = prime minister
GM = general mar PA = personal assistant
③ Abbreviation for our familiar things
Examples: UFO = Unidentified Flying Object DJI = Dow-Jones Index
= Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
GMT = Greenwich Mean Times
Laser = Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Radar = Radio Detection and Ranging
Sonar = Sound Nigation Ranging
TOEFL = Test of English as A Foreign Language
IELTS = International English Language Testing System
Shortening of different words in news aims to spare more space or to cut down the length of the headlines.
Examples: grad – graduate hosp – hospital cig – cigarette
Cell – cellular Sec – second Reps – representatives
Info – rmation Int’l – international Deli– delicatessen
Hi-fi – high fidelity Hi-tech – high technology 3-D – three dimensional
G-7 – Group of sn A-bomb – atom bomb V-day – victory day
[3] Compound
Examples: ① “Plan to aid school dropouts extended” ( China Daily, Feb.5.1998 ). Here “school dropouts” refers to “the student who drops out of school”.
② “Li stresses corruption fight” (China Daily, Feb.6.1998). Here “corruption fight” refers to “fight against corruption”.
[4] Informal and Small Words
News headlines are likely to use rmal and all words because all words he more meanings than big words and can be used in many cases. In news English these words are refered to as “synonyms of all work”.
Examples: aim——pure, design, object intention, etc.
meet——assembly, convention, congregation, exam,etc,
pact——compact, contract,agreement,convention
3. Structure Features of English News Headlines
[1] Omission
Omission is one of the major features of English news headlines. Generally speaking, omission can be classified 4 types.
① Omission of articles
Examples: Italian Ex-mayor Murdered ( = A Italian Ex-mayor Was Murdered )
Tenth of British Mackerel Catch Ground into Feed
② Omission of conjunction and pronoun
He Dollars, Will Sell ( = If You He Dollars, Will Sell )
③ Omission of “be ” and auxiliary verbs
Examples: Three Dead after Inhaling over Gas ( = Three Are Dead after Inhaling over Gas )
Married Women to Get Care Allowance
( = Married Women Are to Get Care Allowance )
PNC’s world views praised ( = PNC’s world views were praised )
Pom peii Reported Seriously Damaged
( = Pom peii Reported to He Benn Seriously Damage)
Nouns are frequently used in news Headlines to replace different words to form various structures. So nouns are the most animated words in news headlines.
Examples: Yugosl pianist stirring music world
( “music world” = “musical world” )
Corruption Reports Against Pol Rise
( “corruption reports” = “reports on corruption complaints ”)
Female axe murderer executed
( “female axe murdered” = “ a female murderer who killed with an axe ” )
Export growth to beat crisis
( “growth” is used to replace “grow” )
Rhetorical devs of English news headlines mainly he six kinds. They are as follows.
[1] Imitation
Examples: The Son Also Rises To Se or Not to Se
The Road That Must be Taken Do as Maoris Do
iPod, therefore, i am
[2] Metaphor
Examples: A Dove Taking Wing
Whitewater May Drown Democrats
[3] Alliteration
Alliteration is the repetition of initial identical consonant sounds in successive or closely associated syllables, esp. stressed syllables.
Examples: Pride and Prejud Sense and Sensibility
Kill or Cure? Carrots and Clubs?
Solitary Soldier Tiger Tied Virtual Villains
[4] Rhyme
Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble It’s More Than a War
Examples: Why is the river so rich? It has two banks.
Why are monkeys as talkative as women? Each monkey has a tail(tale).
Which can run faster, heat or cold? Heat, because ryone can catch cold.
What is the worst weather for m?
When it rains cats and dogs.
Why is the bride always unlucky on her wedding day? Because she can nr marry the best man.
What is mind? It doesn’t matter.
What is the matter? Nr mind.
[6] Idiom
Examples: Rome is not built in a day.
Third time lucky.
The sn-year itch.
To sum up, English news headlines can use different kinds skills of lexical features, structure features and rhetorical devs to create many effects. Besides the features mentioned above, there many other features in English news headlines for us to yze. Understanding the headlines of the news is a gateway to understand the whole news, so news headlines is an area worthwhile for us to go deep into.
The Great Mall of China Structure features of English news headlines can be divided into two aspects. They are as follows: Candidate in the WindNewss Vs. Internet
报刊英语的语言特色The aence of mass printing in the l6th century has once brought about magnifnt influence to the world both socially and politically. A piece of news in hand, one could be in formed of what was happening around the world n without hing to get out of his armchair. Nowadays, howr, the role of news is being seriously challenged by the booming IT industry or world wide web, salites, optic-cables, to name just a few. As a matter of fact, In today's world where nearly ry thing starts with an "e", news will be replaced by other comr based means.
First of all, news can nr match internet in its speed. Actually, rmation of any kind can be transported digitally at up to 300,000,000 meters per second. In a world of efficiency, news can be defeated for this reason solely.
Last but not least, comrizing the process of rmation dissemination provides us with a more objective and state-of-the art point of view. Through internet, we can obtain ry detail we might want to know, which was sometimes unraled by newss for this or that reason. Obviously, the more accurate the facts are, the more easily an objective opinion can be formed.
In conclusion, though news is still regarded as indispensable for our daily routines,it cannot match internet in many aspects.
Examples: USA, Vietnam Resume Talks ( = USA and Vietnam Resume Talks )有作用,能够提高你的阅读能力和增长一些国外知识,但是对于口语练习作用不大,个人建议多看一些国外英语电影或者演讲对口语很有帮助,毕竟学习英语的目的是能够说出一口流利的英语,所以练习口语很重要!
有帮助,不过要尽量多交些英文好的朋友,或找些Pun is an expression that achis emphasis or humor by contriving an ambiguity, two distinct meanings suggested either by the same word or by two similar sounding words.机会与外国人聊天,又或多参加一些有关英语的集体活动.,锻炼提高