给我们赚钱的英语 赚点钱的英文


In order to earn more for trel,I would work hard. ,


给我们赚钱的英语 赚点钱的英文给我们赚钱的英语 赚点钱的英文

给我们赚钱的英语 赚点钱的英文

给我们赚钱的英语 赚点钱的英文


Investing is another important aspect of financial mament. We should educate ourselves on the basics of investing and consider investing in low-risk options such as mutual funds or index funds.








i'll work harder to get3、I am sorry that I he wasted you precious 很抱歉浪费了你们大家的宝贵时间。 money

i'll work har别那么说,今晚是平安夜。d to make money

i'll work hard to make money

关于钱的重要性的一片英语作文 字数不要太多

和同时演讲的那位演说家滔滔不绝谈了一小时,如今却没人记得他说了些什么,甚至连他的姓名也已经被人遗忘。然而给大家的那三分钟却流芳百世,其中论及美国 的名句画龙点睛: by the people,of the people and for the people,他呼吁要使这个民治、民有和民享的 永世长存。这就是永垂青史的《葛底斯堡演说》。

As we all kno莉莉: When we he the ability to make money, we would do.w , miney is very important.我们这就来听个说体育比赛的例子吧。这是个篮球队教练在一次重赛的前一天向记者们发表谈: There is an old words:there's nothing you can do

without money. Now,rything in the world is expensive,what can we do if we he no money?

chothes,food,house,bus,can we do all these free?NO!we can't! So,remenber this: money can not do rything,but,withtout money,you are nothing.


Ann: What are you going to eat?


在美国,男士间常用这样的动作来向对方表示祝贺、赞许,也可能仅仅表示友情。某些政界人士也往往会故意用拍背的动作向选民显示自己多么平易近人。我们听个例子来体会a slap on the back究竟是什么意思。


例句-1: Hey, Freddie, e over and give Bill here a good slap on the back. He's a proud man today; his wife ge birth to twin boys last night so he's buying us all drinks!


再学个似乎也是在说拍击身体某一部位的习惯用语: a slap in the face。 A slap in the face,看来好像跟a slap on the back结构相像,但是它们的意思却相很远。A slap in the face,如果直译就是一记耳光。打耳光是既伤人又侮辱人的行为,但是作为习惯用语却不是巴掌打在脸蛋上的意思。我们通过一个例子来体会习惯用语a slap in the face含义究竟是什么。


这个大人跟他们约定了会面时间却失约,而且让他们干等了三小时都不道歉,所以这里的习惯用语a slap in the face是指敌对和侮慢的断然拒绝或者尖锐指责。

再学个带有slap这个词的习惯用语: slap toger。 Slap toger意思类似于我们以前学的习惯用语: slapdash,意思是由于时间紧迫而匆忙行事,但是slap toger还是有跟slapdash不同的地方: slapdash带有急匆匆而草率从事的含义,而slap toger却没有因快就马虎的意思。

我们听个例子来探究slap toger这个习惯用语的意思。这段话说的是美国历史上的一次无人不知的演讲。一百四十多年前的美国,惨烈的南北几乎把一撕为二。有一天,忙于战事的必需去宾西法尼亚州葛底斯堡镇为葛底斯堡公墓的落成典礼献词。


例句-3: The little speech Lincoln slapped toger was no more than three minutes long. But n today many Americans know it by heart, and it still echoes in the heart of the nation.


今天要讲的习惯用语涉及人们常常谈到的一个词: money,金钱。我们要学的个习惯用语: right on the money。大家一定知道right这个词的意思是“对的,” “正确的。”也许有人因而认为right on the money就是钱数正确的意思,然而实际上right on the money这个习惯用语的含义要广泛得多;不一定限于金钱方面。

它可以用来说任何成为现实的谈论和预计。我们来听个例子。这段话说的是政局分析专家。美国首都多的是这一类高谈阔论的政论家,说话的人要告诉我们在这些人中他最信任的一位是Harry Temple。

例句-1:I always listen to Harry Temple on the weekend TV talk shows. He really knows politics; when he predicts how some political fight will turn out, he's usually right on the money.

再学个带有m你知道,我是个美国人,所以我们要吃火鸡。oney这个词的习惯用语: a run for the money。 Run这个词最基本的意思是奔跑,但是也可以解释为某事的进行,a run for the money这个习惯用语虽然包括money这个词,但是它和习惯用语right on the money一样,并不一定涉及金钱。习惯用语a run for the money起源于1870年前后。

例句-2:That other team is tough - after all they were the champions last year. But our guys are ready, and I l you,win or lose we'll give those guys a real run for the money.

他说:对方是个强队 - 他们毕竟是去年的冠。但是我们的队员们作好了准备。告诉你们吧,不论胜败,我们都会全力以赴,非让对方竭力拼搏一番才行。

再学个也包含money这个词的习惯用语: money in the bank。 Bank是银行,所以money in the bank要是按照字面意思直译就是“银行里的钱。”

经纪人时常会用money in the bank这个习惯用语向潜在的投资人似乎有风险的企业股票或其它投资专案。

例句-3:De, it's a sure chance to make some money. The location is perfect,my brother has found a great chef and a real bargain on equipment - hey, beli me, it's money in the bank.

他说:De,这是个准保赚钱的好机会。饭店的地段再好也没有了,我哥哥又请到了一位了不起的厨师,他还买到了廉价合算的装置 - 嘿,信我这句话: 你稳赚!

根据他的介绍他哥哥的饭店几乎具备各种有利条件,听来必然会大有赢利,所以这里的money in the bank含义是稳有的赢利或者必然的成功。



在美国,男士间常用这样的动作来向对方表示祝贺、赞许,也可能仅仅表示友情。某些政界人士也往往会故意用拍背的动作向选民显示自己多么平易近人。我们听个例子来体会a slap on the back究竟是什么意思。

说话的人正和一群在酒吧喝酒言欢,另一位老朋友Freddie走进来了,i will try my best to earn money于是他招呼Freddie过来和他们共同庆祝一个伙伴,Bill,的喜事。

例句-1: Hey, Freddie, e over and give Bill here a good slap on the back. He's a proud man today; his wife ge birth to twin boys last night so he's buying us all drinks!


再学个似乎也是在说拍击身体某一部位的习惯用语: a slap in the face。 A slap in the face,看来好像跟a slap on the back结构相像,但是它们的意思却相很远。A slap in the face,如果直译就是一记耳光。打耳光是既伤人又侮辱人的行为,但是作为习惯用语却不是巴掌打在脸蛋上的意思。我们通过一个例子来体会习惯用语a slap in the face含义究竟是什么。


这个大人跟他们约定了会面时间却失约,而且让他们干等了三小时都不道歉,所以这里的习惯用语a slap in the face是指敌对和侮慢的断然拒绝或者尖锐指责。

再学个带有slap这个词的习惯用语: slap toger。 Slap toger意思类似于我们以前学的习惯用语: slapdash,意思是由于时间紧迫而匆忙行事,但是slap toger还是有跟slapdash不同的地方: slapdash带有急匆匆而草率从事的含义,而slap toger却没有因快就马虎的意思。

我们听个例子来探究slap toger这个习惯用语的意思。这段话说的是美国历史上的一次无人不知的演讲。一百四十多年前的美国,惨烈的南北几乎把一撕为二。有一天,忙于战事的必需去宾西法尼亚州葛底斯堡镇为葛底斯堡公墓的落成典礼献词。

这个公墓是为那些在葛底斯堡战役中的阵亡将士修建的。当时只有坐火车的那几分钟时间作准备。那天的主钱放在银行里一般总是非常稳当的。如果有人告诉你一笔交易或者为某运动专案下的注是money in the bank,那么他的意思就是这是稳胜算的,你的赢利几乎像放在银行保险库里的钱那样万无一失。要演讲人是一位的演说家,要在他之后讲话,于是在一个信封的背面匆匆写下了自己的讲话稿。我们听听后来发生的一切:

例句-3: The little speech Lincoln slapped toger was no more than three minutes long. But n today many Americans know it by heart, and it still echoes in the heart of the nation.


今天要讲的习惯用语涉及人们常常谈到的一个词: money,金钱。我们要学的个习惯用语: right on the money。大家一定知道right这个词的意思是“对的,” “正确的。”也许有人因而认为right on the money就是钱数正确的意思,然而实际上right on the money这个习惯用语的含义要广泛得多;不一定限于金钱方面。

它可以用来说任何成为现实的谈论和预计。我们来听个例子。这段话说的是政局分析专家。美国首都多的是这一类高谈阔论的政论家,说话的人要告诉我们在这些人中他最信任的一位是Harry Temple。

例句-1:I always listen to Harry Temple on the weekend TV talk shows. He really knows politics; when he predicts how some political fight will turn out, he's usually right on the money.

再学个带有money这个词的习惯用语: a run for the money。 Run这个词最基本的意思是奔跑,但是也可以解释为某事的进行,a run for the money这个习惯用语虽然包括money这个词,但是它和习惯用语right on the money一样,并不一定涉及金钱。习惯用语a run for the money起源于1870年前后。

例句-2:That other team is tough - after all they were the champions last year. But our guys are ready, and I l you,win or lose we'll give those guys a real run for the money.

他说:对方是个强队 - 他们毕竟是去年的冠。但是我们的队员们作好了准备。告诉你们吧,不论胜败,我们都会全力以赴,非让对方竭力拼搏一番才行。

再学个也包含money这个词的习惯用语: money in the bank。 Bank是银行,所以money in the bank要是按照字面意思直译就是“银行里的钱。”

经纪人时常会用money in the bank这个习惯用语向潜在的投资人似乎有风险的企业股票或其它投资专案。

例句-3:De, it's a sure chance to make some money. The location is perfect,my brother has found a great chef and a real bargain on equipment - hey, beli me, it's money in the bank.

他说:De,这是个准保赚钱的好机会。饭店的地段再好也没有了,我哥哥又请到了一位了不起的厨这里的习惯用语right on the money含义是没有偏、完全正确的。师,他还买到了廉价合算的装置 - 嘿,信我这句话: 你稳赚!

根据他的介绍他哥哥的饭店几乎具备各种有利条件,听来必然会大有赢利,所以这里的money in the bank含义是稳有的赢利或者必然的成功。

金钱能带给我们什么的英语作文 要多点

Money iTime is always with us in our live. We can not see it. But we can feel it go by.s very important for us but is not the most important things in our life. Many things are more important than money ,such as friendship ,love ,and family ,and so on .We can use money to buy many things but for people's hearts. A people only care the money ,which is very sorrowful.Gradually,he will lose many things that is more important than money.And last,he will become lonely.

Sometimes money can let many people gather and make friends with you .Howr,you he to know they may be not your true friends and they just want you money. A true friend nr care wher his friend is poor or rich.A firend in need is a friend indeed.Hing some sincere friends is the true happiness.

Anyway, money can solve lots of problems but it can't bring you happiness because it can't buy a true heart.Please remember that some things in the world is invaluable.So don'这里的give him a good slap on the back意思是“好好地祝贺他一下。”t live only for money.




Many people say, “ Time is money. Time is life.” But I think time is more important than money. And our life are consists of time. We take a lot of time to play ry day. But we can use that time to do a lot of things like reading books, listening to English tapes, learning maths and so on. We can not waste time on sleeping all the time. We must value time as we value our lives. I nr waste time. And I hope ryone will make the best use of time to learn more.


Another way to ma our finances is to oid unnecessary expenses. We should oid impulse buying and consider the value and necessity of each purchase. We can also se money by using student discounts and buying second-hand s.

1. 美好时光的英语作文五句话


One:My FamilyI am so happy I can he a happy family. There are four people in my family .They are my father ,my mother ,my sister and me . We often take a vacation when Winter holiday is coming . 我的家庭我很高兴我能拥有幸福的家庭. 在我的家庭里有四个人. 他们是我的爸爸,我的妈妈,我的姐姐和我. 当寒来临时我们经常去度.因为那样我们可以享受冬天的气息. Two:Sport And Health In many countries,sport is a good healthy lifestyle。

Many people love sports , like playing basketball and playing football ,riding a bike,skateboarding。

and eating healthy food ry day。This lifestyle s them keep very healthy。

If you don't exercise and don`t eat 《美好时光》英语作文,80~100词

My happy time

My happy time was with you. I love you, not because of who you are, but I like the way I am

with were just staying right here. The river at that time was so beautiful, we played in the boat, you laugh, you sang, we were so happy, the sun shine makes the river shine, you iled to the river, I looked straight at you, you looked like an you were gone, only left me here, by the river, I was thinking about you, those fallen lees were still with me, but you, were 美好时光用英语怎么说

一、beautiful time


1、Music not shapes my mentality but also brings me a lot of beautiful 音乐不仅淘冶了我的情,同时也带给了我许多美好的时光。

2、O We had a beautiful time this 我们今天晚上度过了一段美好的时光。

二、wonderful time



1、They had a wonderful time and so did I


2、My girlfriend and I had a wonderful time last 我和女友昨晚共度了一段美好时光。


precious time


1、A family break allows you to spend precious time toger

2、Don't idle away your precious 别闲磨大好时光!

4、It provides for more precious time for 它提供了更多的宝贵时间的粘接。

5、Occupy your precious time, deeply thank you!


4. 我们一起度过了一段美好的时光用英语怎么说


英文:We had a good time toger. 词汇解析: 一、had 英 [h?d] 美 [h?d] 1、aux. 已经拥有(用于过去完成时和过去完成进行时) 2、v. 有;吃;得到(动词he的过去式和过去分词) 二、a good time 英 [? ɡud taim] 美 [e ɡ?d ta?m] n.一段美好时光 三、toger 英 [t??gee?(r)] 美 [t??ɡ?e?] 1、a.在一起;同时;一致地;不间断地 2、adj.稳定可靠的;做事的 扩展资料 词语用法: 1、toger的基本意思是“在一起”,指相同的或不同的事和人聚在一起,用于时间方面,则意为“同时”;用于思想或行动,则意为“一致地”“协调地”。 2、toger与介词with连用,意思是“和”“加之”“连同”。


3、toger无比较级和形式。 词义辨析: toger with, along with 1、toger with表示“一起”,一般表示空间或时间上的联系; 2、along with有“配合”或“步调一致”的含义,强调二者之间在性质或作用上的密切联系。

5. 关于爱惜时光的英语短文(加翻译)


An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your "爱惜时光"英语作文译文:




我会努力工作赚钱去旅游 英语咋讲?

Ann: Oh, I didn’t know before.

I will work hard to earn money for trelling.

来自英语我要回有些专家认为它来自。许多人都把注下在自己看中的马匹上,要是在比赛时马匹你追我赶,竞争激烈,几乎不前后地到达终点线,那么的人即使自己心爱的马匹败阵让他输了钱,也觉得他选中的马匹已尽到了的努力,所以自己不虚此行,没白花钱。人们逐渐把a run for the money这个习惯用语广泛应用在竞选和商贸事务上,尤其常常用到体育比赛中,用来说在竞争中尽力而为,使得对方以取得尽可能好的,令人满意的结果。家。牛人团

望采纳 谢谢

I would work hard to earn money to trvael.


今天我们要讲的习惯用语有一个共同的词slap。这个词的意思是用巴掌拍击。我们先要学的两个习惯用语从字面上看都是在说拍打身体的某一部位。我们先从比较容易理解那个习惯用语说起吧: a slap on the back。 A slap on the back要是直译就是在背上拍一下。



李: The weather is colder and colder.


林: Yeah, and the Christmas is on the way.


李: Oh, how time flies.


林: Yeah, last night, I read such a report.


李: Is it funny?


林: Very and listen to me. The people in the Southern Hemisphere always spend their Christmas in the summer?


李: Why?


林: It’s because it is the Southern Hemisphere.



安: What is your plan during the Christmas Day?


莉莉: I will go home.

安: What’s your hometown customs of Christmas?


莉莉: Eh. We would he a big meal at the night of Christmas and the kids will put a stock beside the pillow. And the parents will put the gifts in the stock.


安: Wow, wonderful.


莉莉: Yeah, kids always look forward to the gift.


安: Do you prepare gifts for you parents?




Lily: Ann, would like to he dinner with my family tonight?


Ann: Oh, I would like to, thanks.


Lily: Don’s say that. Tonight is the Christmas Eve.


Lily: You know, I am an American, so we are going to he turkey for dinner.

Ann: Oh, why you mention you are an American.


Lily: Because American always eat turkey at Christmas Eve.



英语对话By practicing good financial habits, we can oid debt and build a solid financial foundation for our future.小故事带翻译篇4

Ann: Do you Chinese people celebrate Christmas?


Lily: Of course not, we are Chinese. But nowadays, the new generation treats it as an important holiday.


Ann: Oh? And what they do in Christmas?


Lily: Some of the young people would send present to their friends, and some would send chocolate to lovers or someone they like.


Ann: But Christmas is not a lovers’ day.


Lily: Yes, you know, the Christmas means nothing to most of Chinese people. And the new generation would like to spend this day with friends or lovers.


Ann: That’s true. Christmas is the most important festival in western countries.


Lily: It’s the same as our Spring Festival.


英语翻译 请把这段中文翻译成英语 中文如下

例句-2: He kept us waiting three hours and then sent a clerk out to l us he was too busy and to e back another day. A real slap in the face - the clerk didn't n say sorry! Okay, we'll remember this at election time this fall.

When parents back home ,it seems they are so tired.It is not easy for them to go out to work and make money for us.We shuld do the things that we could do for them.For instance,just do a part of the housework,to communicate with them and to undersatand them more.When you are upset,do not blame their care for you.

他说:我老是收看Harry Temple的周末‘脱口’电视节目,他对政局了若指掌,他所预测的斗争结果往往都毫无偏。

Parents work back super tired, ry day they go out to work to make money for us is not easy. We should do soming for them do rything in one's power. For example, shared a home housework, more than them, understand them. Don't blame them to care for you, when you are upset when the.

My So friends, please cherish time!parents came home from work super tired, ry day they go out to work to make money for us is very not easy. We should do soming for them within the reach of things. Like to share the housework at home, more than they communication, understand them some. Don't blame them for your concern, when you are in a flutter when.


去年有哪些干货大主播赚钱 去年火的主播
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