电商英语销售产品 电商销售英文怎么说
电商英语销售产品 电商销售英文怎么说
1、电子商务或EC(英语: E-Commerce)是指在互联网(Internet)、企业内部网 (Intranet) 和增值网(VAN,Value Added Network)上以电子交易方式进行交易活动和相关服务活动,是传统商业活动各环节的电子化、网路化。
5、涉及的主要问题包括:资源扩张 - 主要目标是通过网上销售商品和提供服务产生的收入以抵销营运成本吗?如果是这样,组织期望或希望生成的收入是多少?这些战略问题将允许该组织把多少资金用于电子商务活动。
10、网上客户的购买模式 - 新产品的更新可能会影响客户所购买的物品数量和回访客户数量的频率。
17、附件China first introduced the concept of e-commerce in 1993, its first online transactions occurred in 1996, as of 2005, the market size of e-commerce to reach 680 billion yuan, an increase of 41.7% in 2004, as of October 2005 , more than 2300 million SMEs in China more than 300 million will only use the Internet to do business, more than only one percent of the total, which paid in the form of e-commerce through the online trading business more only a few more than 30 million, accounting for 1.3% of the total. Overall, the main business of e-commerce dlopment in our country is still emerging e-commerce, traditional companies, especially all and medium enterprises is a serious shortage of traditional e-commerce applications. Needless to say, the dlopment of e-commerce companies is definiy a benefit, the key is how the majority of all and medium enterprises with their own conditions, consider the costs and benefits of principle, the use of a more efficient way to cut e-commerce, rather than blindly follow the trend, and to build a website not e-commerce, e-commerce really work continuing operations also rely on the backend. To better carry out e-commerce, we must learn from the aanced experience of foreign countries, read a lot of first-hand rmation on e-commerce in English, therefore, to he a certain knowledge of English is very important.2:外文原文The e-commerce strategyIt may be useful for dlopment organizations to consider the many issues involved before embarking on an e-commerce initiative, in relation to the organization's mandate, dlopment goals, and organizational structure. The primary issues involved would include:Resource Expansion -- Is the main goal of selling goods and servs online the generation of rnue to offset operational costs? If so, how much rnue does the organization expect/wish to generate? These strategic questions will allow the organization to assess how much funding will go toward e-commerce activities. If the organization is approaching e-commerce as a means of covering not only the costs of producing the goods and servs and disseminating dlopment-focused products, but wishes to expand its rnue base to support other project costs, then it may want to dlop an e-commerce platform and strategy that can attract customers. The organization may he to approach e-commerce as a resource expansion activity that uses business strategies and a full marketing approach. This leads to the question of wher this fits in with the dlopment mandate of the organization and its charitable organization status. Will e-commerce activities distort the tax-free status of the dlopment organization? Is the organization liable in the case of legal conflicts? Most dlopment organizations he already faced these questions if they sell publications and other products by "traditional" means.Capital Costs -- How much funding is the organization willing to put into e-commerce activities? E-commerce platforms can be high prd, depending on the ll of sophistication. A dlopment organization undertaking e-commerce activities should consider wher it wants to incur higher costs, with the sibility of cost recovery from an expected higher ll of sales. What are the sibilities of receiving financial assistance from donor agencies or partner organizations for this activity? Dlopment organizations pursuing e-commerce activities may he to decide between a variety of options for their online selling activities, depending on their financial capacities. These options can be divided into 1) technical hardware and 2) site design and maintenance. The organization will he to decide wher it wants to invest in setting up its own in-house server, depending on the organization's size and computing requirements, or find a third party that is willing to host the site on its server. Is the third party another dlopment-focused organization, or is it a private company/ISP? Regarding design and maintenance of the e-commerce site, is the organization able to hire in-house technical personnel to handle design, dlopment, and maintenance, or is it more cost effective to hire an outside party to handle these tasks? Dloping an e-commerce site that generates high lls of rnue will he to respond to the changes in e-commerce platforms in the commercial sector. The dlopment organization may want to consider using security encryption software for credit card payment, increasing costs to an extent yet benefiting from increasing customer confidence in the transaction process. Will the site be eye-catching, with the hope of attracting customers, sibly increasing site dlopment costs for higher ll graphics and design? Pan Partners currently do not he to bear all of the above-mentioned capital costs, but may one day he to consider them when they initiate an e-commerce site on their own.Marketing -- As evident from the discussion above, a good marketing strategy forms the basis of the operational strategy, in order to attract customers to the e-commerce site and ensure a steady pattern of sales. Dlopment organizations often need not employ capital-intensive marketing programs in order to he a successful marketing campaign. The marketing strategy can be divided into two main categories: 1) online markets and 2) offline markets.Purchasing Patterns of Online Customers -- The frequency of updating new products can impact the number of s purchased by customers and the number of returning customers. In order to encourage customers to purchase more than one at a time, it is important to offer a (wide) variety of products. Returning to the marketing strategies, dlopment organizations can offer sales promotions mentioned above. This can increase the per-customer volume of sales, increasing overall rnue. Dlopment organizations can consider organizing a schedule for updating their e-commerce site, adding new products and promotional offers on a regular basis. This way, previous customers will see that new products are ailable for sale and may be attracted to purchasing a second or third time.Dloping an e-commerce strategy can allow dlopment organizations to approach this initiative with an understanding of what they want to achi and how to achi it. This can encourage strategic thinking of how to attract potential customers to the site and how to keep them returning. In order for e-commerce initiatives to be successful, wher generating rnue to offset production costs or increasing overall rnue to offset operational costs, dlopment organizations can often use business strategies to more effectively achi their overall goals.。