英语演讲比赛 英语演讲比赛观后感


Families are also my treasures. Wher time find us far apart or it keeps us close toger, they are always standing by my side. They l me how wonderful to be loved by people you love.


英语演讲比赛 英语演讲比赛观后感英语演讲比赛 英语演讲比赛观后感

英语演讲比赛 英语演讲比赛观后感

O.1 外研社杯举办的比赛


NO.2 21世纪杯英语演讲大赛

“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛由日报社于1996年发起并主办,由英文《21世纪报》承办。该项一年一度12. Do you like trelling(旅游)?Where he you been?(你去过哪里?)的比赛面向全国大学生,迄今已分别在、上海、广州、成都、南京和武汉成功举办了九届。












1、要明确Thank you!自己是在用英语演讲,要牢记这一点,学会用英文思考!

2、要注意发音,尤其是单词的发音。很多人认为这没什么,只要发准就行了,其实不然。单词有一个音节的问题,这是常常忽略的,是几个音节就一定要发出几个音节,这很关键。如:beautiful 这个单词有三个音节,而很多同学只发出了两个,千万要注意。





注意事项Presenting Skills(演说技巧) 1.Know your topic(知道你要讲什么题目)2.Know your audience(了解你的听众) 3.Know your start and stop times,as well as who else is on(知道你开始和停止的时间以及除你之外还有谁要讲话)4.Know what you want people to do differently and l them(对你所说的和人们所做的有什么不同,心中要有数,并让听众知道)5. Make major points.(写下你的讲话要点)6.Check all your equipment,sound,lighting and seating arrangements.(检查你的器材、音响、灯光和座位)7.Ask someone you trust and respect to constructively critique you.(请一个你所信任和尊敬的人对你的讲稿提出建设性的批评和意见)8. Relax before you go on.(演讲前要放松)9.Practise,practise,practise.(练习、练习,再练习)10.Remember that n if you miss a bit or forget a couple of 她看 见一位商人把一袋金子放在了桌上。lines,nobody knows except you.(记住即或你漏掉一点或忘掉几行,除了你自己,别人是不会发现的)11.Omit ling jokes unless you are already a good joke—ler or plan to get better.(收起你想讲的笑话,除非你已经擅长讲笑话或者在这方面有所提高)12.He fun(要有趣味) 上述12项提示是国外人士从大量实践中总结出来的有用经验,可供我们借鉴。根据我自己的实践经验,我想着重提出5点: 1. 明确通过演讲要传递什么信息;2. 了解听众的特点和要求;3. 准备讲稿或讲话要点;4. 语言要求清晰、简练、优美、生动、形象、有频率和感召力;5. 临场陈述要举止稳重大方,语言语调准确



=EnglisDo we really need to kill animals?h













按照常规呢,这应该是English Speech Contest

the competition of the presentation

English Speaking Competitions

English Oratorical Contest


life is not long, but many times choose, you he many chos come through today. wait more than 60 days, you in turn to make a cho, but the cho is your life is very important, very crucial cho. the cho to a large extent directly related to your future direction in life, wher related to the future glory of life, and n the success of the big problems of life.



大学英语演讲比赛活动总结1 为了激发广大同学学习英语的热情,提高同学对英语口语的兴趣,营造一个良好的英语学习氛围,为更多的同学提供一个尽情挥洒创意,展现英语风采的舞台,我部在得到老师和同学的支持下,于本月举行了英语演讲比赛,此次比赛主要针对大一的学生。大一学生参加的积极性很高,报名人数多,在我系大一学生新生中有一定的影响力,比赛设有初赛,复赛,和决赛,给选手们提供了更多的表现机会,体现“公平,公正,公开”的比赛原则。


















(二)比赛严格按程序进行,体现 “公平、公正、公开”原则









(五)、自我批评与总结“Hello! Mr. Wall. I know you are the greatest person in the world. Would you marry mydaughter?”




一、针对我系的请况,定期的开展一些针对性的学习讲座和活 动。让各位学生在活动中学到知识,陶冶情,开阔视野。


三、在平时的学习中,学习部将会定期的向兄弟系学习,把他 们的经验吸取过来,为我们所用。

大学英语演讲比赛活动总结2 为了丰富同学们的课余生活以及激发大家对英语的学习兴趣,我系学习部于20xx年4月29日举办了英语演讲比赛,活动地点定于4107教室晚七点。







大学英语演讲比赛活动总结3 为了激发广大同学学习英语的热情,提高同学对英语口语的兴趣,营造一个良好的英语学习氛围,为更多的同学提供一个尽情挥洒创意,展现英语风采的舞台,我部在得到老师和同学的支持下,于本月举行了英语演讲比赛,报名人数多,在我院大一学生新生中有一定的影响力,比赛设有初赛和决赛,给选手们提供了更多表现机会,体现“公平,公正,公开”的比赛原则。

12月21日晚,由院团委主办外语系及英语读书社承办的以Reading changes life , learning shapes future为主题的英语演讲比赛在行政楼四楼会议室结束。






同时此次演讲比赛的成功举行,使我部全体干事对自己的工作进一步了认识和了解,对今后的工作充满了自信和动力,真诚地感谢及所有同学对本次活动的支持,是你们的支持才有了此次活动的成功举办。本次比赛对于我院学生会来说意义重大。我们清楚地意识到,在比赛取得成功的同时 。比赛的形式和标准有待于进一步的完善和统一。我想,我们一定会在不断的总结和批评下成长、发展、壮大,全力打造我院,乃至我校品牌赛事,努力做到使英语演讲比赛成为我校水平和规模的英文赛事!




一、流程安排:主持人宣布演讲比赛开始,并介绍评委及嘉宾。进入比赛关,选手按顺序进行演讲,演讲内容包括绿色奥运,环境保护,热爱家乡等方面。演讲过后,由国贸的同学演唱一首英语歌曲《big big world》,调节现场气氛。然后进入第二关:即兴演讲。选手现场抽题,10秒钟准备时间后选手开始演讲,演讲主题各不相同,这主要考验选手的应变能力和英语的语言功底。演讲结束后进行了现场互动,主持人让现场观众回答有关奥运体育项目的英语单词,并送出了我们准备的奖品。然后,主持人公布比赛结果并由评委为选手颁发奖状及奖品。外籍教师在为选手颁奖后做了精彩演讲。本次比赛进行的很顺利,锻炼了选手,丰富了同学们的课余生活,达到了预期的效果。





大学英语演讲比赛活动总结5 20xx年x月x日,科学技术学院在综合教学楼组织了一场英语演讲比赛,这次组织英语演讲比赛的目的是为了激发同学们学习英语的热情,提高大家对英语口语的兴趣,营造出一个良好的英语学习氛围。






25. How often is the general election inBritainheld?(Every five years)

演讲稿 也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。下面是我整合的2021年英语演讲比赛三分钟演讲稿,一起来看看吧,肯定对你有所帮助的。


Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:

It is a great honor and pleasure to be here on this beautiful Saturday morning to share with you my sentiments about life and passion for the English language.

About a year and a half ago, I took part in my very first English Speech Contest. When I stood before the microphone with all eyes starring directly at me, I could hardly speak. I stood there, embarrassed and less, struggling in vain for the right thing to say. My fears had paralyzed me.

While my passion for English has nr changed, I lost my courage to speak in public. When my professor again encouraged me to take part in this Competition, I said “no.” I couldn’t endure yet another painful experience. He looked me straight in the eye and said soming that pierced my heart. I will nr forget his words. “Look,” he said, “We all he our fears, and you he yours. You could twist your ankle in a basketball , but then be afraid to r play again. Running away can nr dispel your fears, but action will. A winner is not one who nr fails,but one who nr quits.”

I spent a whole day with his words twisting and turning in my mind. Then I made the brest and wisest decision of my life: I would face my fears – and take part in the competition!

Thank you.


Good morning:Honorable judges, dear teachers and close friends. I’m very glad to stand here to share my speech with you. Today I’m going to talk about Love and Take care of Nature.Each life on the earth has a long and touching evolutionary story. From the origin, the lives of the human being are equal to those of others; they both are the coming parts of Mother Nature. Nrtheless, for some inexplicable reasons, the human becomes the spirits of all creatures. Of course, it is the result of the evolution, but still we should be grateful to all our companions in nature for the opportunity they offer. In spite of this, humans cannot live without earth.

They live on the earth, drink the sweet water, and enjoy the sunshine, the air, the sky, the fruit; the grains utilize the energy and so on. In a word, the human being cannot live without nature, and Mother Nature makes us grow stronger. I do not like the word "Pet", but preferring the word "Animal" instead. I he been loving animal since I was just a little boy. When thinking of the "Pet Fashion", I always feel much annoyed. For the animals will be given a shackle and lose their liberty if they become someone's pets. Their natural attribution can be deprived, too. Up to now, relying on their scientific power, the human he opened up too much and over dloped nature, in order to fill up their growing appetites of wealth.

They destroy the balance of nature, howr, they don't realize, their own dlopment and existence will be threatened. Therefore, our sights should be focused on nature and we should try to dlop the concept of "keeping human and nature in unity". We should lay emphasis on our education with consider cultural and natural emotion. To use the vivid example to wake up the conscience in people's hearts.


Good morning teachers and fellow students. Today we would like to introduce a few forite books to you.

My forite book is . This is a diary written by an Italian boy Enrico. The diary is about his life and study. It included various touching stories that happened around Enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. Every word in the chapter describes the word "love". From patrioti to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching.

This novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. I really like this book very much. How about you? What is your forite book?

My forite book is . He yoead it before?

Oh, I hen’t read this book before. What is it about?

Well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. The story is happy ending.

Can you l us why you love this book so much?

Sure. It is because the story taught us to be bre and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage. I am deeply impressed by the strength and persrance of the little princess in the story. I he decided to learn from her from now on.

Oh I see, the story sounds very good. I cannot wait to read this book as well.

Dear friends:I am a rich girl, because I he a lot of treasure.

Friends are my treasures. Whenr I am sad and down, I know they would hold my hands and warm my heart. They show me how amazing the friendship is.

Experience is my treasure. Whatr good or bad situation I he to face, it would show me the right way. It s me to know more about life.

I beli I will be richer in the future., because the way of life is just like a journey of finding treasure .You nr know when and where you can find them. You just keep going and they will be found in some time at some place. I will cherish what I he had and keep finding with my curiosity and passion .

I take part in activities, because I can find the treasure of cooperation.

I enjoy music, because I can find out the treasure of beauty.

Life is precious ,isn’t it? How can we get so many beautiful and valuable things without life?

Dear friends, Let’s feel the world with heart, carry the sun inside you, and reach out for the dreams that guide you where you want to go. You will he what it takes to make our path of success. That is the treasure of life!



Good afternoon! Ladies and gentlemen!

I am very happy to he the opportunity to attend t16. Hope is the thing withfeathers is a well-known poem (诗). Do you know who the writer of the poem is? Canyoel some sentences from it? (Emily Dickinson见参考资料)his Competition.

My topic today is “Nr Say Sorry Again!”

Do you feel sorry for the animals that are killed by the millions ry day?

Let us now think of the reasons for using dead animals. People often use animals for food, make-up, medicine and especially for the clothes. Fur coats are definiy a luxury. Yes, they are warm but really they are mostly a symbol of wealth. Do you know how much a mink coat cost?

A report said in an open letter published recently, a Dutch animal-rights group has asked their much-loved Queen to stop wearing fur. The Group pointed out that clothing from fur represents cruelty to animals. “ Fur belongs to animals, not to human beings.”

Nowadays a lot of greedy people t and kill wild animals and birds, so as to make money by selling their hides at high prs. This kind of killing should be stopped and seriously punished. If we don't take actions to protect the wild animals and birds, they will soon disappear from the globe. Man will one day find himself a very lonely creature on earth indeed.

Until such a day, when we finally realized that we no longer he these friends or neighbors, what are we human beings going to say? Sorry? No, it is too late to say sorry to them.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please consider what I he said to you this afternoon. Think carefully on wher we really need to use animals for our pleasure if you he come to the conclusion that we are wrong. Then we should now change our attitude so that we nr say sorry again to the animal population.

2021年英语演讲比赛三分钟演讲稿相关 文章 :

★ 励志英语演讲稿大全2021年

★ 校园英语演讲稿5篇2021

★ 英语青春励志演讲稿2021

★ 三分钟英语演讲稿5篇

★ 相信自己英语演讲稿三分钟

★ 关于梦想英语演讲稿2021

★ 三分钟英语励志演讲稿

★ 关于励志的英语演讲稿2021

★ 比赛英语演讲稿范文2021

★ 大学生励志英语演讲稿2021




1. What’s your Chinese/English name?

My name is …

2. What’s your forite color/fruit/food/subject(科目)?

My forite color is red. I like red things, becasue …

3. What’s your hobby(爱好)?

4. What do you usually do on weekend/ry night/when you are free?

I usually read some books. I like reading very much.

5. Tell us soming about your family.

There are five persons in my family. They are my grandma,grandpa, mother, father, and me.

6. Who’s your best friend? Tell us soming about him/her.

My best friend is Tom.

7. He your got any br★ TED英语演讲稿范文五篇other/sister/cousin?Tell us soming about him/her.

8. How many people are there in your family? Tell us soming about your parents/grandparents.

9. How old is your best friend/ your mother/ your father?

He/She is ten years old.

10. What does yomother/father do?

My mother is a doctor.

11. What do you want to be in the future?

I want to be a polman. I can rybody.

13. What’s the weather like today?

It's a rainy day.

14. What’s the weather like in Spring/summer/Autumn ?

15. When do you usually get up/go to bed?

16. What do you usually do after you getup/before you go to bed?

Part II School life

1. How do you usually go toschool?

2. What’s your foritesubject?

3. Who’s your foriteteacher?

4. Tell us soming aboutyour school/classroom/library.

5. Which grade/class are youfrom?

6. How manystudents/boys/girls are there in your class?

7. What do you usually do inschool?

8. What kind of books do youlike to read?

9. What English/Chinese bookshe yoead?

10. Tell us soming aboutyour English/math/Chinese teacher.

11. Which university/middleschool do you like to enter in the future?

Part III GeneralKnowledge(部分题目含参)

1. What’s the first/second/third day in a week?

2. What’s the first/second/third month in a year?

3. How many seasons are there in a year? What arey?

4. When is Christmas/Halloween/Thanks GivingDay/Teachers’ Day/Children’s Day?

5. What do children usually do on Halloween?

6. What do people usually do on Thanks Giving Day?

7. What do people usually do on Christmas?

8. What should we do on Teachers’ Day?

9. How do you spend your Children’s Day?

10. Can you l us the capital of US/UK/Australia/Canada?

11. Which country is the largest/second largest/thirdlargest country in the world?

12. Which river is the longest/second longest /thirdlongest country in the world?

13. What is London/Paris/New York famous for?

14. What isChina’snational ball ? (Tabletennis)

15. Ode to the west wind is a well-known poem (诗). Do you know who the writer of the poem is? Canyoel some sentences from it? (Percy Shelley见参考资料)

17. The Road Not Takenis a well-known poem (诗). Do youknow who the writer of the poem is? Can yoel some sentences from it? (Robert Frost见参考资料)

19. Whichcountry did basketball originate? (U.S.)

20. What flower is symbol ofEngland? (Rose)

21. Which country is thehome of golf? (Scotland)

22. What is the nickname of theU. S. A.?(Uncle Sam)

23. Which country did Modern football beginin? (England)

24. What is the key to Industrial Revolution(工业革命)? (Cotton Textile)

26. How often is the general election in US held?(Every four years)

27. Where does the Industrial Revolution started in? (Britain)

28. What is the 50th state inAmerica? (Hawaii)

29. What is the symbol of the Democratic Party in theU.S.?(donkey)

30. What is the symbol of the Republic Party in theU.S.?(el18. A Red, Red Roseis a well-known poem (诗).Do you know who the writer of the poem is? Can yoel some sentences fromit? (Robert Burns见参考资料)ephant)

31. Where is The Rocky Mountains located? (North America)

32. What is the centre of American movie industry? (Hollywood)

33. On which festival will children use the phrase“Trick or Treat”? (Halloween)

34. What nationality is the great writer ErnestHemingway? (American)

35. Who is the first president in US? (GeorgeWashington)

36. On which day is Halloween celebrated? (31stOctober)

37. What country is known as the Land of Maple Leaf(枫叶)?(Canada)

38. Who wrote The Old Manand the Sea? (Ernest Hemingway)

40. On which day is Thanks Giving Day celebrated? (Thefourth Thursday in November)


So, how can we study hard? How to pursue the progress?

问题一:“演讲比赛”用英语怎么说? Speech Contest

如英语演讲比赛:English Speech Contest


问题二:我的演讲完了用英语怎么说 That's all my speech, thank you.

问题三:(发表演讲) 用英语怎么翻译 Deliver a speech

问题四:“演讲者”用英语怎么说? SPEAKER speech

give a lecture

make a speech


问题五:演讲稿的英文怎么说? I rerwote my speech draft just yesterday.

speech 3、比赛当天院里有职业规划大赛,在时间上我们处于劣势,很多同学也是因为这个原因没有前来观看我们的比赛,导致比赛很冷清。script 通常指演讲提纲,因为演讲者为了效果生动,经常会脱稿发挥,因此 speech script 提供了大概段落,论据等,但又有一定的自由发挥空间。

完整的演讲稿则用 speech draft,通常在演讲完成后传发给媒体的稿件就是用 speech draft。


问题六:“演讲主题”的英语怎么说 the theme of my presentation

问题七:“英语演讲比赛”用英文怎么说 你好!


按照常规呢,这应该是English Speech Contest 而如今其实English-speaking Contest也是这个意思

问题八:“演讲比赛”用英语怎么说? Speech Contest

如英语演讲比赛:English Speech Contest


问题九:“谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕。” 用英语怎么说? 谢谢大家,我的演讲完毕。

Thank you for the ryone, my speech is over.


thank you[英][θ??k ju:][美][θ??k ju]



prep.为,为了; 倾向于; 关于; 当作;


the ryone


my speech



a.结束; 再;

问题十:“演讲者”用英语怎么说? SPEAKER speech

give a lecture

make a speech



As it turned out, my dear old professor was right. Now, here I am, once again standing before a microphone. My heart is beating fast, and my mouth is dry, but most importantly, I he faced my fears -- and that makes all the difference!

东北大学举办日报社“21世纪·可口可乐杯”英语演讲大赛,比赛邀请到了东2021年英语演讲比赛三分钟演讲稿4北大学外国语学院赵雯、沈阳航空航天大学外国语学院李丹莉、东北大学外国语学院英语系主任刘卓、日报社辽宁分社秘书长刘策、医科大学博士Simon Kimber 等嘉宾,共有来自多所学校的30名英语在职研究生选手参赛。“21世纪·可口可乐杯”英语演讲大赛比赛由定题演讲和即兴问答两部分组成,选手根据提前抽签确定的比赛顺序依次上场。在比赛过程中,选手们发挥出了较高的英语口语水平:在自选主题演讲中选手们用流利的英语表达自己的见解;评委针对各选手在自选主题演讲中的观点进一步提问,让选手们更加明确深入地阐述自己的观点,也更直观地体现了选手们的临场反应能力和语言功底。比赛过后,外国语学院赵雯讲话,并对选手们的表现作出点评,表达了殷切的期望。东北大学谭泽远、喻辰蔚同学获得二等奖,张秋若、毛雨晨同学获得一等奖,并晋级辽宁省在职研究生决赛。东北大学外国语学院有英语系、日语系、俄语系和德语系,大学英语教研一部、大学英语教研二部、研究生英语教研部和法语教研部;外国语学院在大学外语教学改革、多媒体网络化教学、中日文化比较研究、美国文化研究等方面取得了多项成果。先后被确定为辽宁省大学英语教学改革点和大学英语教学改革点。



英语 演讲稿 首先开头要开门见山,既要一下子抓住听众又要提出你的观点,下面是我整合的英语演讲比赛经典 演讲稿 范文 ,一起来看看吧,肯定对你有所帮助的。



Facing this audience on the stage, I he the exciting feeling of participating in the march of history, for what we are facing today is more than a mere competition or contest. It is an assembly of some of China's most talented and motivated people, representatives of a younger generation that are preparing themselves for the coming of a new century.

I'm grateful that I've been given this opportunity, at such a historic moment, to stand here as a spokean of my generation and to take a serious look back at the past 15 years, a crucial period for ry one of us and for this nation as well.

Though it is only within my power to l about my personal experience, and only a tiny fragment of it at that, it still represents, I beli, the root of a spirit which has been essential to me and to all the people bred by the past 15 years.

In my elementary years, there was a little girl in the class who worked very hard but somehow could nr do satisfactorily in her lessons.

The teacher asked me to her, and it was obvious that she expected a lot from me. but as a young boy, restless, thoughtless, I always tried to evade her so as to get more time to enjoy myself.

One day before the final exam, she came up to me and said, "Could you please explain this to me? I want very much to do better this time. " I started explaining, and finished in a hurry. Pretending not to not her still confused eyes, I ran off quickly. Nat surprisingly, she again did very badly in the exam. And two months later, at the beginning of the new semester, word came of her death of blood cancer. No one r knew about the little task I failed to fulfill, but I couldn't forgive myself. I simply couldn't forget her eyes, which seem to be asking, "Why didn't you do a little more to me, when it was so easy for you? Why didn't you understand a little better the trust placed in you, so that I would not he to lee this world in such pain and regret?"

I was about eight or nine years old at that time, but in a way it was the very starting point of my life, for I began to understand the word "responsibility" and to learn to always do my duties faithfully and devotedly, for the implications of that sacred word has dawned on me: the mutual need and trust of people, the co-operation and inter-reliance which are the very foundation of human society.

Later in my life, I continued to experience many failures. But nr again did I feel that regret which struck me at the death of the girl, for it makes my heart satisfied to think that I he always done rything in my power to fulfill my responsibilities as best I can.

As I grew up, changed and improved by this incident and many other similar ones, I began to perceive the changes taking place around me and to find that society, in a way, was in its formative years like myself. New buildings, new commodities and new fashions appear ry day.

New ideas, new rmation, new technologies. People can talk with each other from any corner of the earth in a matter of seconds. Society is becoming more competitive.

Words like individuality and creativity are getting more emphasis and more people are rewarded for their hard work and efforts. Such is the era in which this generation ,grows and matures.

Such is the era in which this generation will take over the nation from our fathers and learn to run it. Yet in the meantime, many problems still exist.

We learn that crimes take place in broad daylight with crowds of people looking on and not assisting. We hear that there are still about 1 million children in this country who can't n afford to go to elementary schools while enormous sums of money are being squandered away on dinner parties and luxury cars.

We buy shoddy medicines, or merely worthless junk in the name of medicines, that aggrate, rather than alleviate our diseases since money, many people beli, is the most important thing in the world that must be made, n at the expense of morality and responsibility.

Such an era, therefore, determines that we are a generation with a keener sense of competition and efficiency and a greater readiness to think critically and act creatively.

Such an era, furthermore, demands, that we are a generation with a clear perception of our historical responsibility and an aggressive will to take action and solve the problems. History has long been preparing these qualities in this generation and it is now calling us forward to give testimony to our patrioti and i towards this nation and all humanity.

Standing here now, I think of the past 15 years of my life as an ordinary student. Probably I'll be an ordinary man for the rest of my life. But this doesn't discourage me any, for I know that with my sense of responsibility and devoted efforts to always strive, for the best, it's going to be a meaningful and worthwhile life that I will be living.

Standing here now, I think of the past 15 years of this nation, which has achid greatness that inspired millions of people of my age, most of whom will not attain fame or prestige and only a few of whom will be remembered by terity. But that doesn't discourage us any, because we know that the world watches, the world listens, the world is waiting to see where this nation will be heading in a time of rich opportunities and fierce competition.

I can't r forget that little girl in my class who couldn't had the same opportunities as any of us here to enjoy a wonderful life today and a hopeful world tomorrow.

It is the sacred responsibility of this generation to face up to the challenges of the new century and to devote our sweat and blood, our wisdom and passion, to the historic cause of this nation a greater and happier land for ry one of us.

We are not going to evade that responsibility. We are going to let people down. And people, far and near, will hear of us. Frost will be brought to their backbones and tears to their eyes when our stories are told and retold, So let us go forth, my fellow members of this luckily chosen generation, and meet the new century in victory and glory.


Dear teachers, dear students:

hello ryone!

I remember the ancients saying, "three more lights and five more chickens, it is the boy who read. Black hair does not know how to study early, but white head regrets how late he studies. If you don't eat, you are gry, you will be foolish if you don't read. Gorky said“ Books are the ladder of human progress. " "Great Zhou said," Dajiang song turned to the East, and he was poor in the world. "Ten years of face wall breaking, difficult to pay for sea and "

It can be seen that our predecessors study hard and aance their spirit, how persistent; How touching, how can we not be deeply learning?

In our happy campus, in the good learning environment and such superior learning conditions, learning has different views; I he seen in extracurricular books that "learning is a burden, it is not lazy and greedy"; Others think that "learning is like chewing wax, it is not as sweet as cheese and bread." others think that "learning is just going through the field, learning and not learning" and so on. Howr, I think learning is a kind of enjoyment, which can make you intoxicated; Learning is a piece of music that can enrich you. Make you happy in the strings of music. Learning is a delicious, it can make you try sweet, sour and spicy; Only learning! Only know that I am behind. Only learning! Find the gap with others. Only learning! And then you can get up and down; Learning, going forward and working hard are always on the same line. Whip you always forward; But they he a fundamentally different side. That is, it nr ends“ Learning without end! There is no side to learn the sea to make a boat! "

Students! Study hard! Go for the best! Learn new knowledge, read noble and cultivate spirituality; The pursuit makes your eyes look wider from afar. Reading makes the mind trel through time and space, and pursues the immortal world in the future! Thank you!


ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges, good afternoon.

i come from one of the most lovely and attractive areas of china, the pearl river delta of guangdong province and i'd love to say a few words about this area that is so dear to my heart.

guangdong province is a magically beautiful wonderland, with endless natural treasures. the lush and green mountains are inhabited by songbirds and exotic animals; the farm land is fertile and productive, providing all of its people with wonderfully nutritious grains and all the fruits they need to be healthy and strong. the pearl river meanders through the province and ntually comes to our beautiful seashore with crystal clear blue water, flourishing with all kinds of different fish and sea creatures. all these natural aantages to boost the r-expanding economy of guangdong and increase the welfare of its people.

guangdong is privileged to he such a beautiful landscape, with dreds of historical sites and places of great interest to local people and foreigners alike. our capital city, guangzhou, is also known as "the city of flowers". rywhere you look you will see flourishing plants and blossoming flowers overflowing with vigor.

the people of guagdong are very friendly to visitors from anywhere. whor you are and wherr you come from, guangdong people will greet you with the only language---guangdong dialect.

guangdong is also known as the chinese capital of delicious food. there is an old saying that "the only best delicacies are in guangdong.” food from this province is internationally famous. its variety of tastes, shapes and colors can satisfy n the most refined palette. i'm sure, the moment you seat yourself at a cantonese banquet, your appetite will naturally become keen and eager to taste all the numerous delicacies of the region. here are but a few i will mention in passing: steamed fish in ginger sauce, seasoned chicken, drunken shrimp, dance fish balls, fried jellyfish, roast suckling pig or duck, braised crispy chicken or squab, shark fin soup, moon cakes, refreshments and desert, and so many more. my mouth is watering just at the sound of these wonderful dishes.

i would like you all to know that there is truly nowhere in the world i would rather live and i invite you all to come discover the hidden treasures of my hometown. i would be glad to serve as your personal guide.

thank you all.


in addition to other life chos, and many give up. but a lot of life to give up in order to better chos. you this time, the face of the university are beckoning to you, you can choose not to give up. can also say: you give up a lot ……

the last cho, because your young, largely by your parents or relatives to you to make chos. then the cho of their ability to so you can create conditions to you (for example, taking your difference, they can give you the money yoead choosing health). entrance options, but this largely depends on yourself decide the. because: first, the difficulty of the selection bigger, some parents and relatives also lack guidance capability; second is the cho of policy, a more equitable, they may he money, but you also can not score enough money to you. so many chos in this and future autonomy of the major is in your own hands. from

select certain subjective and objective conditions. the university entrance exam already created the objective conditions of cho. for example, the university has long been the face of the door here open for each student, you can enter with their conditions. another example is that the state's admission policy is not directed against an individual, but against all the candidates this year, has been formed, you can only prepare the conditions required by policy to choose. another example: you face the teachers and the teaching environment of objective factors in the last more than 60 days are basically constant. you can only adjust themselves to the further adaptation. therefore, the objective conditions of your current studies, as if we can only face each generation has been formed as the productivity of conditions, can only be subjective on this basis up efforts to promote the dlopment of the existing productive forces, not to complain about now he low productivity. this year's college entrance examination, you can only he been formed by the face of these subjective and objective conditions to efforts to improve their academic performance. not to complain about the objective conditions than me.in addition to other life chos, and many give up. but a lot of life to give up in order to better chos. you this time, the face of the university are beckoning to you, you can choose not to give up. can also say: you give up a lot in the past, that is, to this cho. example, why did not you work outside the home? why not stay at home farming? why seeing your parents morning to ning, busy doing farming work, and n sick exertion in the field, and you share those concerns did not go home for their problem-solving, can you give up so they are not all for this time of cho?

both ge up so much, they chose today, why not try to choose tomorrow? beckon you do not choose to he this as another of the universities? there is the further purification of your soul, raise your quality, and increase your survivability, and improve your quality of life in the future to achi greater value of life your furnace.


When I was sn, I started learning English. I played s and sang English songs with other children. Sometimes, I watched English cartoons. It's funny. Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.

I hope I can trel around the world someday. I want to go to America to visit Washington, because my cousin is over there. Of course, I want to go to London too, because England is where English language dloped. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge University, I will be very happy.

I hope I can speak English with ryone in the world. Also I'll introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, and the gardens in Suzhou. I will teaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country.

I like the English language. To learn English is wonderful. I once wanted to be an English teacher . I also like Chinese literature. When I was really young, I was able to remember lots of poems. I also wanted to be a teacher of Chinese. Now I think that both of my dreams can come true: I will be able to use English to teach foreign friends Chinese and share Chinese culture with them. So that more and more people will be able to get to know the 5000 years' history culture, and the prosperity of our great China.

My future is not a dream.

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