


赚钱:make money;make a profit(获利;赚钱)




He always has an eye to money whatr his plans are. 不管他的如何,他的目的就是赚钱。

We can't undertake that you will make a profit. 我们不能保证你会获利。

make mo不管他的如何,他的目的就是赚钱.ney


make money; make a profit

make money


earn money


If you going to study English at your desk, begin by typing a paragraph in English. You can type about your day, your hobbies, your friends, etc. Anything will do. Typing s activate the kinetic part of your brain that s improve learning through physical activity. I also recommend typing while you study your English grammar. This will solidify your knowledge with movement. 如果你是坐在桌前学习英语,从打出一段简单的英文开始吧。你可以写写你的一天都干了什么,你的爱好,你的朋友等等。打字可以帮助激活你大脑中运动的部分,这有助于从生理行为方面促进学习。我还学语法的时候打字,这可以通过动作固化你的记忆。

I he recently had an interview about obtain-employment opinoins with some professors.

Most of the students want to find a well-paid job,while part of them are looking on,waiting for good opportunities.Only a few want to start an undertaking on their own.

Howr,the professors think that students shouldn't wait.Instead,they should find a job as soon as sible so that they can accumulate experience and earn money.Also,the w6.多方位多角度来学英语。经常读报、听广播、看外语电影、听外语讲座、读课本和别人交谈等方式来练习英语。orking situation may be more serious next year.

学习英语的十个方法 用英语回答

5. 我附近的公园写一篇英语作文五年级上

1.Study Every Day 坚持每天学习

clean river. There are some colorful flowers. There is a beautiful mountain near

It's important to study English ry day. Howr, don't exaggerate! Study for thirty minutes ry day instead of two hours once a week. Short, steady pract is much better for learning than long periods on an irregular basis. This habit of studying English ry day will keep English in your brain fresh. 每天都坚持学英语很重要。但是,也不要太夸张了!每天学习30分钟比一周学习两个小时效果更好。短暂的、定期的练习比起不定期的长时间学习效果更好。每天坚持学习英语的习惯可以使你大脑中储存的英语知识保持在活跃的状态。

2.Review Grammar as Your Watch or Read 回顾你观看或阅读过的语法知识

Give yourself one grammar goal when reading a new article or watching a new video. For example, try to write down each example of a form you are studying such as the present perfect. Use highlighters (colored pens) with texts to highlight forms that you are studying. 在阅读一篇新的文章或观看一个新的视频时,给你自己定下一个语法目标。例如,试着写下你正在学习的一个形式,例如现在完成时。使用荧光笔(或彩色笔)在你学习的文本重点处做上记号。

3.Use Different Learning Mods 使用不同的学习方法

Don't just use one way to study English. Use a variety of mods which will all the parts of your brain (multiple inces) you. For example, if you are learning new vocabulary, create a word map, describe a picture, make a list and study that, type out the words five times. All of these mods toger to rerce your learning. 不要只使用一种方法来学习英语。使用不同的方法能够使你大脑(多元智能)中不同的区域发挥作用。例如;如果您在学习新的词汇,可以画一张词语地图,或描绘出一幅图,列出一个清单并进行学习,将这些词语分五次敲出来。所有这些方法作用在一起可以帮助你加强学习。

4.Find Some Friends 寻找学习搭档

5.ChooseTopics that Interest You 选择你感兴趣的话题

One of the most important things to do is to study English using topics that you like. This will motivate you because you will also be learning about a topic you find interesting while you study English. 重要的一点就是,选择你喜欢的话题来学习英语。这样可以使你激发动力,因为你是一边学英语,一边学习你感兴趣的话题。

6.Warming-up to Study English 利用准备活动来学习英语

Just as there are exercises to you warm up before you play some basketball or other sport, there are exercises which can you warm up to study English. 就像在你打篮球或做其他运动之前,都会做一些暖身运动一样,你也可以通过一些练习来帮助你做一些学习英语的准备活动。

Activate your vocabulary by thinking or speaking briefly about the subject you are about to work on. For example, if you are going to study English on topics that focus on vacations, take a moment to think about your last vacation, what you did, what you enjoyed, etc. This exercise will your brain warm-up to vocabulary that you are likely to encounter as you study English about this particular subject. 通过思考或简述即将开展的主题,可以激活你的词汇。例如,如果你要学习关于度的英语话题,你可以花点时间想想上一次的期、你都做了些什么、喜欢什么等等。在学习特定的英语主题时,这个简单的练习可以帮助你的大脑为学习词汇做好准备。

Activate your grammar by thinking about the general grammar area before you begin to study. For example, if you are going to study English grammar focusing on the past, stop to think about what you did last weekend, where you went, etc. to activate what you already understand about using the past. As with activating vocabulary, you'll your brain bring up what it knows about the past in an easy way before you begin to focus on studying English grammar in detail. 在开始学习之前,想一想通用的语法点来激活你的语法。例如,如果你是要学习英语语法中的过去时态,可以停下来想想上周你做了什么。通过激活语法,你可以以简单的方式使自己的大脑回想起关于一般过去时的知识。

9.Singing a Song 唱歌

Before class begins, or before you sit down to study English sing a song in English to yourself. Make sure to use a song that you understand and know very well. This short and fun exercise will your brain focus on the English language in a relaxing manner. It's important to be relaxed when you study English! Singing a song also s activate the creative side of your brain which can you come up with more examples as your pract conversation or do some creative writing. 在上课或你开始学习英语之前,可以唱一首英语歌。你要确保歌里的每个词都认识并理解。这种简短有趣的练习可以帮助你的大脑轻松地将精力集中在英语上。轻松地学习英语很重要!唱歌可以帮助激活大脑中创造性的一面,从而使你在练习对话或进行创意写作时能想出更多的例子。

10.Typing a Short Paragraph in English 写一小段英语文章

11.A Little Grammar, a Little Listening, a Little Reading, and a little Writing 语法、听力、阅读和写作都要涉及到

Make sure to study a number of areas rather than focusing on just one topic. Study a little grammar, then do a short listening exercise, then perhaps read an article on the same topic. Don't do too much, twenty minutes on three different types of exercises is plenty! 要确保涉足多个版块,而不是只集中于一个版块。学点语法,然后做一些听力练习,再读一篇相同主题的文章。不用太多,在三个不同的板块花上20分钟就够了。


1.Study Every Day 坚持每天学习

It's important to study English ry day. Howr, don't exaggerate! Study for thirty minutes ry day instead of two hours once a week. Short, steady pract is much better for learning than long periods on an irregular basis. This habit of studying English ry day will keep English in your brain fresh. 每天都坚持学英语很重要。但是,也不要太夸张了!每天学习30分钟比一周学习两个小时效果更好。短暂的、定期的练习比起不定期的长时间学习效果更好。每天坚持学习英语的习惯可以使你大脑中储存的英语知识保持在活跃的状态。

2.Review Grammar as Your Watch or Read 回顾你观看或阅读过的语法知识

Give yourself one grammar goal when reading a new article or watching a new video. For example, try to write down each example of a form you are studying such as the present perfect. Use highlighters (colored pens) with texts to highlight forms that you are studying. 在阅读一篇新的文章或观看一个新的视频时,给你自己定下一个语法目标。例如,试着写下你正在学习的一个形式,例如现在完成时。使用荧光笔(或彩色笔)在你学习的文本重点处做上记号。

3.Use Different Learning Mods 使用不同的学习方法

Don't just use one way to study English. Use a variety of mods which will all the parts of your brain (multiple inces) you. For example, if you are learning new vocabulary, create a word map, describe a picture, make a list and study that, type out the words five times. All of these mods toger to rerce your learning. 不要只使用一种方法来学习英语。使用不同的方法能够使你大脑(多元智能)中不同的区域发挥作用。例如;如果您在学习新的词汇,可以画一张词语地图,或描绘出一幅图,列出一个清单并进行学习,将这些词语分五次敲出来。所有这些方法作用在一起可以帮助你加强学习。

4.Find Some Friends 寻找学习搭档

5.ChooseTopics that Interest You 选择你感兴趣的话题

One of the most important things to do is to study English using topics that you like. This will motivate you because you will also be learning about a topic you find interesting while you study English. 重要的一点就是,选择你喜欢的话题来学习英语。这样可以使你激发动力,因为你是一边学英语,一边学习你感兴趣的话题。

6.Warming-up to Study English 利用准备活动来学习英语

Just as there are exercises to you warm up before you play some basketball or other sport, there are exercises which can you warm up to study English. 就像在你打篮球或做其他运动之前,都会做一些暖身运动一样,你也可以通过一些练习来帮助你做一些学习英语的准备活动。

Activate your vocabulary by thinking or speaking briefly about the subject you are about to work on. For example, if you are going to study English on topics that focus on vacations, take a moment to think about your last vacation, what you did, what you enjoyed, etc. This exercise will your brain warm-up to vocabulary that you are likely to encounter as you study English about this particular subject. 通过思考或简述即将开展的主题,可以激活你的词汇。例如,如果你要学习关于度的英语话题,你可以花点时间想想上一次的期、你都做了些什么、喜欢什么等等。在学习特定的英语主题时,这个简单的练习可以帮助你的大脑为学习词汇做好准备。

Activate your grammar by thinking about the general grammar area before you begin to study. For example, if you are going to study English grammar focusing on the past, stop to think about what you did last weekend, where you went, etc. to activate what you already understand about using the past. As with activating vocabulary, you'll your brain bring up what it knows about the past in an easy way before you begin to focus on studying English grammar in detail. 在开始学习之前,想一想通用的语法点来激活你的语法。例如,如果你是要学习英语语法中的过去时态,可以停下来想想上周你做了什么。通过激活语法,你可以以简单的方式使自己的大脑回想起关于一般过去时的知识。

9.Singing a Song 唱歌

Before class begins, or before you sit down to study English sing a song in English to yourself. Make sure to use a song that you understand and know very well. This short and fun exercise will your brain focus on the English language in a relaxing manner. It's important to be relaxed when you study English! Singing a song also s activate the creative side of your brain which can you come up with more examples as your pract conversation or do some creative writing. 在上课或你开始学习英语之前,可以唱一首英语歌。你要确保歌里的每个词都认识并理解。这种简短有趣的练习可以帮助你的大脑轻松地将精力集中在英语上。轻松地学习英语很重要!唱歌可以帮助激活大脑中创造性的一面,从而使你在练习对话或进行创意写作时能想出更多的例子。

10.Typing a Short Paragraph in English 写一小段英语文章

11.A Little Grammar, a Little Listening, a Little Reading, and a little Writing 语法、听力、阅读和写作都要涉及到

Make sure to study a number of areas rather than focusing on just one topic. Study a little grammar, then do a short listening exercise, then perhaps read an article on the same topic. Don't do too much, twenty minutes on three different types of exercises is plenty! 要确保涉足多个版块,而不是只集中于一个版块。学点语法,然后做一些听力练习,再读一篇相同主题的文章。不用太多,在三个不同的板块花上20分钟就够了。


1.Study Every Day 坚持每天学习

It's important to study English ry day. Howr, don't exaggerate! Study for thirty minutes ry day instead of two hours once a week. Short, steady pract is much better for learning than long periods on an irregular basis. This habit of studying English ry day will keep English in your brain fresh. 每天都坚持学英语很重要。但是,也不要太夸张了!每天学习30分钟比一周学习两个小时效果更好。短暂的、定期的练习比起不定期的长时间学习效果更好。每天坚持学习英语的习惯可以使你大脑中储存的英语知识保持在活跃的状态。

2.Review Grammar as Your Watch or Read 回顾你观看或阅读过的语法知识

Give yourself one grammar goal when reading a new article or watching a new video. For example, try to write down each example of a form you are studying such as the present perfect. Use highlighters (colored pens) with texts to highlight forms that you are studying. 在阅读一篇新的文章或观看一个新的视频时,给你自己定下一个语法目标。例如,试着写下你正在学习的一个形式,例如现在完成时。使用荧光笔(或彩色笔)在你学习的文本重点处做上记号。

3.Use Different Learning Mods 使用不同的学习方法

Don't just use one way to study English. Use a variety of mods which will all the parts of your brain (multiple inces) you. For example, if you are learning new vocabulary, create a word map, describe a picture, make a list and study that, type out the words five times. All of these mods toger to rerce your learning. 不要只使用一种方法来学习英语。使用不同的方法能够使你大脑(多元智能)中不同的区域发挥作用。例如;如果您在学习新的词汇,可以画一张词语地图,或描绘出一幅图,列出一个清单并进行学习,将这些词语分五次敲出来。所有这些方法作用在一起可以帮助你加强学习。

4.Find Some Friends 寻找学习搭档

5.ChooseTopics that Interest You 选择你感兴趣的话题

One of the most important things to do is to study English using topics that you like. This will motivate you because you will also be learning about a topic you find interesting while you study English. 重要的一点就是,选择你喜欢的话题来学习英语。这样可以使你激发动力,因为你是一边学英语,一边学习你感兴趣的话题。

6.Warming-up to Study English 利用准备活动来学习英语

Just as there are exercises to you warm up before you play some basketball or other sport, there are exercises which can you warm up to study English. 就像在你打篮球或做其他运动之前,都会做一些暖身运动一样,你也可以通过一些练习来帮助你做一些学习英语的准备活动。

Activate your vocabulary by thinking or speaking briefly about the subject you are about to work on. For example, if you are going to study English on topics that focus on vacations, take a moment to think about your last vacation, what you did, what you enjoyed, etc. This exercise will your brain warm-up to vocabulary that you are likely to encounter as you study English about this particular subject. 通过思考或简述即将开展的主题,可以激活你的词汇。例如,如果你要学习关于度的英语话题,你可以花点时间想想上一次的期、你都做了些什么、喜欢什么等等。在学习特定的英语主题时,这个简单的练习可以帮助你的大脑为学习词汇做好准备。

Activate your grammar by thinking about the general grammar area before you begin to study. For example, if you are going to study English grammar focusing on the past, stop to think about what you did last weekend, where you went, etc. to activate what you already understand about using the past. As with activating vocabulary, you'll your brain bring up what it knows about the past in an easy way before you begin to focus on studying English grammar in detail. 在开始学习之前,想一想通用的语法点来激活你的语法。例如,如果你是要学习英语语法中的过去时态,可以停下来想想上周你做了什么。通过激活语法,你可以以简单的方式使自己的大脑回想起关于一般过去时的知识。

9.Singing a Song 唱歌

Before class begins, or before you sit down to study English sing a song in English to yourself. Make sure to use a song that you understand and know very well. This short and fun exercise will your brain focus on the English language in a relaxing manner. It's important to be relaxed when you study English! Singing a song also s activate the creative side of your brain which can you come up with more examples as your pract conversation or do some creative writing. 在上课或你开始学习英语之前,可以唱一首英语歌。你要确保歌里的每个词都认识并理解。这种简短有趣的练习可以帮助你的大脑轻松地将精力集中在英语上。轻松地学习英语很重要!唱歌可以帮助激活大脑中创造性的一面,从而使你在练习对话或进行创意写作时能想出更多的例子。

10.Typing a Short Paragraph in English 写一小段英语文章

11.A Little Grammar, a Little Listening, a Little Reading, and a little Writing 语法、听力、阅读和写作都要涉及到

Make sure to study a number of areas rather than focusing on just one topic. Study a little grammar, then do a short listening exercise, then perhaps read an article on the same topic. Don't do too much, twenty minutes on three different types of exercises is plenty! 要确保涉足多个版块,而不是只集中于一个版块。学点语法,然后做一些听力练习,再读一篇相同主题的文章。












英语语言学习的四大领域: 听说读写,其中听和读作为语言的接收部分是语言学习的基础。如果孩子听不懂单词,可以用词典笔的词典扫描功能,查出单词的意思,模仿音频的发音,在此基础上多次重复听。孩子用词典笔听歌,也不怕伤眼睛或是分散注意力了。


家长可以给孩子准备孩子喜欢的绘本故事以及同课文内容高度相关的英文材料。孩子在读英文绘本的时候,有个five finger rule的标准,也就是说孩子看书的时候一本书一页的生词不超过五个。这样这本书跟孩子的阅读水平比较一致,孩子读起来才会更有兴趣。














1.Study Every Day 坚持每天学习

It's important to study English ry day. Howr, don't exaggerate! Study for thirty minutes ry day instead of two hours once a week. Short, steady pract is much better for learning than long periods on an irregular basis. This habit of studying English ry day will keep English in your brain fresh. 每天都坚持学英语很重要。但是,也不要太夸张了!每天学习30分钟比一周学习两个小时效果更好。短暂的、定期的练习比起不定期的长时间学习效果更好。每天坚持学习英语的习惯可以使你大脑中储存的英语知识保持在活跃的状态。

2.Review Grammar as Your Watch or Read 回顾你观看或阅读过的语法知识

Give yourself one grammar goal when reading a new article or watching a new video. For example, try to write down each example of a form you are studying such as the present perfect. Use highlighters (colored pens) with texts to highlight forms that you are studying. 在阅读一篇新的文章或观看一个新的视频时,给你自己定下一个语法目标。例如,试着写下你正在学习的一个形式,例如现在完成时。使用荧光笔(或彩色笔)在你学习的文本重点处做上记号。

3.Use Different Learning Mods 使用不同的学习方法

Don't just use one way to study English. Use a variety of mods which will all the parts of your



1.坚持不懈,从不间断。每天至少看 15-20 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的时间。










我觉得口语学习主要取决于外教资质.好.坏,我学习的ABC天卞英语就强调学习效果,他们很负责认真教学 而且还会出回家作业 紧跟着我的进度 特别是口语和听力,能是外国人教学。TenwaystolearnEnglish:1、bylisteningtothetapes;、listeningtoEnglishmusic;、watcngEnglishmoviesorTV;、flashcards;、keepingwritingnotesinclassandstudythenotesafterclass;、readingEnglishmagazines;、joininganEnglishlanguageclub;、studyinggrammar;、practieingconverionswithfriends;10、askingtheteacherfor








Today, I went to the park with my parents. I saw monkey, giraffe and so on. When we took a break in the lake, I saw a lot of goldfish in the lake. People threw food into the water, then suddenly all the fish came and ate the food. It was a crowd of fish, and I was shocked, but then they went away quickly.



On Sunday morning, my mother took me to the park to see the flowers. Entering the gate of the park, I could ell the fragrant flower fragrance. There are chrysanthemum, camellia, moon season and so on. The park is filled with flowers, flowers in the grass, flowers in the flowerbeds, and the roadside is filled with all kinds of flowers, like a sea of flowers, a world of flowers. The shape of the flower is in various shapes, the morning glory is like a trumpet, the iris is like a butterfly, and the rooster crowns like the red comb of a rooster. The colors of the flowers are more beautiful, red as fire, pink as xia, white as snow, blue as sky, yellow as gold, green like jade. Colorful, magnifnt.

After a while, the breeze blowing gently, the flowers are various huaguduo, huaguduo like a shy little girl, you still can't open, some only a few pieces of petals, like a shy girl he to see the outside world, and all the open, like a beautiful girl fully show the beautiful ile, and after flowering, low head, like a ager in meditation, the flowers are sometimes like a member of a dance in the dance, some like a soldier in bowing to the earth, thank you for the support.

How beautiful the flowers are in the park!


One afternoon, I met with my friend xiaoming to visit the scenic park. After a while, we were panting and sweating. So we came to the stool under the all tree and ate delicious snacks while we rested.

As I was getting ready to get up, I suddenly notd that the cru on the ground were surrounded by some all black ants, so the two of us squatted down to observe. The poor little ones were pushing and pushing around the food. But the cru did not move, and they soon ran round and round the food. I couldn't but laugh, "little guy, I can't myself." Xiao Ming said to me mysteriously, "don't worry, we will look down slowly."

After only a few moments, a swarm of ants came. They were valiant and bre, as if they were going to fight a fierce battle. They come to the cookie cru, and they come. Some of them bite, some chew, and the cru soon become aller. Some ants are pulling toger for another cookie. As they moved, the cru were lifted, slowly moving forward.

I was deeply moved by this scene. At the same time, I also understand the meaning of "unity is strength".


Today, I came to the park. The park was so busy and so full of people.

First of all, I saw the rainbow tender, he red, he yellow, purple, a little tender with a drop of dew of little were shining brilliantly, I think the little dew is suped to be the moon sister angry accidentally broke the pearl necklace, each good bright light. Saw the vibrant tree, the tree has a nutrient solution, I think maybe is the nutrient solution so many trees decorated so vibrant, like a strong young man. Feng's aunt blows to the bamboo sister, the bamboo sister seems to be dancing. The maple trees are all red, like a cloud of fire, and the hearts of people are burning up, which reminds me of a verse that stops to sit in love with the maple trees, the frost lees red in February flowers. Around the park is a Holly tree, and the Holly tree looks like a strong warrior park.

Walking along, I was not careful to come to a all templeThere is nothing like hing a few friends to study English toger. You can pract the exercises toger, he conversations toger (in English!), and, as you study English toger, each other with exercises you may not understand. 没有什么比得上和几个朋友一起学习了。你们可以一起做练习,一起对话(用英语!)。当你们一起学习英语的时候,可以针对不懂的练习互相帮助。, the all temple is colorful, but also painted a beautiful pattern. I quietly the all temple, inside are all wooden bar, plank brick, iron nails, like 100 million years nobody lived to clean the same.

At night, the park becomes a sea of lights, and the park lights up like a colorful fairy to the park to light up the park.

Ah, the park in fall is a really colorful place.


15. He always has an eye to money whatr his plans are.

1. 五年级去公园玩的英语作文 This morning I and a friend go to the park near our house .The flowers and trees is very n .There are many people in the park.Near the river an old man is fishing and many children run on the square.I am very happy ,because a man is playing yo-yo there.I like it very much .we walk around the whole park and then we e to a shop to eat soming.At about 4 pm,we lee the park.I he a happy day .我想了半天尽量写简单的句子。


尽管自己7.Activating Your Vocabulary 激活词汇写的不是很好,但那起码是自己写的啊!加油。

2. 五年级去公园玩的英语作文

This morning I and a friend go to the park near our house .The flowers and trees is very n .There are many people in the park.Near the river an old man is fishing and many children run on the square.I am very happy ,because a man is playing yo-yo there.I like it very much .we walk around the whole park and then we e to a shop to eat soming.At about 4 pm,we lee the park.I he a happy day .我想了半天尽量写简单的句子。



There is a park called the "Natural Park" in my city.It's very big and very beautiful.There are many n flowers and green trees in the park.The air in the park is very fresh.I like to go to the park in the morning with my parents.We all like running slowly in the morning.The park has many attractions,just like a all amusement park.So on the weekends,many families enjoy going to the park to he a great time.


4. 怎样描写公园的景色英语作文小学五年级

There is aclean river. There are some colorful flowers. There is a beautiful mountain near the nature park. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. The tree is green. The bridge is tall. The grass is green. I can run on the grass.There is a path near the lake. There are many fish in the lake. There is a forest in the nature park. There are many trees on the mountains. There are many

flowers near the path.

There is a park called the "Natural Park" in my city.It's very big and very beautiful.There are many n flowers and green trees in the park.The air in the park is very fresh.I like to go to the park in the morning with my parents.We all like running slowly in the morning.The park has many attractions,just like a all amusement park.So on the weekends,many families enjoy going to the park to he a great time.


6. 关于五年级的自然公园的英语作文

Green grasses,blue lakes and beautiful mountains are waiting for you!Wele to

colorful nature pare!


There is a

the nature park. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. The clouds are white. The

tree is green. The bridge is tall. The grass is green. I can run on the grass.

There is a path near the lake. There are many fish in the lake. There is a

forest in the nature park. There are many trees on the mountains. There are many

flowers near the path.

Look! There are some birds in the sky. One, o,

three…… oh! So many!



7. 用英语正在进行时写在公园的作文五年级

I go to the park and see a lot of people there. Some boys are playing football. Some girls are flying kites. Four old men are playing cards and o men are wathing them. Some old women are playing badminton. Two young men are taking photos over there.。

8. 五年级英语以你经常到哪公园,公园里有什么40~50个字英语作文

你好,同学,才看到你发来的求助题,现在为你解答作文1Next month Amy will be 13 years old. On her birthday, she will stay with her family. They will he a lot of things to do. They are going to watch films, play in a park and he dinner in a restaurant. Her parents will buy her a new shirt and she is going to wear it on that day. It is going to be a n day.作文2The animals are hing a sports meeting now. Look! The birds are flying.They fly so high.The monkeys are running.They run very fast as if they were the wind.The fishes are swimming.How freely they are!They are swimming so beautifully that ryone is screaming.The rabbits are jumping while the tigers are climbing.They are both happy and excited.作文3Hi, my name is Chen Yi. I'm going to he a busy weekend. On Saturday, I'm going to learn English in the morning. Then, I'm going to go home and do my homework. On Sunday morning, I'm going to the bookstore by taxi. I want to buy some books. In the afternoon, I'm going to visit my grandparents and read the new books. I like reading. At night, I'm going to the park with my parents. I think that will be fun! What about you What's your weekend plan 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O有不明白的请继续追问(^__^)。

9. 关于in the park 的英语作文五年级的

There are many beautiful things in the park.A big garden is in the middle of the park.And some coulorful flowers are in the garden.Besides,o old man are sitting beside a big and green tree,playing chess.And a little boy is just playing basketball over there.I am so happy to see this wonderful picture.All things are so relaxing.

主要是讲在公园里看到的一些情景。符合in the park 的描述。句总起,后文动静都有,前半部分是静,后半部分是动。还有感想。文笔也是比较符合五年级的英文水平。如有问题还可追问。!




































inI like this nature park very much. I am so excited.






















earn money


挣钱[zhèng qián]


earn money; make money


earn; money; to make money




I make more money than he does.

earn a living 这是谋生的意思 比make8.Activating Your Grammar 激活语法 money 要高级



pond fish. This is the best pen of this article.. In the lake, the fish is very weird: opeoplene is the fish actually countable, about 100 Xu head "; second is" shadow cloth on the stone ", calm demeanor contend not to move". This is to write off both static,


3. 我附近的公园写一篇英语作文五年级上

赚钱(to make money)就是获取利润,挣得钱财。是通过自身的资本或者劳动力产生收入的一个过程。下面就由我为大家带来关于赚钱的英语短语集锦,希望大家能有所收获。


make money;

make a profit;

be in pocket;

努力赚钱Efforts to make money ; Trying to make money


1. The owners don't want to overlook any opportunity to make a buck.


2. Who brings up the baby and who brings home the bacon?

3. Making easy money has always been an attractive proition.


4. In her extreme youth, Maria had sold her ual fours for money.


5. I was old enough to work and earn money.


6. The dealers profited shamefully at the expense of my family.


7. One wine shop is coining money selling Wembley-label champagne.


8. I think ry business's goal is to make money.


9. It was quite a lucrative sideline.


10. She was always out earning.


11. The company said the serv was uneconomic.


12. a cash bonanza for investors


13. a stepping stone to a more lucrative career


14. to make money on the stock market




If you want to make money, buy cheap and sell dear.


All his little schemes for money seem to come to grief.


As workers in a profit- industry, miners are demanding a larger sl of the cake.


It is one thing to make money, and it is another to spend it.


On the basis of our sales forecasts, we may begin to make a profit next year.


It is profitable to import food.


Itinto knows how to make money and how to defend those mods in court.


He has devised a soheme for money.


I work real hard to collect my cash!


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白城电视台直播赚钱文案 电视台挣钱模式
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