There are many aantages and disantages of shopping on line.
电商零售有什么好处吗英语 电商零售有什么好处吗英语翻译
电商零售有什么好处吗英语 电商零售有什么好处吗英语翻译
Online shopping brings us both aantages and disaantages.
之前我咨询了很多家,比较介钱以及试听过后的感觉.好. 我选择了ABC天卞英语,很喜欢这里的老师,都很热心,而且是真人在线互动教学模式 有电脑就可以在家上课了,很方便的!With rapid dlopment of rmationization, global electronic commerce transaction has increased greatly witn past decade years. Almost all kinds of industries are closely connected with electronic commerce. Howr, rytng has two sides.On one hand,booming electronic commerce is the fastest way so far to make transactions across far distance. It makes it sible to do business at home, wch ses time and unnecessary formalities. That's why e-commerce is preferable to traditional commerce.(优势:Aantage)On the other hand,there exist many problems either.It is hard to control the virtual business. False,deceptive rmatin is interspersing among e-commerce. Without mament, losses are liable to happen ry time. So we should hold strong risk awareness to protect ourselves on e-commerce.(问题:Problems) Above all, the trend towards promising e-commerce is an irresistible trend of times. It undoubtedly contributes to impayable prosperity of world economy. Let’s prepare to embrace ts irretrievable trend.(前景:Perspective)
With rapid dlopment of rmationization, global electronic commerce transaction has increased greatly within past decade years. Almost all kinds of industries are closely connected with electronic commerce. Howr, rything has two sides.
On one hand,booming electronic commerce is the fastest way so far to make transactions across far distance. It makes it sible to do business at home, which ses time and unnecessary formalities. That's why e-commerce is preferable to traditional commerce.
On the other hand,there exist many problems either.It is hard to control the virtual business. False,deceptive rmatin is interspersing among e-commerce. Without mament, losses are liable to happen ry time. So we should hold strong risk awareness to protect ourselves on e-commerce.
Above all, the trend towards promising e-commerce is an irresistible trend of times. It undoubtedly contributes to impayable prosperity of world economy. Let’s prepare to embrace this irretrievable trend.
With rapid dlopment of rmationization, global electronic commerce transaction has increased greatly within past decade years. Almost all kinds of industries are closely connected with electronic commerce. Howr, rything has two sides.
On one hand,booming electronic commerce is the fastest way so far to make transactions across far distance. It makes it sible to do business at home, which ses time and unnecessary formalities. That's why e-commerce is preferable to traditional commerce.(优势:Aantage)
On the other hand,there exist many problems either.It is hard to control the virtual business. False,deceptive rmatin is interspersing among e-commerce. Without mament, losses are liable to happen ry time. So we should hold strong risk awareness to protect ourselves on e-commerce.(问题:Problems)
Above all, the trend towards promising e-commerce is an irresistible trend of times. It undoubtedly contributes to impayable prosperity of world economy. Let’s prepare to embrace this irretrievable trend.(前景:Perspective)
网上购物有什么好处英语:What are the benefits of online shopping
1、Se Time – With just a couple of clicks of the mouse, you can purchase your shopping orders and instantly move to other important things, which can se time.
1、节省时间 - 只需点击几下鼠标,就可以下单购买并可以马上就去做一些其他重要的事情,这可以节省时间。
2、Se Fuel – One of the aantages of shopping online is that there is no need for vehicles, so no purchase of fuel necessary.
2、节省燃料 - 在线购物的一个优点是不需要车辆,因此不需要购买燃料。
3、Hate Waiting in Lines – The idea of shopping online is cutting down those bad habits of standing in a long line and just waiting.
3、讨厌排队 - 网上购物的想在减少排长队等待的坏习惯。
4、Comparison of Prs – The aanced innovation ofsearch engine allows you to easily check prs and compare with just a few clicks.This gives you the to determine which online store offers the most affordable you are going to buy.
4、价格比较 -搜索引擎 的先进创新可以轻松查看价格,只需点击几下即可进行比较。这可以自由决定哪个在线商店提供自己将要购买的实惠的商品。
5、24/7 Availability – Online shopping stores are open round the clock of 24/7, 7 days a week and 365 days.
5、全天可使用 - 网上购物商店全天24小时,每周7天,每天24小时开放。
Many years ago,we nr thought can remain within doors can buy what they want to buy,with the rapid dlopment of network,people can be in the open network environment,both to meet a variety of business activities can be carried out without.Electronic commerce has gradually become a part of people's life.Electronic commerce has many aantages:
In the e-commerce environment,people from the time constraints,without the restrictions of space,free from many of the limitations of the traditional shopping,can complete the complicated business activities of the past in a very way.Can direct communication,negotiation,contract between businesses,consumers can also put their feedback in response to a suggestion to enterprise or business website,so enterprises or businesses will investigate the kinds of products and serv quality in time according to the consumer feedback.
Two,se the cost
In the aspect of e-commerce businesses,reduce intermediate links and physical store sales of merchandise costs and mament costs,thereby greatly reducing the cost of goods,and businesses can lower commodity prs,prompt consumers to spend less money to buy soming of equal value.
Three,a wide variety of goods
The type and quantity of goods,the store must consider the size of stores,goods quantity and variety to determine equipment,howr in the network do not he to consider these,put ry kind of merchandise pictures can be on the network,but also attach detailed commodity rmation,consumers can choose and buy stick out a mile,satisfied with the goods.
E-commerce has gradually become a part of people's life,people on the network is also growing demand.The dlopment of electronic commerce makes the life of people become more convenient,fast,efficiency.Howr,what things are two sides,must he the disaantages of rything good.The electronic business not only brings a lot of convenience,at the same time
★1、网络自身有局限性 有一位消费者在网上订购了一新款女式背包,虽然质量不错,但怎么看款式都没有网上那个中意。许多消费者都反应实际得到的商品不是在网上看中的商品。这是怎么回事呢?其实在把一件立体的实物缩小许多变成平面的画片的过程中,商品本身的一些基本信息会丢失;输入电脑的只是人为选择商品的部分信息,人们无法从网上得到商品的全部信息,尤其是无法得到对商品的鲜明的直观印象。 在这一模式上,只有依靠网站的制作和网页设计家对网页把握更加好的模式,向消费者展示商品。 ★2、搜索功能不够完善 当在网上购物时,用户面临的一个很大的问题就是如何在众多的网站找到自己想要的物品,并以的价格买到。搜索引擎看起来很简单:用户输入一个查询,搜索引擎就按照到数据库去查找,并返回合适的Web页链接。但根据NEC研究所与Inktomi公司近研究结果表明,目前在互联网上至少10亿网页需要建立索引。而现有搜索引擎仅仅能对5亿网页建立索引。仍然有一半不能索引。这主要不是由于技术原因,而是由于在线商家希望保护商品价格的隐私权。因此当用户在网上购物时,不得不一个网站一个网站搜寻下去,直到找到满意价格的物品。 ★3、交易的安全性得不到保障 电子商务的安全问题仍然是影响电子商务发展的主要因素。由于Internet的迅速流行,电子商务引起了广泛的注意,被公认为是未来IT业有潜力的新的增长点。然而,在开放的网络上处理交易,如何保证传输数据的安全成为电子商务能否普及的重要的因素之一。调查公司曾对电子商务的应用前景进行过在线调查,当问到为什么不愿意在线购物时,绝大多数的人的问题是担心遭到黑客的侵袭而导致信息丢失。因此,有一部分人或企业因担心安全问题而不愿使用电子商务,安全成为电子商务发展中的障碍。 电子商务的安全问题其实也是人与人之间的诚信问题,和现实商业贸易相识,均需双方的共同协作和努力。电子商务的未来,需要所有网民的共同协作。 ★4、电子商务的管理还不够规范 电子商务的多姿多彩给世界带来全新的商务规则和方式,这更加要求在管理上要做到规范,这个管理的概念应该涵盖商务管理、技术管理、等多方面,因此要同时在这些方面达到一个比较令人满意的规范程度,不是一时半时就可以做到的。另外电子商务平台的前后端相一致也是非常重要的。前台的Web平台是直接面向消费者的,是电子商务的门面。而后台的内部经营管理体系则是完成电子商务的必备条件,它关系到前台所承接的业务终能不能得到很好的实现。一个完善的后台系统更能体现一个电子商务公司的综合实力,因为它将终决定提供给用户的是什么样的服务,决定电子商务的管理是不是有效,决定电子商务公司终能不能实现赢利。 ★5、税务问题 税务(包括关税和税收)是一个重要的财政来源。由于电子商务的交易活动是在没有固定场所的信息网络环境下进行,造成难以控制和收取电商务的税金。 ★6、标准问题 各国的国情不同,电子商务的交易方式和手段当然也存在某些异,而且我们要面对无国界、全球性的贸易活动,因此需要在电子商务交易活动中建立相关的、统一的性标准,以解决电子商务活动的互作问题。电子商务目前的问题是概念不清,搞电子的搞商务,搞商务的搞电子,呈现一种离散、无序、局部的状态。 ★7、配送问题 配送是让商家和消费者都很伤脑筋的问题。网上消费者经常遇到交货延迟的现象,而且配送的费用很高。业内人士指出,我国国内缺乏系统化、专业化、全国性的货物配送企业,配送销售组织没有形成一套高效、完备的配送管理系统,这毫无疑问地影响了人们的购物热情。 ★8、知识产权问题 在由电子商务引起的法律问题中,保护知识产权问题又首当其冲。由于计算机网络上承载的是数字化形式的信息,因而在知识产权领域(专利、商标、版权和商业秘密等)中,版权保护的问题尤为突出。 ★9、电子合同的法律问题 在电子商务中,传统商务交易中所采取的书面合同已经不适用了。一方面,电子合同存在容易编造、难以证明其真实性和有效性的问题;另一方面,现有的法律尚未对电子合同的数字化印章和签名的法律效力进行规范。 ★10、电子证据的认定 信息网络中的信息具有不稳定性或易变性,这就造成了信息网络发生侵权行为时,锁定侵权证据或者获取侵权证据难度极大,对解决侵权带来了较大的障碍。如何保证在网络环境下信息的稳定性、真实性和有效性,是有效解决电子商务中侵权的重要因素。 ★11、其他细节问题 后就是一些不规范的细节问题,例如目前网上商品价格参不齐,主要成交类别商品价格相40%;网上商店服务的地域异大;在线购物问题大;网上商店对定单回应速度参不齐;电子商务方面的法律,对参与交易的各方面的权利和义务还没有进行明确细致的规定。