Men's Doubles 男子双打 网球男双奥运会全部比赛项目中英对照 层(一、二、三……)为大项SPORT 第二层(1、2、3……)为分项DISCIPINES 第三层((1)、(2)、(3)……)为小项 一、水上项目Aquatics 1、游泳Swimming (1)男子50米自由泳Men's 50m Freestyle (6)男子100米仰泳Men's 100m Backstroke (8)男子100米蛙泳Men's 100m Breaststroke (11)男子200米蝶泳Men's 200m Butterfly (13)男子400米混合泳Men's 400m Individual Medley (15)男子4×200米自由泳接力Men's 4×200m Freestyle Relay (16)男子4×100米混合泳接力Men's 4×100m Medley Relay (17)男子10公里公开水域Men's Marathon 10km (1)男子3米跳板Men's Individual Springboard ((3)男子10米跳台Men's Individual Platform (1)双人Duet Competition (2)集体Team Competition 4、水球Water Polo 二、射箭Archery (1)男子奥林匹克淘汰赛个人赛Men's Individual Competition (4)女子奥林匹克淘汰赛团体赛Women's Team Competition 三、田径Athletics (1)男子100米Men's 100m (8)男子110米栏Men's 110m Hurdle (10)男子3000米障碍Men's 3000m Steeplechase (11)男子20公里竞走Men's 20km Race Walk (14)男子4×400米接力Men's 4×400m Relay (15)男子马拉松Men's Marathon (16)男子跳高Men's High Jump (17)男子跳远Men's Long Jump (18)男子跳远Men's Triple Ju手球:Handball 曲棍球:Hockeymp (19)男子撑竿跳高Men's Pole Vault (20)男子铅球Men's Shot Put (21)男子铁饼Men's Discus Throw (22)男子标枪Men's Jelin Throw (23)男子链球Men's Hammer Throw (24)男子十项全能Men's Decathlon(38)女子马拉松Women's Marathon (39)女子跳高Women's High Jump (40)女子跳远Women's Long Jump (41)女子跳远Women's Triple Jump (42)女子撑竿跳高Women's Pole Vault (43)女子铅球Women's Shot Put (44)女子铁饼Women's Discus Throw (45)女子标枪Women's Jelin Throw (46)女子链球Women's Hammer Throw (47)女子七项全能Women's Heptathlon 四、羽毛球Badminton (1)男子单打Men's Singles (2)男子双打Men's Double (5混合双打Mixed Doubles 五、棒球Baseball 六、篮球Basketball 七、拳击Boxing (1)男子-48公斤级Men's Light Fly Weight (2)男子48-51公斤级Men's Fly Weight (3)男子51-54公斤级Men's Bantam Weight (4)男子54-57公斤级Men's Feather Weight (5)男子57-60公斤级Men's Light Weight (7)男子64-69公斤级Men's Welter Weight (8)男子69-75公斤级Men's Middle Weight (9)男子75-81公斤级Men's Light Hey Weight (10)男子81-公斤级Men's Hey Weight (11)男子+公斤级Men's Super Hey Weight 八、皮划艇Canoe/Kayak 1、皮划艇静水Canoe/Kayak Flat-water (1)男子单人皮艇500米Men's K-1 500m (6)男子单人划艇500米Men's C-1 500m 2、皮划艇激流回旋Canoe/Kayak Slalom 1)男子单人皮艇Men's K-1 Kayak Single (2)男子单人划艇Men's C-1 Canoe Single (3)男子双人划艇Men's C-2 Canoe Double (4)女子单人皮艇Women's K-1 Kayak Single 九、自行车Cycling 1、场地自行车Track Cycling (1)男子争先赛Men's Sprint (2)男子团体竞速赛Men's Team Sprint (3)男子4公里个人追逐赛Men's Individual Pursuit (4)男子4公里团体追逐赛Men's Team Pursuit (5)男子记分赛Men's Points Race (6)男子麦迪逊赛Men's Madison 7)男子凯林赛Men's Karin (8)女子争先赛Women's Sprint (9)女子3公里个人追逐赛Women's Individual Pursuit (10)女子记分赛Women's Points Race 2、公路自行车Road Cycling (1)男子公路个人赛Men's Mass Start Event (2)男子公路个人计时赛Men's Time Trial Event 3、山地自行车Mountain Bike (1)男子越野赛Men's Cross-Country 4、小轮车BMX (2)女子BMX个人赛Women's Race 十、马术Equestrian 1、三项赛Evening (1)三项赛团体Team Competition (2)三项赛个人Individual Competition 2、盛装舞步Dressage (1)盛装舞步团体Team Competition (2)盛装舞步个人Individual Competition 3、场地障碍Jumping (1)场地障碍团体Team Competition (2)场地障碍个人Individual Competition 十一、击剑Fencing (1)男子花剑个人Men's Foil Individual (2)男子重剑个人Men's Epee Individual (3)男子重剑团体Men's Epee Team (4)男子佩剑个人Men's Saber Individual (5)男佩剑团体Men's Saber Team 十二、足球Football 十三、体Gymnastics 1、体Artistic Gymnastics (1)男子团体Men's Team Competition (2)男子个人全能Men's Individual Competition (3)男子自由体Men's Floor (4)男子鞍马Men's Pommel Horse (5)男子吊环Men's Rings (6)男子跳马Men's Vault (7)男子双杠Men's Parallel Bars (8)男子单杠Men's Horizontal Bar (12)女子高低杠Women's Unn Bars (13)女子平衡木Women's Balance Beam (14)女子自由体Women's Floor 体Artistic Gymnastics一说为竞技体。 2、艺术体Rhythmic Gymnastics (1)女子个人全能Individual Competition (2)女子集体全能Group Competition 3、蹦床Trampoline (1)男子个人赛Men's Individual Event (2)女子个人赛Women's Individual Event 十四、手球Handball (1)男子Men (2)女子Women 十五、曲棍球Hockey (1)男子Men (2)女子Women 十六、柔道Judo (1)男子-60公斤级Men's Up to 60kg (2)男子60-66公斤级Men's 60 to 66kg (3)男子66-73公斤级Men's 66 to 73kg 十七、现代五项Modern Pentathlon (1)男子个人赛Men's Individual Competition (2)女子个人赛Women's Individual Competition 现代五项包括射击Shooting、击剑Fencing、游泳Swimming、马术Riding 越野跑Cross-country running。 十八、赛艇Rowing (1)男子单人双桨Men's Single Sculls (1×) (2)男子双人单桨无舵手Men's Pairs (2-) (3)男子双人双桨无舵手Men's Double Sculls (2×) (4)男子四人单桨无舵手Men's Fours (4-) (5)男子四人双桨无舵手Men's Quadruple Sculls (4×) (6)男子八人单桨有舵手Men's Eights (8+) (7)男子轻量级双人双桨无舵手Men's Lightweight Double Sculls (2×) (8)男子轻量级四人单桨无舵手Men's Lightweight Fours (4-十九、帆船Sailing (1)女子龙骨船英凌级Yngling-Women's Keelboat 2)女子单人艇激光雷迪尔级Laser Radial-Women's One Person Dinghy (3)女子帆板RS:X RS:X-Women's Windsurfer (4)重量级艇芬兰人级Finn-Heyweight Dinghy (5)快船49人级49er-Skiff (6)多体船托纳多级Tornado-Multihull 二十、射击Shooting (1)男子10米气Men's 10m Air Pistol (2)男子25米速射Men's 25m Rapid Fire Pistol (3)男子50米Men's 50m Pistol (4)男子10米Men's 10m Air Rifle (5)男子50米3种姿势Men's 50m Rifle 3 isitons (6)男子50米卧射Men's 50m Rifle Prone (7)男子飞碟双多向Men's Double Trap (8)男子飞碟多向Men's Trap (9)男子飞碟双向Men's Skeet 二十一、垒球Softball 二十二、乒乓球Table Tennis (1)男子单打Men's Singles (2)男子团体Men's Teams 二十三、跆拳道Taekwondo (1)男子-58公斤级Men's Under 58kg 4)男子+80公斤级Men's Over 80kg Fin (鳍量级)男子54公斤以下,女子47公斤以下 Fly (蝇量级) 男子54公斤——58公斤,女子47公斤——51公斤 Bantam (雏量级)男子58公斤——62公斤,女子51公斤——55公斤 Feather (羽量级)男子62公斤——67公斤,女子55公斤——59公斤 Glight (轻量级)男子67公斤——72公斤,女子59公斤——63公斤 Welter (次中量级)男子72公斤——78公斤,女子63公斤——67公斤 Middle (中量级)男子78公斤——84公斤,女子67公斤——72公斤 Hey (重量级) 84公斤以上,女子72公斤以上 二十四、网球Tennis (1)男子单打Men's Singles (2)男子双打Men's Doubles 二十五、铁人三项Triathlon (1)男子个人赛Men's Olympic Distance Competition (2)女子个人赛Women's Olympic Distance Competition (品冠注:铁人三项包括:游泳Swimming、自行车Cycling、跑步Running) 二十六、排球Volleyball 1、室内排球Volleyball 2、沙滩排球Beach Volleyball 二十七、举重Weightlifting (1)男子56公斤级Men's 56kg 二十八、摔跤Wrestling (1)男子自由跤-55公斤级Men's Freestyle Up to 55kg (2)男子自由跤-60公斤级Men's Freestyle 55 to 60kg (3)男子自由跤-66公斤级Men's Freestyle 60 to 66kg (8)男子古典跤-55公斤级Men's Greco-Roman Up to 55kg (
乒乓球:Ping pong 射击:FireArchery 射箭 Athletics 田径 Badminton 羽毛球 Baseball 捧球 Basketball 篮球 Boxing 拳击 canoe/kayak cycling 单车 Equestrian 马术 Fencing 剑击 Field hockey 曲棍球 Football 足球 Artistic Gymnastic艺术体 Rhythmic Gymnastic 体 Trampolining 弹床 Handball 手球 Judo 柔道 Modern pentathlon 现代五项 Rowing 赛艇 Sailing 帆船 Shooting 射击 Softball 垒球 Table tennis 乒乓球 Taekwondo 跆拳道 Tennis 网球 Triathlon 铁人三项 Beach volleyball 沙滩排球 volleyball 排球 Weightlifting 举重 Windsurfing 风帆 Wrestling 摔 Aquatics 水上运动 Diving 跳水 Swimming 游泳 Synchronized swimming 韵律泳 Water polo 水球
参考: me
Archery 射箭 Badminton 羽毛球 Baseball 棒球 Basketball 篮球 Beach Volleyball 沙滩排球 Boxing 拳击 Canoe/Kayak 独木舟、皮筏/小艇 Cycling 自行车 Diving 跳水 Equestrian 马术 Fencing 击剑 Field Hockey 曲棍球 Gymnastics 体 Handball 手球 Judo 柔道 Modern Pent. 现代五项(剑击、马术、游泳、射击以及赛跑) Rhythmic Gym. 韵律 Rowing 划艇 Sailing 帆船 Shooting 射击 Soccer 足球 Softball 垒球 Swimming 游泳 Sync. Swimming 花样游泳 Table Tennis 乒乓球 Taekwondo 跆拳道 Tennis 网球 Track & Field 田径 Trampoline 蹦床 Triathlon 铁人三项(游泳、单车、赛跑三项全能赛) Volleyball 排球 Water Polo 水球 Weightlifting 举重 Wrestling 摔角
参考: boon/602/2008spname
Archery Athletics Badminton Baseball Basketball Boxing canoe/kayak cycling Equestrian Fencing Field hockey Football Artistic Gymnastic Rhythmic Gymnastic Trampolining Handball Judo Modern pentathlon Rowing Sailing Shooting Softball Table tennis Taekwondo Tennis Triathlon Beach volleyball Indoor volleyball Weightlifting Windsurfing Wrestling Aquatics Diving Swimming Synchronized swimming Water polo
1.射箭archey 2.游泳swimming 3.马拉松marathon 4.羽毛球badminton 5.篮球basketball 6.沙滩排球beach volleyball 7.拳击boxing 8.皮划艇rowing 9.单车cycling 10.跳水diving 202、Water project08-10-05 16:18:37 补充: 1.更正-射箭archery
1.track and field; athletics
赛艇rowing 、羽毛球badminton、垒球softball 、篮球basketball、足球football、拳击Kick Boxing 、皮划艇canoe/kayak 、自行车cycling; cycle racing 、击剑fencing 、体gymnastics、举重Weightlifting、、柔道judo、棒球baseball、马术horsemanship、、网球tennis、乒乓ping_pong、射击fire 、铁人三项、排球volleyball。游泳Swim 跳高Jump
自由体 floor/free exercises
技巧运动 acrobatic gymnastics
垫上运动 mat exercises
单杠 horizontal bar
双杠 parallel bars
高低杠 unn bars; high-low bars
吊环 rings
跳马 vaulting horse
鞍马 pommel horse
平衡木 balance beam
球类运动 ball s
足球 football; soccer
足球场 field; piHockey 曲棍球 Men 男子 男子曲棍球tch
篮球 basketball
篮球场 basketball court
排球 volleyball
乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong
乒乓球拍 racket; bat
羽毛球运动 badminton
羽毛球 shuttlecock; shuttle
球拍 racket
网球 tennis
棒球 baseball
垒球 softball
棒/垒球场 baseball(soft ball)field/ground
手球 handball
手球场 handball自由泳 freestyle field
曲棍球 hockey; field hockey
关于 锻炼 的英语作文 以exercise为主题,大约80字左右
Exercise-A Good Way To Keep Healthy
Everyone wants to he a healthy life,but what should we do?
Eating healthily and hing a good rest may you.But do you think that we forget a very important thing,that is exercise!I think ryone should exerise regularly so you'll he a strong body.If you exerise regularly,you won't be so easy to get sick.You can do some easy sports just like jogging,swimming or playing badminton.That will make you healthy.Do you exercise rday?Are you healthy enough?
Please exercise rday!
每个人都想有freestyle relay 自由泳接力一个健康的生活,但我们应该做些什么呢?
健康饮食与充分的休息可以帮助你(保持健康).但是你不认为我们忘记了一样很重要的东西吗?那就是锻炼!我认为每个人都应该有规律地运动,因此你会有一个强壮的身体.如果你规律地锻炼,你就不会25.柔道 judo轻易生病.你可以做些像慢跑,游泳,或者打羽毛球这样简单的运动.那会令你健康.你每天运动吗?你足够健康了吗?每天多做些运动吧!
Exercise is important for our health and wellbeing. It s us to stay fit, strong, and healthy. Regular exercise can also to reduce stress, improve our mood, and increase our energy lls. So, let's all make sure to take some time to exercise ry day, n if it's just a short walk or a quick workout at home. Your body will thank you for it!
对于不喜欢的工作,上班只是为了赚钱,对于喜欢Men's ArSnatch 抓举tistic Gymnastics Parallel Bars 竞技体男子双杠的工作,上班除了赚钱,还是一种乐趣,另外上班也是体现自身价值,获得人生乐趣,各方面能力进步,学会创业,获得创业项目的地方。
关于奥运会体育项目的英语名词 至少50个 求解。
田径 Athletics
赛艇 Rowing
羽毛球 Badminton
棒球 Baseball
篮球 Basketball
拳击 Boxing
皮划艇/静水 Canoe/Kayak -- Flatwater
皮划艇/激流 Canoe/Kayak -- Slalom
自行车/场地 Cycling -- Track
自行车/公路 Cycling -- Road
自行车/Women's 10m Air Rifle 女子10米 女子山地 Cycling -- Mountain Bike
马术/障碍 Equestrian -- Jumping
马术/舞步 Equestrian -- Dressage
马术/三项赛 Equestrian -- Eventing
击剑 Fencing
足球 Football
体/竞技体 Artistic Gymnastics
体/蹦床 Gymnastics -- Trampoline
体/艺术体 Rhythmic Gymnastics
举重 Weightlifting
手球 Handball
曲棍球 Hockey
柔道 Judo
摔跤/古典式 Wrestling -- Greco-Roman
摔跤/自由式 Wrestling -- Freestyle
游泳/游泳 Aquatics -- Swimming
游泳/花样游泳 Aquatics -- Syn. swimmin
游泳/跳水 Aquatics -- Diving
游泳/水球 Aquatics --Water-polo
现代五项 Modern Pentathlon
垒球 Softball
跆拳道 Taekwondo
网球 Tennis
乒乓球 Table Tennis
射击 Shooting
射箭 Archery
铁人三项 Triathlon
帆船 Sailing
排球/排球 Volleyball
排球/沙滩排球 Beach Volleyball
仰泳 backstroke
蛙泳artificial wes 人工海浪 breaststroke
蝶泳 butterfly
个人混合泳 individual medley
掷铁饼 discus throw
链球 hammer throw
跳高 high jump
标枪 jelin throw
跳远 long jump
马拉松 marathon
撑竿跳高 pole vault
铅球 shot put
跳远 triple jump
sprint 追逐赛读书为了赚钱是成立的,但是读书不仅仅为了赚钱。
科技奥运 the Scientific Games读书对大多数普通人来说,主要目的就是改变生活。有多少寒门学子抱着知识改变命运的目标而学习。
读书,是为了获得一个更好的自己。 读书能是使人虚心,通达,不固陋,不偏执。会一本本充实你的内心,让虚无单调的世界变得五彩斑斓。
302个小项中包括165个男 子项目、127个女子项目和10个男女混合项目。公报说,鼓励女性参加奥运会是奥委会近年来的侧重点之一,奥委会执委会正是在此基础上对2008年奥运会项目进行了调整。奥运会与雅典奥运会相比,女子项目增加两个,女运动员将增加大约130名。划船:rowing
射箭:Arehery 篮球:Basketball
拳击:Boxing 独木舟:Canoeing
自行车:Cycling 跳水:Diving
马术:Equestrian 击剑:Fencing
曲棍球:Field Hockey 体:Gymnastics
世界大会 the Universiade柔道:Judo 皮艇:Rowing
射击:Shooting 足球;Soccer
乒乓球:Table Tennis 手球:Handball
网球:Tennis 排球:Volleyball
水球:Water Polo 举重:Weight Lifting
摔跤:Wrestling 赛艇:Yachting
现代五项全能:Modern Pentathlon
射箭:Arehery 篮球:Basketball
拳击:Boxing 独木舟:Canoeing
自行车:Cycling 跳水:Diving
马术:Equestrian 击剑:Fencing
曲棍球:Field Hockey 体:Gymnastics
柔道:Judo 皮艇:Rowing
安徽这名老在全体学生面前宣扬这种都是为了赚钱的功利思想我觉得对于处在青少年时期的学生是一个负面的作用。我觉得学生的这种做法是非常正确的可以对一些不正确的观点和言论发表自己的意见和建议。首先我支持这个学生的做法,因为对一些不正确的带有误导性的言论,就是应该大胆的站出来制止。不要让这些不正确的思想来侵蚀孩子们未成年的心理。如果对这种言论大家都不敢发表自己的看法一味的忍任由他胡说的情况下那么就相当于大家认同了他这些说法。会起到非常不好的作用。其次,作为一名知名的学者,一个人们眼中的灵魂工程师一个被请来给青年学生做报告的人怎么会把自己的一些功利思想传授给学生们呢?都说教师是一个尚的职业,是教书育人的,而这个却教育学生们读书是为了赚钱,这就是对青年学生的一种误导。所以对这位的观点应该给予谴责。读书的目的首先是为了获取知识这是位的。然后运用所学到的知识参与到实践中来为创造价值。实现自己的人生理想我觉得这才是读书的真正目的。如果读书仅仅是为了赚钱,这么简单的话,那么就不会有这么多人重视教育,有的人不读Women's Long Jump 女子跳远 女子跳远书也赚了很多钱,我。因为读书为了赚钱,这种观点是错误的。所以现在的孩子家长都特别重视孩子的教育。目的就是让他judo---柔道们学到更多的文化理论知识。了解更多的世界,开阔自己的眼界,让自己的孩子将来能够成为一个对有用的人才。
2、足球:soccer ; 篮球:basketball ; 排球:volleyball ; 乒乓球:table tennis ;1.体 gymnastics
2.游泳 swimming
3.击剑 fencing
4.举重 weightlifting
5.棒球 baseball
6.篮球 basketball
7.排球 volleyball
8.乒乓球 table tennis
9.足球 soccer
10.跳水 diving
11.马球 polo
12.水球 water polo
13.垒球 softball
14.网球 tennis
15.赛艇 canoe
16.冲浪 surfing
17.自行车 cycling
18.羽毛球 badminton
19.田径 track and field
20.手球 handball21.摔交 wrestling
22.拳击 boxing
23.射箭 toxophily
24.射击 shooting
26.马术 equestrian
27.曲棍球 hockey
Swimming 游泳
swimming pool 游泳池
changing room 更衣室
shower 淋浴
diving platform 跳台
ten-meter platform 10米跳台
five-meter platform 5米跳台
three-meter springboard 3米跳板
one-meter springboard 1米跳板
diving pool 跳水池
non-swimmer's pool 浅水池
swimmer's pool 深水池
starting block 出发台
starting dive 出发起跳
rope with cork floats 水线
swimming lane 泳道
touching the finishing line 终点触线
timekeeper 计时员
lifeser, lifeguard 救生员
land drill 陆上练习
breaststroke 蛙泳
crawl stroke 爬泳
back stroke 仰泳
side stroke 侧泳
butterfly stroke 蝶泳
dolphin butterfly stroke 海豚式蝶泳
treading water 踩水
underwater swimming 潜泳
swimming pool with artificial wes 人工海浪泳池
swimming trunks 泳裤
swimsuit, swimming suit 泳衣
swimming cap 泳帽
bikini 比基尼泳衣
bikini top 比基尼乳罩
bikini bottom 比基尼式泳裤
surfing 冲浪
water ski 滑水橇
Athletics 竞技
race 跑
middle-distance race 中长跑
long-distance runner 长跑运动员
sprint 短跑 (美作:dash)
the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏
marathon 马拉松
decathlon 十项
cross-country race 越野跑
jump 跳跃
jumping 跳跃运动
high jump 跳高
long jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump)
triple jump, hop step and jump 跳
pole vault 撑竿跳
throw 投掷
throwing 投掷运动
putting the shot, shot put 推铅球
throwing the discus 掷铁饼
throwing the hammer 掷链锤
throwing the jelin 掷标枪
walk 竞走
Individual Sports 体育项目
gymnastics 体
gymnastic apparatus 体器械
horizontal bar 单杠
parallel bars 双杠
rings 吊环trapeze 秋千
wall bars 肋木
side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马
weight-lifting 举重
weights 重量级
boxing 拳击
Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤
hold, lock 揪钮
judo 柔道
fencing 击剑
winter sports 冬季运动
skiing 滑雪
ski 滑雪板
downhill race 速降滑雪赛,滑降
slalom 障碍滑雪
ski jumping competition 跳高滑雪比赛
ski jump 跳高滑雪
skatiShooting 25m Pistol 25米运动ng 滑冰
figure skating 花样滑冰
roller skating 滑旱冰
bobsleigh, bobsled 雪橇
Sports ryone to keep healthy,happy,and efficient.So I pay special attention to s,especially table-tennis.Table tennis is my forite .I play it almost ry day.
Table-tennis is an ideal us because it brings the whole body into action.It strengthens our muscles,expands our lungs,promotes the circulation of the blood,and causes a healthy action of the skin.Besides,it is very amusing and does not cost us much money.Table-tennis is very moderate; it is not so rough as football.It is an indoor and can be played n on rainy days.Thus,it is my forite kind of exercise.