未来什么工作很赚钱呢英语 未来什么工作有前途


未来什么工作很赚钱呢英语 未来什么工作有前途未来什么工作很赚钱呢英语 未来什么工作有前途

未来什么工作很赚钱呢英语 未来什么工作有前途

1、IamMy Future J随心之语:①教师从“人生得意须尽欢”到“与尔同销万古愁。


3、obI began to think about my future job a long time ago. A job depends largely on the nature of a person. I selected the job as a public servant, which was a responsible decision. A person working in this field has to be pretty serious, attentive, focused and organized. He or she should be able to find the right approach to communicate with all kinds of people, know what would be better for them and try to meet the needs of the individual and society as a whole. I try to cultivate these qualities, as well as on a moral and spiritual basis, which is fundamental for jobs in the civil serv. A future job should be interesting and a person should like it, because this is an important part of happiness in life. State and municipal mament is a relatively new specialty in the market of educational servs.Being a civil servant is a prestigious and stable occupation. It provides long-term employment and career growth, depending on the contribution of individual. It is a wide field for creative activity; there will be an opportunity to express yourself and demonstrate an unconventional mindset, because at the moment transformations take place in the sphere of state and municipal mament. Today, the job of a civil servant is marked by ry third man as an attractive one, and by ry second person - as a prestigious one.My Future JobI always wanted to be a librarian since I was a child. I enjoyed the quiet and peaceful environment very much. I could work in a all library outskirts, without many cars going on the street, without noises made by pedestrians or other stores. I will be sitting beside the counter most of the times, maybe drinking a coffee, answering the questions asked by the customers, checking in new books and put returning books back in order. I can people to find different books sections, video tapes that they need, and illustrate the library rules to the high-school volunteers. Most importantly, I can read for pleasure when I he no customers coming around. In future, I want to be a librarian, for that this job can broaden my horizon by reading new books, and meeting deferent cultured people with the same pure —reading.。


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