我非常喜欢下雨天在家安静地读书 翻译成英语
I'm a big big girl下面的没一个准确的,都是很中式,而且很多有语法错误,都只是逐字翻译然后堆砌一起的错误句子.有点失望,回答问题也要负的嘛.
拙译:In rainy days,I love to stay at home,reading in peace.
我为我的翻译解释一下.首先,要读懂原句,关键点是下雨天,因为主人公所做的动作,是在下雨天才成立的,这是个前提,所以,翻译的时候,把这个提前了,而且不是一天,两天,是所有下雨的日子,所以是复数,in rainy days.接着是动词的选择,原句是非常喜欢,所以一个like不足以,至于really like(真的喜欢)那就更是远了,而enjoy是享受的意思,不对.而love to do sth的意思就是like..very much(牛津英语词典),it's非常喜欢.安静地读书,我个人不愿意选择quiet 这个很多人时间想到的词,因为quiet 本身意思很多,它最常用的的表示“安静”,对应的反面是“喧闹、嘈杂、大声”等等,而句子中的安静,是体现一种状态,甚至是一种心态——静静地读书,身心都在放松,周围所有的喧嚣仿佛都远去了.如果直接翻译成reading quietly,容易让人误解以为读书的时候发出的声音很小,这不是原句体现的意境.所以我用了reading in peace,peace作为名词,有“the state of being calm or quiet“((人的)一种安静或祥和的状态),这个可以和原句的意境相匹配.stay at home 和 reading in peace,是两个共存共生的状态,所以,我把 reading in peace 用逗号隔开,放在句子末尾,做个伴随状语(可以百度百科,有很详细的解释伴随状语).这样整句的结构看起来读起来都更顺眼和顺口.
做翻译,实不易.句不琢,不成器.低或行,高More black days will be able to he your considerate难济.各同仁,要争气.几句言,表我意.
In a big big world我在人海用力的让梦想盛开I let the dream blooming effort of the crowdIn a bit of a bad mood today. Because it was raining. Was ready to go out to play with friend. Now only stay at home. Howr, no bad. Rain I just idle down and reading books. Remember the day before yesterday to buy the classics is not see yet. Good, so pleasant decided, read books at home on rainy dCan't I give you find the reasonays!
Not dare to call youHow do rain night and I can not find the reasons for我人我已经是个大女孩,在这个大千世界里生中最开开心的一个时期就是高三和几个同学结伴去考专业的那半个多月,因为在这之前的高中一直过着被父母管着的日子,没有太大的自由,那是我们次离开父母自己去生活。那段日子,我们过着不用计算时间的日子,可以睡觉睡到自然醒。在晚上一两点的时候我们会冒着大雪,套上厚厚的衣服跑出宾馆到附近的7-11去买很多冰淇淋回来吃,坐在宾馆里吃着冰淇淋享受着暖气,一冷一热很是啊。在那段时间还和朋友建立了深刻的友谊,那是我们次生活,我们有很多都不会,我们互相鼓励互相学习,日子过的很开心。一直到现在我们都还是很要好的朋友,每次放回家我们都会聚会,只要我们在一起回忆起当年的点点滴滴就永远都只有笑声。
My life is one of the most happy period with some students go to senior professional that Beijing test, because more than half a month before the high school has led by parents with day, not too big, it is free for the first time we went to live away from their parents themselves. In those days, we he no time, can sleep sleep to nature to wake. In the ning when we will take or snow, the thick clothes ran out of the ho near to the 7-11 to buy lots of cream, sit back in the ho eating cream enjoying a cold one heating, hot is very stimulation. During that time still and friends established deep friendship, it is the first time we he independent life, we he many will encourage each other, we learn from each other, and happy life. Until now we are very good friends and we will go home each holiday party, as long as we are toger recall that drops will nr only laughter.
我的舞台 自己主宰It rained yesterday.
It was rainy yesterday.
The weather was rainy yat I do do will miss you muchsterday.
yesterday was a rainy day
It rained yesterday.
It was rainy yesterday.
The weather was rainy yesterday.
It was yesterday that rained.
今天下I can see the first leaf falling雨了
Who, like meIt rains when it will, mother gets married when she wants.
燃烧沸腾的血脉Burning boiling veins那就换成GIRL 或 woman, lady
It rains when it will, girls get married when it's time.
It rains when it will, girls get married when the time comes.
it rains when it will, girls get married when they want.
The sky wants to rain, my mother wants to get married; let it be.
The sky wants to rain, my mother wants to get married; let it be.
It rains when it will, mother gets married when she wants
soming is going to happen one day
The sky wants to rain,my father`s wife wants to get marrI fell in love with you in the Societyied; let it be.
soming is going to happen one day
He who can not waitIt's going to rain today.
miss you much这个问题对人来说不难却易错。仔细看中文,里面没有主语,所以我们就 容易把"今天"当成主语:Today is going to rain. 实际上,英语里面通常用it当作老天爷,刮风下雨下雪等都用it. 而把today当作时间状语, 放在。
It will rain today.
或It is going to rain today.
或It's a rainy day today.
或It's raining today.
或Today is rainy.
或Today is a rainy day.
It will rain today.
It is goingIn a big big world to rain today.
It's rainy today.
It is to rain today.
It is about to rain today.
Today is rainy
Today is raining
It is rainy today!
It is raining today!
It will rain today.
It is going to rain today.
It's rainy today.
Rainy today.
It's raining today.
It's raining today.
It is going to rain today.
How can I miss yoI fell in love with you in the SocietyuI was about to go out when it rained.
Accompany me to rain"I was just about to go out, but it started raining."
It's raining when I wnt out.
The story of rain的一篇英语作文
Miss you much.我喜欢风,南方温暖舒适的海风,冷咬piercingly北部冷空气,所有让我充满了一千感到遗憾的是, acracholia是浪漫的!但是,我喜欢下雨以上,南部闪电和雷声漂流远方有隆隆大雨,北部Outside it's now raining水洗水稻滴水秋雨,使我感伤挥之不去的,是审判和艰苦因此,我净是的美丽!我很喜欢下雨,高兴水样清理是纯粹的,说同样的浮动是遥远和模糊,雾一样暗淡的月光。我也喜欢将燃烧的细雨黄昏,自己一个人在漂浮,节奏被踩雨,走在街道;喜欢的降雨非常滴水悄悄地在自己的身体感觉,那就是非常温和触摸触及,大象已马上一双手说我是呼吸就开始轻视保护。雨被喜欢秋天,雨水溅起了下降,特别是发言,揭露了美丽的时刻...开幕式喷雾一张...但有感伤的故事,歌曲,如果有雨,我的声音被倾听雨在这个夜晚下雨,有雨的故事正在经历着每一个人。新的居民区是上,行人稀少是很多,非常什么,但非常安静的美国。树木冲洗主要街道的秋风飘到构成的答复秋雨的,叶彩车从分支机构的距离,但件空气受到很大有点和平,安静的深呼气下来。中秋节打算拨出心弦,秋风不安的感觉,秋天月亮增长1气质和兴趣,秋雨说明是感人,红叶美国花车悲哀。喜欢在下雨的一天,独自坐在窗口前,静静地沉思,默默地感受, ...窗外面急促的雨,泪就像在心上滴灌,听狄低悄然上升不由自主地在挫折沮丧的声音雨滴的,心是一个线程钼名称disconsolation 。催人泪下的心洒在大海,是漫长的,挥之不去,加入没有多少选择的disconsolation将被混在一起,被披露了丝绸,雨是伤心泪的云,总是,心流泪,漂移在自我的心心灵孤独,荒凉期间,云覆盖稠密的悲哀是一段时间内心雨。不顾什么故事,一下雨会议上,以减轻自我难忘。雨有一种神奇:它可以能够一种情绪弥漫,吸收现成的一种气氛,雕刻能够一种记忆。当然,能不能能够一种沉重的灾难有时。为什么要分开彼此分离总是彼此在下雨天,是一定会去的下雨天?雨,下一刻是明确的和冷静,雨,灰分低的时刻是冷,雨,较低的是悲伤的时刻。在当时不知道起,我沉迷于网络衬砌不愿意与人沟通在自我的世界。喜欢,这样静静地在嘈杂的,喜欢被奇怪的名字各地,人不关心我的孤独。我也相信只是一个心不在焉的阴影,但滞留设几年后在认识清楚,在这方面,在眼神与冷漠对待我落入敌人手中。 。 。我喜欢晚上,我喜欢的就是晚上在互联网上写作的心理状态,然后,属于我完全自给自足。喜欢的文章读热爱网络,喜欢写一些感伤的特点,喜欢一个人知道在字符。这次的喜好来倾听后,自我的心,灵魂传达彼此碰撞是个专家认为,我的灵魂,我是默默相对,我终于知道,所有摆脱了自定义的世界限制,部分不不追名逐利,为什么悠闲舒适的生活和休闲时不要使人们羡慕机械。没有自定义世界的混乱,不主张追求财富和地位的学术荣誉或官阶,让许多生活品味是优雅的一部分。这种“无节制的飞行是轻于一个梦想,无限的丝绸薄雨,如果担心”的拖缆软正在空想是美国,即享受生命,使自然超然的知己是优雅的。 。 。 。始终相信心是和平的内部自我爱好的经营范围建立不久,而不是前进既不发生,只要将是非常安全的;奢望涉及网络herefrom ,再次既不是美好的世界,既不能向他们鼓动和不能受到伤害,轻微的冷淡漠然无动于衷外地播种收获;无论认真的所有权利,不小心所有权利,已成为一种牵强,但似乎认为,一个信使站这样命中目标时我的心一样遥远一个目的地的无限生活,在一个深的心领域的一块净土;这实在是没有什么影响,但心真诚地渴望一个人是有点荒凉,心就是一切,但没有登陆,但在自己人类的自由,相对的是至高无上的。在世界上没有的东西,为什么自我扰乱呢?自我调整在一定程度上的精神状态,涨幅一种组成,温柔,自由的精神状态迅速。雨水冲走民心foppish洛可可,明确的经营范围的降雨混乱的精神状态也爱好和平的的降雨。去雨有时心外面,但明确;有时,外面下雨清楚,但心。很多事情让你品尝世界上的反。明确的心,雨也很清楚;心雨的时刻,是明确的,也下雨了。的声音,雨滴落在睡着了,心,和雨水一起跳舞。 。 。
我是英语老师,我和我们教导主任一起翻译的,应该没有错。英语 “我的舞台”的歌词
How can I miss you花开在悬崖Blossom in cliff
Do not say you will sorry驱散挡住光的阴霾Dispel shielding the light in the haze
and tears are falling from my eyes.而我的眼睛也在流泪。闪亮的舞台Shining stage
见证我骄傲的存在Witness I pride of existence
唱响我的未来Ring my future
我的舞台自己主宰I myself dominate the stage
无所不在排山倒海The omnipresent alanche
分享所有的畅快Sharing all the carefree
我的舞台自己主宰I myself dominate the stage
无所不在排山倒海The omnipresent alanche
分享所有的畅快Sharing all the carefree
我要我的精彩I want my wonderful
我要我的精彩I want my wonderful
如果这是爱If this is love
执着为了所有期待Clinging to all expectations
荣耀的舞台The glory of the stage
唱出最闪亮的色彩Sing the brightest colors
最坚强的姿态The most strong attitude
我的舞台自己主宰I myself dominate the stage
无所不在排山倒海The omnipresent alanche
分享所有的畅快Sharing all the carefree
我的舞台自己主宰I myself dominate the stage
无所不在排山倒海The omnipresent alanche
分享所有的畅快Sharing all the carefree
我要我的精彩I want my wonderful
我要我的精彩I want my wonderful
我在人海 用力的 让梦想盛开
无所不在 排山倒海
无所不在 排山倒海
我在人海 用力的 让梦想盛开
无所不在 排山倒海
无所不在 排山倒海
I myself dominate the stage
Burning boiling veins
The omnipresent alanche
Sharing all the carefree
I want to live to the wonderful
I want to live to the wonderful
If this is love
Clinging to all expectations
The glory of the stage
Sing the brightest colors
I let the dream blooming effort of the crowd
The most strong attitude
I myself dominate the stage
Burning boiling veins
The omnipresent alanche
Sharing all the carefree
I myself dominate the stage
Burning boiling veins
The omnipresent alanche
Sharing all the carefree
I want to live to the wonderful
I want to live to the wonderful
Love you, I always in the societyWhat were you doing while it was raining?
What are you doing during the rainy time?
When it is raining, what are you doing?
what were you doing while it was raining? 这里明显是问过去的某个下雨的时候你在干什么 应该用过去进行时
what were you doing while it was raining?最标准的
what did you do when it is rainHe who can not wait.
what were you doing while it was raining?
What are you often do when raining?
What are you doing when raining?
What do you usually do on rainly days?