你知道农民如何赚钱吗英语 农民靠什么赚钱


你知道农民如何赚钱吗英语 农民靠什么赚钱你知道农民如何赚钱吗英语 农民靠什么赚钱

你知道农民如何赚钱吗英语 农民靠什么赚钱


2、"Three agricultures"s problem is a relation our country the basic problem of the overall situation, the farmer increases to accept is resolve our country"three agricultures"s problem of core.In recent years our country farmer income growth slow-moving, district difference big, structure specific weight variety big, this throws in with farmer cultural ll, agriculture research, agricultural product pr, the existing griculture organize structure, agriculture surplus the labor force transfer and the farmer burden, 's etc.'s factor be closely related.For this, we should adopt the main counterplan is as follows:Raise farmer techno-culture ll, the research strength of the enlargement agriculture;Adjust excellent turn agriculture structure, push forward agriculture industry to turn mament;The surplus labor force of the enlargement agriculture transfers strength;Simplify village organization, the enlargement public finance is to the support strength of the village;Reform the check and supervision farmer increases the factor for accept etc., a promote the construction of new village.在suggestion, proare单词释义:是(be的人称单复数现在时,第三人称复数现在时)公亩(等于100平方米)。

3、al, order, plan, idea, a, decision等需要有内涵的名词后面的表语从句、同。


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