冷门但有趣的专业 女生学什么专业挣钱多又轻松


冷门但有趣的专业 女生学什么专业挣钱多又轻松冷门但有趣的专业 女生学什么专业挣钱多又轻松

冷门但有趣的专业 女生学什么专业挣钱多又轻松

冷门但有趣的专业 女生学什么专业挣钱多又轻松

1、After pleting the daunting task of the College entrance examchoosing a University major is probably one of the most important decisions a young person will make in their life.高考结束了,高三学生面对的下一难题则是选择一个适合他们的大学专业,这也是年轻人一生中最重要的决定之一。

2、Besides the more popular majors offered in collegesthere are also a number of majors ailable that allow students to take the road less treled.除了热门的专业之外,其实还有许多其他的专业可以让学生们在毕业后走上一条人迹罕至的职业道路。

3、Below is a list of weird college majors that you he probably nr heard of.以下则是一些你可能从未听说过的冷门大学专业。

4、01 Bagpiping 风笛专业Bagpipes he been a tradition at Carnegie Mellon University for over 75 yearsand as suchthey offer a Bagpipe performance major.风笛在卡内基梅隆大学有超过75年的传统。


6、02 Citrus 柑橘类果实学Florida Southern University offers the nation's only citrus program that provides students with expertise about growing citrus fruit and the industry.南佛罗里达州大学提供美国的柑橘类果实学专业,为学生提供种植柑橘和柑橘产业的专业知识。

7、03 Farrier Science 蹄铁科学Bee a horseshoeing expert at Mesalands Community College in New Mexicowhere they offer a degree in farrier science. It's about more than just shoeing a horseteaching also how to run your own business.成为新墨西哥州梅萨兰兹社区学院的蹄铁专家吧,此专业不仅本科学生蹄铁方面的专业知识,还会教一些经营企业类的基本知识。

8、04 Fermentation Studies 发酵学Students can be prepared for the petitive fields of wine and brewing science at Appalachian State University.学生们在阿巴拉契亚州立大学可以学到葡萄酒领域以及酿造科学方面的专业知识。

9、05 Floral Mament 花卉管理学Mississippi State University offers a degree in floral mament where students learn all of the ins and outs of the floricultural business. This includessourcingpurchasingdistributingmarketing and designing. Who knew flowers were so plicated?密西西比州立大学提供花卉管理学位,学生们可以学习花卉种植业的来龙去脉,包括采购、分销、营销和设计。

10、谁知道养花竟然这么复杂?06 Mortuary Science 殡葬科学Lincoln College of New England offers a degree in Mortuary science to students for a career in the funeral servs field. It may sound morbidbut it's also recession proof.新英格兰学院为学生提供殡葬科学学位,为其在殡葬服务领域的职业生涯做好准备。


12、07 Recreation and Leisure Studies 休闲娱乐研究This major bines the best part of college with going to class. This program offered by the University of North Texas includes classes in biologyhuman anatomy and planning and designing recreationparkleisure and sport facilities.该专业由北德克萨斯大学提供,课程包括:生物学、人体解剖学以及规划和设计娱乐公园、休闲和体育设施。


14、08 Surf Science and Technology 冲浪科技This o-year course offered by Plymouth University in the UK includes surf practculture and coastal environment classes.这门由英国普利茅斯大学提供的两年制课程包括冲浪练习、文化学和海岸环境学。

15、09 Turfgrass Science 草坪科学At Penn Statea facet of the agricultural sciences department is a program in turfgrass science. It aims to teach students about the scientificand business side of the turfgrass industry.草坪科学项目附属于宾夕法尼亚州立大学农业科学系中,该专业的主要目的是教学生草坪产业的科学及商业方面的知识。

16、10 Bowling Mament 保龄球管理学Students at Vincennes University can learn all about the bowling industry and how to ma a facility with the bowling mament major.文森大学的学生可以通过保龄球管理专业学习有关保龄球行业和保龄球设施管理方面的知识。


你辛苦赚钱吗怎么回复女生 你辛苦赚钱吗
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