成熟的种植技术英文翻译 作物成熟英文


2. In the early stages to generate dark brown at the stem end spots were changed to dark brown, pulp liquefaction, flow ju, sour taste.

种 拼 音 zhǒng zhòng chóng 部 首 禾 笔 画 9 五 行 火 繁 体 种 五 笔 TKHH [种]基本解释 [ zhǒng ]

成熟的种植技术英文翻译 作物成熟英文成熟的种植技术英文翻译 作物成熟英文

成熟的种植技术英文翻译 作物成熟英文

成熟的种植技术英文翻译 作物成熟英文

成熟的种植技术英文翻译 作物成熟英文

2.植物果实中能长成新植物的部分,又泛指生物传代繁殖的物质 :~子。~禽。~畜。撒~。配~。

3.具有共同起源和共同遗传特征的人群 :人~。~族。

4.量词,表示类别、式样 :~~。两~人。

[ zhòng ]

把种子或幼苗等埋在泥土里使生长 :~地。栽~。

[ chóng ]





另见 zhǒng;zhòng













条桑腊月下种杏春风前。——唐· 王维《送六舅归陆浑》


以肥其身以种其子孙。——唐· 韩愈《祭鳄鱼文》

又如:种鱼(City rot pathogen pathways from flowering invasion, hidden inside the young fruit, the fruit ripening stage presenting symptoms. In addition, the bacteria can result from mining and rhizoma wounds when invaded, and it is more important pathogenic pathways.养鱼)






另见 zhǒng;chóng





黄芩之种。——赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》








另见 chóng;zhòng


种(Chóng)姓出自仲姓,为周代仲山甫之后,为避仇所改。据《通志·氏族略》载:“种,本仲氏,以避难改载仲为种,望出河南。”种姓本为仲氏,以次为氏。仲为排行第二。周代王室重臣仲山甫(一作仲山父)的后人,为避仇改为种氏。种氏家祠地址位于山东省枣庄市薛城区种庄村种,作为姓氏唯读(Chóng),没有其他读音,更没有繁体写法。 更多→ 种



[种]组词 种地 播种 种菜 各种 种田 耕种 种子 种牛 种花 种植 火种 种畜 孬种 种类 更多种组词 [种]相关搜寻 种子 种发 种马 种花 种树 种草 种植

英语翻译 2.产品从原料的种植到成品的加工均由A公司安排技术人员指导和监督.


1.We h即物种 。生物分类系统上所用的基本单位。如:种火(火种)ope that you will place greater emphasis on promoting our products.

种植蔬菜 用英语表达

1.生物在生态和形态上具有不同特点的分类的基本单位 :物~。~(chā),



to grpw veggies

to plant veggies

b种〈名〉oth are correct

grow vegetables


Brown rot of mango for the mango pathogen Phomopsis (Phomopsis mangiferae Ahmad), is a semi-known fungus door, A-type conidia most oval, transparent, single cell; sometimes appear in the medium hook filamentous B-type conidia.

The peanut is a kind of commodity high economic crops, and its products are high in fat and protein, comprehensive processing through the use of our value-added effect is obvious. Peanuts versatility, both edible, oil use, again can export, is promoting China's agricultural sustainable dlopment is one of the leading factor. Because the physiological characteristics peanut itself determines the peanuts can't and peanut harvest field joint work toger with, but only the moisture content in peanut pods to a certain degree be shelling. With the continuous dlopment of peanut planting, peanuts manual shelling has failed to meet the requirements of production, achi high mechanization shelling appears especially important, good peanuts machinery research and application in our country, the dlopment of peanut mechanization has important significance.

Through to the domestic peanuts machinery research and application status of investigation and data retrieval, learned about the peanuts mechanical types and characteristics. According to our country's peanuts mechanical principles and process of shells, from the working principle, structure, performance index and suitable conditions are yzed different types of peanuts machinery he aantage and deficiency. And objective basis for the material, design requirements, in order to reduce labor intensity, improve peanut farmer economic benefit for pure of production, choose compound shells, and using mod of squash and rub the principle, their shell with aerodynamic characteristics and size characteristics of grain, thus study design shell separation was their shell dev, the wind rrse-force cylinder screen, and combining the compound separation principle, design the air conveying secondary shells institutions.


The peanut's a kind of commodity high economic crops, and its products are high in fat and protein, comprehensive processing through the use of our value-added effect is obvious. Peanuts versatility, both edible, oil use, again can export. Is promoting China's agricultural sustainable dlopment is one of the leading factor. Because the physiological characteristics peanut itself determines the peanuts can't and peanut harvest field joint work toger with, but only the moisture content in peanut pods to a certain degree be shelling. With the continuous dlopment of peanut planting, peanuts manual shelling has failed to meet the requirements of production, achi high mechanization shelling appears especially important, good peanuts machinery research and application in our country, the dlopment of peanut mechanization has important significance. Through to the domestic peanuts machinery research and application status of investigation and data retrieval, learned about the peanuts mechanical types and characteristics. According to our country's peanuts mechanical principles and process of shells, from the working principle, structure, performance index and suitable conditions are yzed different types of peanuts machinery he aantage and deficiency. And objective basis for the material, design requirements, in order to reduce labor intensity, improve peanut farmer economic benefit for pure of production, choose compound shells, and using mod of squash and rub the principle, their shell with aerodynamic characteristics and size characteristics of grain, thus study design shell separation was their shell dev, the wind rrse-force cylinder screen, and combining the compound separation principle, the dlopment of peanut mechanization has important significance.

The peanut is a kind of commodity high economic crops, and its products are high in fat and protein, comprehensive processing through the use of our value-added effect is obvious. Peanuts versatility, both edible, oil use, again can export, is promoting China's agricultural sustainable dlopment is one of the leading factor. Because the physiological characteristics peanut itself determines the peanuts can't and peanut harvest field joint work toger with, but only the moisture content in peanut pods to a certain degree be shelling. With the continuous dlopment of peanut planting, peanuts manual shelling has failed to meet the requirements of production, achi high mechanization shelling appears especially important, good peanuts machinery research and application in our country, the dlopment of peanut mechanization has important significance.

Through to the domestic peanuts machinery research and application status of investigation and data retrieval, learned about the peanuts mechanical types and characteristics. According to our country's peanuts mechanical principles and process of shells, from the working principle, structure, performance index and suitable conditions are yzed different types of peanuts machinery he aantage and deficiency. And objective basis for the material, design requirements, in order to reduce labor intensity, improve peanut farmer economic benefit for pure of production, choose compound shells, and using mod of squash and rub the principle, their shell with aerodynamic characteristics and size characteristics of grain, thus study design shell separation was their shell dev, the wind rrse-force cylinder screen, and combining the compound separation principle, design the air conveying secondary shells institutions.

Peanut is a high rate of economic crop commodity, its products rich in fat and protein, processing and utilization of integrated value-added effect is obvious. Peanut wide range of uses, both food and oil use, but also exports, is to promote sustainable dlopment of Chinau0026#39;s leading agricultural factors. Since its physiological characteristics of peanut peanut peanut shelling the field can not be combined with harvest operations, but only in the peanut pod moisture content down to a certain extent, be carried out after the shelling. With the continuous dlopment of planting peanuts, peanut shelling by hand he failed to meet the requirements of efficient production, it is important to achi mechanical shelling, good peanut sheller




(4) clear health park

Pi明州江瑶柱有二种大者江瑶小者沙瑶然沙瑶可种逾年则成江瑶矣。—— 宋· 陆游《老学庵笔记》ck

With the deepening of foreign trade in recent years, agricultural and sideline products export greatly increases their pr. Especially garlic, prs he soared in planting area, thus increasing successive years. But now the harvest machinery without garlic and garlic, application and popularization of the harvest has been on artificial mining, labor intensity and low working efficiency, higher cost. The traditional mode of the harvest has lagged far behind modern market demand. This vibration garlic harvest machine with high efficiency and low cost. And its design satisfied when harvested without sundry requirements. In the design of the vibration si to rationally choose, also want to consider other parts material selection, Stiffness, strength and checking, To all parts of the movement process of reasonable operation. Selection of lubricant is indispensable, each part of the connection is sufficient lubrication can work normally.

Keywords: agricultural machinery, Garlic. Harvesting machine



问题六:养 用英语怎么说 养小孩 Raising a child


1. Pedicle initially dark brown, dull, ill health at the junction of obvious disease soon became dark brown to black Department of brown rot of the pulp liquefaction, skin cracking, a ju outflow.

3. Pedicle in the early stages, was dark yellow, Shuizi Zhuang, Department of skin disease shrinkage, no ju drain, later turned into light brown disease to the Department of brown.

Major damage mango fruit rot, storage and transportation of disease.

Diseases of the original:

Mango black rot pathogen was ball two sp (Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat,, different name Diplodia natalensis Evans), a semi-known fungus door. Immature conidia colorless, single cells, wall thickness, oval; mature conidia brown for the rugby, twin, suce with vertical lines.

Diseases of the original:


Fruit rot occurred in the main mode of tranission is the spread of spores by rain and airflow. In the t-harvest transport period, mainly through disease and healthy fruit fruit contact with each other, spread by the mycelium.

Control mods:

1. Adopt comprehensive measures to prnt diseases before planting:

(1) high yield of high quality planting more resistant varieties.

(2) proper dense

(3) pruning

(5) in the preharvest and tharvest fruit storage and transportation process to minimize the damage.

(6) Chemical control

2. Postharvest treatment measures, including

(1) cut fruit

(2) washing fruits

(3) election resul2.From raw materials production to finished goods processing,the entire process is under close direction and supervision by technical personnel from A company.ts

(4) treated with preservatives

(5), grading and packaging



问题一:植物种植用英语怎么说 grow plants

plant也可做动词,plant plants

问题二:多种植物用英语怎么 many kinds of plants

plant也可做动词,plant plants

问题四:植物用英语怎么说 plant

问题五:植物营养土用英语怎么说 植物营养土_有道翻译



英 [s??l]

美又如:种落(部族居住的地方);种人(同种族的人);种落(种族部落);种众(同一种族的民众);种号(种族名号);种诛(族诛);种豪(种族中的豪强);种辈(同一种族的人);种孽(对非我种族的蔑称);种界(种族的界限);种性(种属的特性) [s??l]

n. 土地;土壤; ;粪便;务农;温床

vt. 弄;污辱

vi. 变



soil 土壤,泥土,土地

养狗 keep the dog

养猪 raise pigs

养老 provide for the aged

你可以看到“养”在不同的情况下,用了不同的单词,比如“raise, cultivate, keep, provide”,其实这些词本身已经脱离了“养”的含义。



问题七:我喜欢种植绿色植物用英语咋写 I like planting green plants.



Plant nutrition soil

The chemical fertilizer, the agricultural chemicals brought the huge harm to the farmer

问题三:种植物用英语怎么说 grow plants

"the research to complete, product production, but" the microorgani "," benefitted the fresh fungus "such noun to the farmer to say actually was hears soming nr heard of before. "China's many agricultural and subsidiary products when exports country and so on the European Union, Japan, all encounters to the green barrier." Wu Kui gives an example to say that, the Shandong some vegetables production output is extremely big under, but actually is unable to export, minuy examines, discovered an original this local chemical fertilizer Chinese acre erage amount of use crown of for the national, causes the nitrous acid which the ground water includes seriously to exceed the allowed figure, all ge the vegetables pollutes. "But hen't the Chinese most farmers actually realized the massive uses chemical fertilizer, how harm the agricultural chemicals bring to them." Wu Kui said. Howr, Wu Kui devotes to the promoted microorgani science and technology because effective slower, in addition the common farmer's judgement insufficiently is long term, the promotion becomes suspends at the Wu Kui front toger difficult problem. Once, the Wu Kui technical personnel just raised the pig specialized household to explain the company "to promise the life source" (poultry ecology cultivation product) with to expedite the product to compare, when the improvement pork quality, the feeling in the mouth, lengthened maintained freshness aspect the and so on time superiority, raises the pig household not poliy to break him: "I want am the pig long fat, wants is a Renminbi, who pays attention to the pork to he the poison!" In order to increase the promoted dynamics, Wu Kui set up the technical serv troop "to go to the mountain and countryside", the technical personnel set up the course in the countryside, taught the planter technology to the farmer, and free bestowed 试用品, n planted, the life toger with the local farmer. Wu Kui introduced that, promises the group to invest more than 3 million Yuan to use in ry year the product promoted application, until now already invested more than 30 million Yuan. Along with the big area use chemical fertilizer, the agricultural chemicals is been gratified which him causes the environmental pollution gradually to realize by the farmer, in the production environment worsening and the market under stimulating which increase day by day to the health product demand, more and more many people also hoped can he replaces the chemical fertilizer, the agricultural chemicals ecology agriculture property. At the same time, the national policy also starts to the ecological agriculture to incline, the ecological agriculture production enterprise will he the bigger market competition strength. "May say that, now we already basically he completed the preliminary deployment." Wu Kui said. "Changes the farmer with the microorgani to survive the condition" "I to arrive at first the motherland, a phenomenon lets me think very strangely: I discovered here person has fallen ill, n if is a all cold all likes the hospital hitting hangs the bottle. In Australia, hits hangs the bottle basically all is the dying person. How as soon as arrives China, what people all like hitting hang the bottle?" Kui looked like in Wu that, massively used the antibiotic to let the Chinese human body qualitative change difference. Wu Kui said that, along with the microbiology condition prntive medicine dlopment, more and more many facts proved the microbiology condition is out of balance with the very many diseases like cancer, 肝病 and so on has the extremely direct relations. "Is worth rejoicing, the human body microbiology condition is out of balance is rrsible, through the adjustment habits and customs, the meals structure and the quotation microbiology condition drink supplemented the beneficial fungus, may improve the Asian health the condition." "In the microorgani science and technology domain, we already had the very mature technology and the product, but benefitted the fresh fungus the concept only then just to emerge in China, was allowed to say, if embarked from the pure commercial angle, this will be ' sought profit ' the good time, but I considered mad the enterprise the original intention, therefore I stipulated the product the pr certainly had to control in the scope which the farmer was allowed to withstand." Wu Kui said that, own come Chinese the final goal, or hoped for changes the motherland countryside the appearance, for improves farmer's survival condition to make own contribution. "In 2006, promised benefits the fresh fungus already through the adjustment human body microbiology condition balance, restored the human body immunity ability, was direct or indirectly is cured the up to ten thousand patients' disease." Wu Kui said that, this year, will promise the group also to start large-scale "the compassion to present as a gift drinks the activity", will plan bestows 20,000 market value to the society to reach the number surely Yuan profit fresh fungus product, will take aantage of this the hope to be able to let dreds of thousands of people get rid of the disease the puzzle. "China has 1.3 billion population, because the microbiology condition is out of balance 医疗费 which ry year creates to reach as high as sral 100 billion Yuan. If rybody can realize the maintenance microbiology condition balance the importance, and protects good bodily the microbiology condition balance, can se sral thousand Yuan and n tens of thousands of Yuan medical expenses ry year for each family." In the Chinese general countrysides promotion use microorgani science and technology, difficult are many. But Wu Kui said that, "Other difficulties do not calculate any, at present I biggest am puzzled am the market am not standard, once has encountered the commercial cheat." "In 2005, I because beli mistakenly the other people, is deceived. The court in does not he Ming Cha in the situation, also condemns the our company to compensate opite party 1300000. This to me said nearly is painful lesson." The Wu Kui complexion is somewhat dim. Soon finished in the interview, Wu Kui ls "the Chinese Economical Weekly", although he has encountered the commercial cheat, but he has not still lost the confidence, he certainly wants in the motherland to persist completes own mission and the ideal.

英语翻译英语翻译英语翻译Plant vegetable fruit这三个单词是可数名词吗?第...

都是可数。植物包括树啊草啊什么的,也可以做动词“种植”。 vegetable是能吃的蔬菜野菜什么的






娃娃菜种植时间和栽培技术 娃娃菜种植技术和管理
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