ted演讲未来没有工作如何赚钱 ted演讲你未来的工作
ted演讲未来没有工作如何赚钱 ted演讲你未来的工作
演讲者:Regina Hartley
Your company launches a search for an open ition. The applications start rolling in, and the qualified candidates are identified. Now the choosing begins. Person A: Ivy League, 4.0, flawless resume, great recommendations. All the right stuff. Person B: state school, fair amount of job hopping, and odd jobs like cashier and singing waitress. But remember -- both are qualified. So I ask you: who are you going to pick?
你的公司发布了一个公开的职位。申请表开始滚滚而来,合格的候选人已被挑选出来。现在开始挑选。候选人A:常春藤盟校,绩点4.0,完美的履历,出色的信。所有好的要素都具备。候选人B:公立学校毕业,碾转于各种工作之间,甚至包括做收银员和唱歌的服务生。不过请记得—— 两位都是符合要求的。所以,我要问问你们:你们会选择哪一位?
My colleagues and I created very official terms to describe two distinct categories of candidates. We call A "the Silver Spoon," the one who clearly had aantages and was destined for success. And we call B "the Scrapper," the one who had to fight against tremendous odds to get to the same point. You just heard a human resources director refer to people as Silver Spoons and Scrappers --
我和我的同事发明了一些非常正式的术语,来描述这两个不同类别的候选人。我们把 A 称为“含着金钥匙(直译为‘银汤匙’)的人”,一个明显具有优势,而且注定会成功的人。我们把 B 称为“拳击手”,必须努力冲破重重难关才能实现同样的目标。你们刚刚听到了一个人力资源总监将应聘者比作 银汤匙和拳击手——
which is not exactly politically correct and sounds a bit judgmental. But before my human resources certification gets revoked --let me explain.
A resume ls a story. And over the years, I've learned soming about people whose experiences read like a patchwork quilt, that makes me stop and fully consider them before tossing their resumes away. A series of odd jobs may indicate inconsistency, lack of focus, unpredictability. Or it may signal a committed struggle against obstacles. At the very least, the Scrapper deserves an interview.
I want to urge you to interview the Scrapper. I know a lot about this because I am a Scrapper. Before I was born, my father was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, and he couldn't hold a job in spite of his brilliance. Our lives were one part "Cuckoo's Nest," one part "Awakenings" and one part "A Beautiful Mind."
我会建议你去面试“拳击手”。我很了解这些, 因为我自己就是一个“拳击手”。 在我出生之前, 我的父亲就被诊断为精神分裂症, 他无法继续工作 尽管他很有才华。 我们的生活就像“飞越疯人院”, “无语问苍天”, 和“美丽心灵”的合集。
I'm the fourth of five children raised by a single mother in a rough neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. We nr owned a home, a car, a washing machine, and for most of my childhood, we didn't n he a ephone. So I was highly motivated to understand the relationship between business success and Scrappers, because my life could easily he turned out very differently. As I met successful business people and read profiles of high-powered leaders, I notd some commonality.
他们中的很多人经历过早年的困顿,可能是贫穷,被抛弃,亲人的早逝, 也可能是学习障碍,酗酒和。传统的思维认为创伤会导致痛苦,而且还重点强调了失败的结果。但在我研究这些不成功的案例期间,得到的数据却揭示了一个出乎意料的结论:即便是最糟的境遇也能导致成长和转变。一个显著但有悖常理的现象已经被发现了,科学家们称之为“创后成长”。
In one study designed to measure the effects of aersity on children at risk, among a subset of 698 childrenwho experienced the most sre and extreme conditions, fully one-third grew up to lead healthy, successful and productive lives. In spite of rything and against tremendous odds, they succeeded. One-third.
Take this resume. This guy's parents give him up for adoption. He nr finishes college. He job-hops quite a bit, goes on a sojourn to India for a year, and to top it off, he has dyslexia. Would you hire this guy? His name is St Jobs.
看看这份。他被亲生父母抛弃,交由他人收养。他没有完成大学学业。他在某段时期频繁跳槽,在印度逗留了一年,不止如此,他还有阅读障碍。你会雇用他吗? 他的名字是史蒂夫·乔布斯。
In a study of the world's most highly successful entrepreneurs, it turns out a disproportionate number he dyslexia. In the US, 35 percent of the entrepreneurs studied had dyslexia. What's remark第二件会被大家想当然的事,就是我有很多诀窍和小窍门来节省各种零散时间。有时候我会收到杂志的来信,说他们正在根据这样的思路写文章,通常是关于如何帮助读者在一天中抽出一小时时间。这个想法是说我们从日常活动中省出零散的时间,加起来就有足够时间来做有意义的事了。我对这个概念的整个前提保持怀疑,但我总是很感兴趣他们在打电话给我前想出了什么点子。able -- among those entrepreneurs who experience t traumatic growth, they now view their learning disability as a desirable difficulty which provided them an aantage because they became better listeners and paid greater attention to detail.
一个对全球最成功企业家群体的研究表明,相当数量的企业家有阅读障碍。在美国, 35%的企业家有阅读障碍。值得注意的是——这些企业家中那些经历过创后成长的人, 成功后的他们将这样的学习障碍看作是值得经历的困难,这样的困难给予了他们优势,他们因此成为更好的听众,并且更加关注细节。
They don't think they are who they are in spite of aersity, they know they are who they are because of aersity. They embrace their trauma and hardships as key elements of who they've become, and know that without those experiences, they might not he dloped the muscle and grit required to become successful.
他们在经历逆境前, 并没有看到自己的潜力, 而因为逆境,他们准确地了自己。 他们拥抱伤害和困顿, 这是他们成为成功企业家的关键要素, 他们知道,如果没有这些经历, 他们也许没有办法发展出成功者 需要具备的勇气和毅力。
One of my colleagues had his life compley upended as a result of the Chinese Cultural Revolution in 1966. At age 13, his parents were relocated to the countryside, the schools were closed and he was left alone in Beijing to fend for himself until 16, when he got a job in a clothing factory. But instead of accepting his fate, he made a resolution that he would continue his formal education. Eln years later, when the political landscape changed, he heard about a highly selective university admissions test. He had three months to learn the entire curriculum of middle and high school.
我有一位同事,因为 1966年的“”,他的人生了。在他13岁那年,他的父母被下放农村,学校关闭了, 而他独自在谋生, 直到16岁, 他在服装厂找到了一份工作。 与其接受命运, 他决心不如继续完成学业。 11年后,版图改变了, 他听说了一个 竞争相当激烈的大学入学。 他只有3个月来学习整个初中 以及高中的课程。
So, ry day he came home from the factory, took a nap, studied until 4am, went back to work and repeated this cycle ry day for three months.He did it, he succeeded. His commitment to his education was unwering, and he nr lost hope. Today, he holds a 's degree, and his daughters each he degrees from Cornell and Harvard.
于是,每天他从工厂回家后, 先睡一小觉,然后学习到凌晨四点, 回去工厂工作, 就这样日复一日过了整整三个月。 他做到了,他成功了。 他继续求学的决心非常坚定, 也从未放弃希望。 今天,他拥有了硕士学位, 他的两个女儿则分别毕业于 康奈尔大学和哈佛大学。
“拳击手”被信念推动向前进,相信只有自己才能掌握自己的命运。当事情发展并不尽如人意,“拳击手”会问,“我能做些什么别的来创造一个更好的结果?”“拳击手”有目标意识,放弃自己, 如果你从贫穷,疯狂的父亲 和数次被的经历中存活下来, 你会觉得,“商业挑战?——这还算事儿吗?太简单了。我能搞定。”
And that reminds me -- humor. Scrappers know that humor gets you through the tough times, and laughter s you change your perspective.
And finally, there are relationships. People who overcome aersity don't do it alone. Somewhere along the way, they find people who bring out the best in them and who are invested in their success. Hing someone you can count on no matter what is essential to overcoming aersity.
I was lucky. In my first job after college, I didn't he a car, so I carpooled across two bridges with a woman who was the president's assistant. She watched me work and encouraged me to focus on my future and not dwell on my past. Along the way I've met many people who've provided me brutally honest feedback, a and mentorship. These people don't mind that I once worked as a singing waitress to pay for college.
我很幸运。 得到大学毕业后的份工作时,我还没有车,所以我与人拼车,跨越两座桥去上班,那位女士当时还是助理。她看到我工作,并鼓励我放眼未来,不要老是想着过去。一路走来我遇到了很多人,让我懂得了忠言逆耳,他们都是我的良师益友。这些人并不在意 我曾经是个为了支付上大学的开销而唱歌打工的女服务生。
I'll lee you with one final, valuable insight. Companies that are committed to diversity and inclusive practs tend to support Scrappers and outperform their peers. According to DiversityInc, a study of their top 50 companies for diversity outperformed the S&P 500 by 25 percent.
So back to my original question. Who are you going to bet on: Silver Spoon or Scrapper? I say choose the underestimated contender, whose secret weapons are passion and pure.
HirWe cannot make more time,but time will stretch to accommodate what we choose to put into it.And so the key to time mament is treating our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater. To get at this,I like to use language from one of the busiest people I r interviewed.By busy,I mean she was running a all business with 12 people on the payroll,she had six children in her spare time.I was getting in touch with her to set up an interview on how she "had it all"...that phrase.I remember it was a Thursday morning,and she was not ailable to speak with me.Of course,right?e the Scrapper.
To be clear, I don't hold anything against the Silver Spoon; getting into and graduating from an elite university takes a lot of hard work and sacrif. But if your whole life has been engineered toward success,how will you handle the tough times? One person I hired felt that because he attended an elite university,there were certain assignments that were beneath him, like temporarily doing manual labor to better understand an operation. Eventually, he quit. But on the flip side, what happens when your whole life is destined for failure and you actually succeed?当我打开视频后,火星在TED舞台上的8分钟演讲把我说服了。
内向性格的力量 ——苏珊·凯恩“其实,世界上有三分之一到二分之一So how do we do that?How do we treat our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater?Well,first we need to figure out what they are.I want to give you two strategies for thinking about this. The first,on the professional side:I'm sure many people coming up to the end of the year are giving or getting annual performance reviews. You look back over your successes over the year,your "opportunities for growth."And this serves its pure,but I find it's more effective to do this looking forward.的人都是内向的。但上对于内向的人持有一种很深的偏见。我们需要理清一个概念,'内向'究竟指的是什么。它和'害羞'不同,害羞是对于评论的恐惧,内向更多的是你怎样对于做出回应,包括来自的,其实内向的人是渴求大量的鼓舞和激励的。”
So take a little bit of time Friday afternoon,make yourself a three-category priority list:career, relationships, self. Making a three-category list reminds us that there should be soming in all three categories.Career,we think about;relationships,self...not so much.But anyway,just a short list,two to three s in each.Then look out over the whole of the next week,and see where you can plan them in.没有考虑工作方法的选择结果长期用丁香绿而后识的工作方法?保持长期I'm sure many of you,like me,come December,get cards that contain these folded up sheets of colored ,on which written what is known as the family holiday letter.Bit of a wretched genre of literature,really,going on about how amazing ryone in the household is,or n more scintillating,how busy ryone in the household is.But these letters serve a pure,which is that they l your friends and family what you did in your personal life that mattered to you over the year.、持续、稳定的努力,不就是指的自律吗?
The second thing they assume is that I he lots of tips and tricks for sing bits of time here and there.Sometimes I'llhear from magazines that are doing a story along these lines,generally on how to their readers find an extra hour in the day.And the idea is that we'll she bits of time off ryday activities,add it up,and we'll he time for the good stuff.I question the entire premise of this piece,but I'm always interested in hearing what they've come up with before they call me.
Some of my forites:doing errands where you only he to make right-hand turns、Being extremely judicious in microwe usage:it says three to three-and-a-half minutes on the package,we're totally getting in on the bottom side of that.And my personal forite,which makes sense on some ll,is to DVR your forite shows so you can fast-forward through the commercials.That way,you se eight minutes ry half hour,so in the course of two hours of watching TV,you find 32 minutes to exercise.Which is true.You know another way to find 32 minutes to exercise?Don't watch two hours of TV a day,right?
Anyway,the idea is we'll,se bits of time here and there,add it up,we will finally get to rything we want to do.But after studying how successful people spend their time and looking at their schedules hour by hour,I think this idea has it compley backward. We don't build the lives we want by sing time.We build the lives we want,and then time ses itself.
Here's what I mean.I recently did a time diary project looking at 1,001 days in the lives of extremely busy women.They had demanding jobs,sometimes their own businesses,kids to care for,maybe parents to care for,community commitments...busy,busy people.I had them keep track of their time for a week,so I could add up how much they worked and slept,and I interviewed them about their strategies,for my book.
One of the women whose time log I studied...she goes out on a Wednesday night for soming.She comes home to find that her water heater has broken,and there is now water all over her basement.If you've r had anything like this happen to you,you know it is a hugely damaging,frightening,sopping mess.So she's dealing with the immediate aftermath that night,next day she's got plumbers coming in,day after that,professional cleaning crew dealing with the ruined carpet.All this is being recorded on her time log.Winds up taking sn hours of her week.Sn hours.That's like finding an extra hour in the day.
But I'm sure if you had asked her at the start of the week,"Could you find sn hours to train for a triathlon?""Could you dind sn hours to mentor sn worthy people?"I'm sure she would've said what most of us would've said,which is,"No...can't you see how busy I am?"Yet when she had to find sn hours because there is water all over her basement,she found sn hours.And what this shows us is that time is highly elastic.
But the reason she was unailable to speak with me is that she was out for a hike,because it was a beautiful spring morning,and she wanted to go for a hike.So of course this makes me n more intrigued,and when I finally do catch up with her,she explains it like this.She says,"Listen Laura,rything I do,ry minute I spend,is my cho."And rather than say,"I don't he time to do x,y or z,"she'd say, "I don't do x,y or z because it's not a priority." "I don't he time,"often means"It's not a priority."If you think about it,that's really more accurate language.
I could l you I don't he time to dust to dust my blinds,but that's not true.If you offered to pay me $100,000 to dust my blinds,I would get to it pretty quickly.Since that is not going to happen,I can acknowledge this is not a matter of lacking time,it's that I don't want to do it.Using this language reminds us that time is a cho.And granted,there may be horrible consequences for different chos,I will give you that.But we are art people,and certainly over the long run,we he the power to fill our lives with the things that deserve to be there.
So I want you to pretend it's the end of next year.You're giving yourself a performance reiew,and it has been an absoluy amazing year for you professionally.Write next year's review:What 3-5 things would make it a great year for you professionally.So you can write next year's performance review now.And you can do this for your personal life,too.
So this year's kind of done,but I want you to pretend it's the end of next year,and it has been an absoluy amazing year for you and the people you care about.Write the family hollday letter:What three to five things did you do that made it so amazing?So you can write next year's family holiday letter now.Don't send it.Please,don't send it.But you can write it. And now,between the performance review and the family holiday letter,we he a list of six to ten goals we can work on in the next year.And now we need to break these down into doable steps.
So maybe you want to write a family history.First,you can read some other family histories,get a sense for the style.Then maybe think about the questions you want to ask your relatives,set up appointments to interview them.Or maybe you want to run a 5K.So you need to find a race and sign up,figure out a training plan,and dig those shoes out of the back of the closet.And then...this is key...we treat our priorities as the equivalent of that broken water heater,by putting them into our schedules first.
We do this by thinking through our weeks before we are in them,I find a really good time to do this is Friday afternoons.Friday afternoon is what an economist might call a "low opportunity cost" time.Most of us are not sitting there on Friday afternoons saying,"I am excited to make progress toward my personal and professional priorities right now."But we are willing to think about what those should be.But we are willing to think about what those should be.
Where you plan them in is up to you.I know this is going to be more complicated for some people than others.I mean,some people's lives are just harder than others.It is not going to be easy to find time to take that poetry class if you are caring for multiple children on your own.I get that.And I don't want to minimize anyone's struggle.But I do think that the numbers I am about to l you are empowering.
There are 168 hours in a week.Twenty-four times sn is 168 hours.That is a lot of time.If you are working a full-time job,so 40 hours a week,sleeping eight hours a night,so 56 hours a week...that lees 72 hours for other things.That is a lot of time.You say you're working 50 hours a week,maybe a main job and a side hustle.Well,that lees 62 hours for other things.You say you're working 60 hours.Well,that lees 52 hours for other things.You say you're working more than 60 hours.Well,are you sure?
There was once a study comparing people's estimated work weeks with time diaries.They found that people claiming 75-plus-hour work weeks were off by about 25 hours.You can guess in whic找工作面试为什么过不去h direction,right?Anyway,in 168 hours a week,I think we can find time for what matters to you.
If you want to spend more time with your kids,you want to study more for a test you're taking,you want to exercise for three hours and volunteer for two,you can.And that's n if you're working way more than full-time hours.So we he plenty of time,which is great,because guess what?We don't n need that much time to do amazing things.
But when most of us he bits of time,what do we do?Pull out the phone,right?Start deleting emails.Otherwise,we're puttering around the house or watching TV.But all moments can he great power.You can use your bits of time for bits of joy.Maybe it's choosing to read soming wonderful on the bus on the way to work.
I know when I had a job that required two bus rides and a subway ride ry morning,I used to go to the library on weekends to get stuff to read.It made the whole experience almost,almost, enjoyable.Breaks at work can be used for meditating or praying.If family dinner is out because of your crazy work schedule,maybe family breakfast could be a good substitute.
It's about looking at the whole of one's time and seeing where the good stuff can go. I truly beli this,there is time.Even if we are busy,we he time for what matters.And when we focus on what matters,we can build the lives we want in the time we've got.
Ted演讲 如何简化工作中的复杂性
方法六,奖励那些互相合作的,惩罚那些不合作的。乐高的CEO有个很好的说法, 我并不会因为失败而责备你,但如果你不会求助,或者不帮助他人,才应该责备 。这改变了很多东西,瞬间,你会发现,为了自己的利益也不得不暴露自己的弱点了或者说出我的感受了,因为我知道,如果我失败了别人不会责备我,但如果我没有帮助别人或者没有请求别人帮助,都会被责备。当你这么做的时候,会对公司的整个组织结构都产生深远的影响。你关注的重点再不是条条框框,而是互相合作,这对我们的财务法则和人力资源管理都有很大的启示。
Many of them had experienced early hardships, anywhere from poverty, abandonment, death of a parent while young, to learning disabilities, alcoholi and violence. The conventional thinking has been that trauma leads to distress, and there's been a lot of focus on the resulting dysfunction. But during studies of dysfunction, data raled an unexpected insight: that n the worst circumstances can result in growth and transformation. A remarkable and counterintuitive phenomenon has been discovered, which scientists call Post Traumatic Growth.工作需要热情和行动,工作需要努力和勤奋,工作需要一种积极主动自动自发的精神,工作中的乐趣需要我们用心去体会。以下是我精心收集整理的 工作英语演讲大全五篇 ,下面我就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
When people find out I write about time mament,they assume two things.One is that I'm always on time,and I'm not.I he four all children,and I would like to blame them for my occasional tardiness,but sometimes it's just not their fault.I was once late to my own speech on time mament.We all had to just take a moment toger and sor that irony.工作英语演讲1
If I had a chance to be a teacher in the countryside, my life would be wonderful and meaningful, for it's a good way to achi my value of life.
On one hand, if I worked in the countryside, I could teach the people aanced knowledge and them to get rid of their poverty. Maybe I will be famous someday, because of my hard work and great contributions.
On the other hand, the people in the countryside are very kind-hearted. They are willing to others when people are in trouble. So I'm eager to make friends with the people in the countryside.
再者,在农村工作对我来说是一个巨大的挑战。挑战可以为我带来 经验 并使我快速成长。当我的经验越来越丰富时,在我的心里我会感到越来越强大。
This is my strong belief. Wherr I am, I will keep it up. I beli my future will be glorious, because I often devote my hard work to my future plan.
I like writing and taking photos, I he learnt to write and take photos for sral years.I do well in them.
So, when I grew up , I would like to be a reporter. To be a reporter ,I need many skills.
First, I should write well and take photos well. Second , I need to be bre because I might talk to many different kinds of people. Most importantly , I must be able to work hard. I am sure I can do it well.
I hope that I could get fun in it.
There are basically two ways to get work done.
One is to work individually. In this way, people can decide for themselves when to start work and how to do it. What's more, they will be able to learn how to solve problems on their own and how to think independently.
一种是完成,通过这种 方法 ,人们可以自己决定什么时候开始,怎么去做。更主要的是可以学习如何解决问题和如何思考。
People may also choose to work in a team, where they can learn from each other and each other. Besides, they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion. They can truly learn the skills of cooperation and how to get through the ideas to their mates.
Personally, I prefer to work in a team, which offers me a chance to learn how to get along with others and to share my experiences with them. As the work can be divided among sral people, it can be done efficiently. Teark is always important.
People’s attitudes towards work vary. Some people consider work as a way to achi the value of life while others regard it as the whole life and spare no pains to pursue a successful career. As far as I am concerned, I consider that work is a necessary and significant part in our lives.
For one thing, it is imsible for us to live without work. Work is not only a means to provide for ourselves and our family, but also a chance to achi our value. We can make a living as well as use and display our ability and talent to achi our value by work. In addition, we can make some friends and dlop our interpersonal relationship by work to enrich our lives. Those who he no work will find that their lives are so boring and insignificant.
For another, we should be aware of that work is just a means to achi the value of life but cannot replace life itself totally. Therefore, we should enjoy our work so that we can enjoy our lives better.
All in all, I aocate that work is a part of life. Thus, we should oid being the sles of work.
There is a hot discuss about the problem of “work to life or life to work”.Some people hold the view of“work to life”,but some of the people think that we are lifing to work.So wher consider which statement is correct,I he to say,ryone should stick a balance work and life.
Maybe most people he a work,but only a little part of people he a satisfying work.Therefore,in order to find a balance in life and work,we can work carefully and efficient,then finish the tasks on time. After work ryday,we should spend more time with family,eat toger,go out for a work or waching TV toger and so on.Only in this way can we not keep the bad relationship with family members because of work.What’s more,we can also use the vacation days to go to trel with family,friends or colleagues.So,on the one hand,we can relaxing ourselves from the nervous work.And on the other hand,we can get along well with others and keep the balance between work and life.In a word,we he to work,but we should enjoy work,n the enjoyment that work boring to us.
Generally speaking,hing a good work and life balance means that your actions and priorities are aligned in a way that is taking care of what is really important to you.We can work in life and life in work.
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★ 英直到后来,我开始学习时间管理和目标管理方法,才把这个问题解决掉。语演讲稿6分钟范文五篇
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Furthermore, working in the countryside is a great challenge for me. Challenge can bring experienc一方面,如果我在农村工作,我可以教人们先进的知识、帮助他们摆脱。也许有一天我会因为我的勤奋和伟大的贡献而出名。e and make me grow up quickly. As I am more experienced, I will feel more powerful in my heart.在进行一场演讲前,你要明确演讲的主题,知道你演讲的目的是什么,并为这场演讲准备大量的资料,为演讲稿做好内容铺垫,演讲稿的长度应根据需要演讲的时长确定。演讲不是一个人的狂欢,还要有与主持人,以及观众等人的互动等,因此在演讲前,你应该问举办方观众的年龄主城,大多是干什么,是哪种类型的人,找到观众的兴趣点,并根据演讲观众的不同对演讲稿做出不同程度的改动。俗语道:“见什么人说什么话,到什么山唱什么个。”听众具有从众心理,在讲到重要的地方,你可以停顿一下,或者做出适当的手势,增加演讲的气氛。
求真的心理素质:德国哲学家黑格尔曾说过:“一篇演讲的真正的感动力并不在于演讲当前所针对的那个目的(个别具体事例),而在个别事例可以纳入的法律、规则、原则之类普遍规范。这些规范作为的规行法,或是作为**的、法律的或宗教的箴规、情、教义等等,原已采取普遍的形式而存在。”黑格尔所说的“真正的感动”,并不是演讲当前针对的那个目的(个别具体事例),而是可以纳人、导致、引出“普遍规范”的一种“普遍的形式而存在”,这就是普遍Scrappers are propelled by the belief that the only person you he full control over is yourself. When things don't turn out well, Scrappers ask, "What can I do differently to create a better result?" Scrappers he a sense of pure that prnts them from giving up on themselves, kind of like if you've survived poverty, a crazy father and sral muggings, you figure, "Business challenges? --Really? Piece of cake. I got this."规律的东西,亦就是真理。