

在上学的时候你会发现有些人英语很好,考试的时候都是排名前几,而且轻轻松松过6级,口语也很标准。我觉得英语好的人在就业的时候会有很大的优势。一、英语好的人在就业的时候有更多的选择。公司在人才的时候他们都会发布一些需求,有些需求是硬性的,例如必须要求英语过6级,必须能够用口语和他人正常的沟通,能够用英语写作,能够用英语写邮件等,这些都是必须的要求。如果你没有这方面的能力,那么在投的时候都会被HR PASS掉。但如果你有这方面的能力,英语很好,那么你就会得到机会,你在面试的时候就可以脱颖而出,你就能够找到一些更好的工作。在找工作的时候需求面也会更广,例如别人应聘不了这份工作,但你英语好,你就可以做这份工作,你就会有更多的选择,例如可以选择做外贸工作,例如可以选择做翻译工作,这些都是你的优势。二、英语好的人在就业的时候更容易得到应聘官的青睐。一些岗位即使不需要英语,但是如果你英语能力很好,在面试的时候能够在面试官面前展示你的英语能力,我相信面试官也会对你高看一眼,也会认为你这个人更有能力,也愿意对你另眼相看。我觉得这样的人也会更突出,也更容易得到工作机会。不管是找工作还是创业,英语对一个人来说都是有好处的,在找工作的时候英语会给你加分。在个人创业的时候,英语也会有很大的优势,例如做外贸行业,做跨境电商,如果你有很好的英语,自己就能够做好这些事情。你的英语有给你的就业加分吗?欢迎在下方里面说说。





online retailer

retailer 是零售商


Online retailers 在线零售商

online business网络商务

online trader 网络商人

英语作文 电商对生活的影响

With rapid dlopment of rmationization, global electronic commerce transaction has increased greatly within past decade years. Almost all kinds of industries are closely connected with electronic commerce. Howr, rything has two sides.

On one hand,booming electronic commerce is the fastest way so far to make transactions across far distance. It makes it sible to do business at home, which ses time and unnecessary formalities. That's why e-commerce is preferable to traditional commerce.

On the other hand,there exist many problems either.It is hard to control the virtual business. False,deceptive rmatin is interspersing among e-commerce. Without mament, losses are liable to happen ry time. So we should hold strong risk awareness to protect ourselves on e-commerce.

Above all, the trend towards promising e-commerce is an irresistible trend of times. It undoubtedly contributes to impayable prosperity of world economy. Let’s prepare to embrace this irretrievable trend.






问题一:“跨境电商平台”英语怎么说 “跨境电商平台”

Cross-border electronic business platform


Cross-border electronic business platform

问题二:阿里跨境电商研究中心用英文怎么说 Ali cross-border electricity suppliers research center

问题三:规则,“跨境电商”英语怎么说 Cross-border electricity supplier


问题四:跨境电商初级人才认证 英文怎么说 Cross border electricity suppliers certification


问题五:跨境交易用英文怎么说 跨境交易

[网络] cross-border transaction; cross-border transactions; cross-border trading; cross border supply;


The stock market is convinced more cross-border deals will take place.

问题六:跨境电商需要新的贸易规则,“跨境电商”英语怎么说 跨境电商需要新的贸易规则,“跨境电商”

英文翻译_Cross border electricity providers need new trade rules, cross-border electricity supplier

问题七:传神公司有个子公司是做跨境电商的,英文简称叫CBEC,全拼是啥啊? Cross Border E-merce,有听说过,前面武汉有个光谷,是他们组织的,蛮的。

问题八:跨境电商零售进口商品清单英文怎么说 你好。这个翻译成英语是:Cross-border electricity suppliers list of retail imports。


问题九:跨境电商物流业务员的英文怎么说有道翻译 跨境电商物流业务员

Cross-border electricity suppliers logistics business

问题十:跨境电商需要应用到很多英语吗? Let's go get some food. I'm a little gry.


As can be seen from the chart that money value of annual global electronic transactions id increasing gradually in the sn years.In 1997,the money value of global electronic commerce transactions is US$ 2.6 billion,while the number reaches US$1000 billion,500 times that of 1997.why is electronic commerce booming nowadays?

Sral factors contribute to this phenomenon.First,the ailability of comr is the foremost cause.The rapid dlopment of comr technology enables rybody to he access to comr and Internet.Internet now no more a stranger to common people.Second,the technology of Internet is becoming more and more mature.


Electronic commerce, mean business the both parties' rely on the calculator network. according to certain standard carry on of each kind of company's activity.The electronic commerce is a kind of to rely on the modern rmation technique and the network techniques, gathering the finance electronical, ma rmation-based, company the rmation network changes into the integral whole, the aim is carrying out the logistics, funds to flow to flow the new trade mod that diapason unify with rmation, is to trade the movable whole process electronical, the network turns to turn with numeral.The electronic commerce brought huge impact for traditional trade mod, arousing the change of the economy structure, is a company revolution of the ó mod, drive international think up is an important motivation of the economic dlopment of 21 centuries, n can dlop to the economy with 200 year ago Industrial Revolutions of promote place on equal footing, the traditional business enterprise enters the electronic commerce realm distinctly currently, just become the phenomenon of the universal world

1.电子商务的优缺点 Aantages and disaantages of e-commerce2.电子商务与生活的联系 E-commerce with life






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