电商运营外文参考文献有哪些 电商运营外文参考文献有哪些要求
电商运营外文参考文献有哪些 电商运营外文参考文献有哪些要求
2007-10-12 With the network technology and the rapid dlopment of rmation technology, e-commerce has been growing a wide range of applications, more and more businesses and individuals rely on e-commerce users quick and efficient. It appears not only to the dlopment and expansion of Internet has provided a new opportunity, but also to the business community into a great power. But e-commerce is based on vector-based comr network and a large number of important status rmation, accounting rmation, transaction rmation needed to carry out in-line tranission, in such circumstances, security issues become a priority issue.
Second, the current e-commerce security issues
1. Network protocol security issue: At present, TCP / IP protocol is the most widely used network protocol, but TCP / IP itself, characterized by openness, enterprise and users of electronic transactions in the course of the data is the form of packet tranission, malicious attackers can easily launch an e-commerce site to a packet interception, or n modify the data packets and counterfeiting.
2. Users of rmation security issues: At present, the most important form of e-commerce is based on B / S (Browser / ) structure of the e-commerce sites, users log on using the browser network transactions, as a result of the user in the registry may be used in public comr, such as Internet cafes, offs, comrs, etc., then if they he a malicious Trojan horse comr program or virus, the user's login rmation such as user names, passwords may be the risk of loss.
3. E-commerce Web site security issue: that there are some companies established themselves in the design of e-commerce site will he a number of production security, server operating itself, there will be loopholes, unscrupulous attackers to enter the e-commerce site if a large number of user rmation and transaction rmation will be stolen, enterprises and users to incalculable losses.
C, e-commerce security requirements
1. The effectiveness of serv requirements: e-commerce should be able to prnt the occurrence of serv failures to prnt failure due to network attacks and viruses and other factors such as suspension of servs to ensure that transaction data can be tranitted quickly and accuray.
2. Trading requirements of the confidentiality of rmation: e-commerce s to deal with the rmation sent by users of encryption to effectively prnt the interception of rmation to decipher, at the same time to prnt unauthorized access to rmation.
3. Data integrity requirements: the number refers to the integrity of data processing, the original data and existing data is fully consistent between. In order to safeguard the seriousness of business dealings and fair, the transaction documents is not being modified, there will be damage to the commercial interests of the party.
4. The requirements of authentication: e-commerce s should provide safe and effective authentication mechani to ensure that transaction rmation between the two sides are legitimate and effective in order to oid trade diss, to provide a legal basis.
D, e-commerce security measures
1. Data encryption technology. Data encryption is the most basic e-commerce rmation security precautions. The principle is that rmation on the use of encryption algorithm will be converted into explicit rules according to a certain encryption ciphertext generated after the tranission, thus ensuring the confidentiality of data. The use of data encryption technology can solve the rmation requirements of the confidentiality of its own. Data encryption technology can be divided into symmetric key encryption and asymmetric key encryption.
(1) symmetric key encryption (SecretKeyEncryption). Symmetric key encryption also known as secret / Private key encryption, that is, send and receive data between the parties must use the same key for encryption and decryption explicitly computing. Its aantage is encryption, decryption speed, suitable for large amount of data encryption, to ensure data confidentiality and integrity; drawback is that when the large number of users, distribution and mament is very difficult to key on.
(2) non-symmetric key encryption (PublicKeyEncryption). Non-symmetric-key encryption also known as public key encryption, it mainly refers to each person only has a pair of corresponding keys: public key (the public key) and private key (the private key) public key public, private sed by the personal secret, a key used to encrypt them, they can only use the other to decrypt the key. Asymmetric key encryption algorithm is the aantage of easy distribution and mament, the shortcomings of the algorithm complexity, encryption slow.
(3) the complexity of encryption technology. As a result of these two types of encryption technology, each the length of the relatively common pract is to integrate the two technologies. For example, the use of rmation to send the rmation symmetric key encryption, ciphertext generated after the recipient's public key to use symmetric key encryption to generate the number of envelopes, then the number of ciphertext envelope and sent to the receiver at the same time, the receiving party by the opite clear direction after decryption.
2. Digital signature technology. Digital signature is generated through specific password computing the comition of a series of symbols and codes for a signature key, to replace the written signature or seal, this electronic signature technology can also be carried out to verify, verify the accuracy of its general manual signature and verification seal unmatched. Digital signature technology to ensure the integrity of rmation transfer and non-repudiation.
3. Accreditation agencies as well as digital certificates. E-commerce transactions due to the general users will not he face to face, so the two sides of the transaction identification is to protect the safety of the premise of e-commerce transactions. Certification body is a public and credible third party to confirm the identity of both parties, the digital certificate is signed by the certification body, including the identity of the owner of public key rmation as well as the public key of the document. Paid in the transaction process, participants must use the Certification Center of the digital certificate issued to prove his identity.
4. The use of Secure Electronic Transaction protocol (SET: Secure Electronic Transactions). By two major credit cards VISA and MasterCard standards organizations. SET for the division of e-commerce activities and to define the rights and obligations of the parties to the relationship between a given transaction rmation tranission process standards. SET protocol guarantees the confidentiality of e-commerce s, integrity, non-repudiation of the legitimacy and identity.
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论文的参考文献是在电子商务专业论文写作过程之中,对于所涉及到的所有文献资料的 总结 与概括。下面是我带来的关于电子商务论文参考文献的内容,欢迎阅读参考!
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[1] 黄崇珍, 杜蓉.电子商务下第三方物流研究[J] 信息技术, 2004 年11月,第28 卷 第11期
[2] 崔介何主编,《电子商务与物流》,物资出版社,2002年4月版
[3] 张晓燕.对B2C 电子商务发展思路的探索[J]商场现代化.2005 年9 月(中),总第443 期.
[4] 张铎,林自葵.电子商务与现代物流[M].: 大学出版社, 2002.
[5] 谭清美,王子龙,城市物流对经济的拉动作用研究——以江苏南京为例,工业技术经济,2004年01期
[6] 王健,方佳林,美、日、欧现代物流发展的比较与启示,东北亚,2005年02期
[7] 王淑琴,陈峻,王炜,城市现代物流系统布局规划研究——以扬州市为例,规划师,2005年02期
[8] 梁燕君,《电子商务物流新旧模式之比较》,商品储运与养护,2009年第五期
[9] 王文斌,马祖军,武振业,现代物流业与区域经济发展,经济体制改革,2002年01期
[10] 李辉民,现代物流的形成趋势与对策,集装箱化,2009年04期
[11] 汪鸣,冯浩,我国现代物流业发展政策及建议,宏观经济研究,2010年05期
[12] 张林红,陈家源,新世纪我国航运企业物流运作模式的探讨,世界海运,2011年05期
[13] 王成钢,陈登斌.B2C电子商务配送系统建设[M].长沙:湖南师范大学出版,2008.
[14] 仲岩,芦阳,李霞.电子商务实物[M].:大学出版社,2009.
[15] 常连玉,陈海燕.B2C电子商务配送模式的思考[J].物流技术 .2010(8).
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